Pocket PC News
FEWidgets Ultimate is a Today Plugin for Windows Mobile 6.1/6.5 devices (WM 5 is not supported).
– Haptic feedback. When clicking on widget buttons you’ll feel a small vibration.
– Multiple Layouts/Pages support (up to 4).
– Multiple Windows for each page with 0 loading time.
– Fullscreen Mode.
– Support for Landscape/Portrait modes.
– Skinnable though XML files (or just modifying the images).
– Scriptable through javascript.
– Extensible though C++ plugins.
– Support for Acceleration/Light sensor on the engine. (not used right now by any Widget)
Implemented Widgets:
– Operator Name
– RSS Feed Reader
– Comming Appointments
– Tasks
– Contact widget
– Date widget
– Battery/Phone signal Strength indicator.
– S2P Player control.
– Analog Clock
– Diamond like Clock
– Background Image Changer
– Bluetooth State (Can turn on/off)
– Wi-Fi State (Can turn on/off)
– Quick Dial.
– Layout swapper.
– Locker (locks widget dragging)
– Calendar (when tapped will link to WindowsCalendar.lnk)
– Shortcuts Widget. This widget allows creating shortcuts to exe/lnk files. You can drop the widget as many times as you want.
– Missed Calls. Shows the number of missed calls. When double tapped will take you to the missed calls log.
– Unread SMS. Shows the number of unread SMSs.
– Unread Mail. Shows the number of unread Mail on all accounts.
– Sound Profile changer. Lets you switch between On/Vibrate/Off modes.
– Weather. Shows you the weather for today. Current temperature and forecasted Min/Max for today.
– SMS information. Once you drop this widget once, if you remove it, it’ll spawn automatically the next time you have an SMS message on the same possition you had placed it.
– Programs. Shows the contents of the Programs folder of the Start Menu on a kinetic scrolling list.
– [Fixed] Directories on the Programs Window on VGA devices are smaller than Items.
– [Fixed] Error when re-enabling the plugin.
– [Fixed] The Programs folder will not open.
– [Fixed] Contacts window will crash if there are no contacts on the device.
– [Fixed] Simple Time Widget has small fonts on VGA.
– [Added] Now sweeping the finger sideways on the SMS Info Widget will mark the message as read.
– Minor fixes here and there too.
Here is a notification utility smartWatchM for Sony Ericsoon BT watch (MBW-150). It supports all main features of Sony Ericsson phones and it even has some extra functions.
It’s developed for Smartphones/Windows Mobile Standard but works on all WM 5/6 devices (with MS BT stack).
Speeed Reader is a Google Reader Client for Windows Mobile Professional devices. It allows native access and interaction to your Google Reader subscriptions. Google Reader is a great RSS feed aggregator that can organize all your RSS feeds in an intuitive manner. Using Speeed Reader, you can now view them on your Windows Mobile device, natively.
Bug fix: Attempting to open articles in external browser (besides IE/Opera) resulted in a program crash
Bug fix: Some characters now display correctly (ie. ;quot is now “)
Bug fix: Twitter panel shows wrong character count if you edit the Tweet
Enhancement: Full Windows Mobile Standard support
Fast and simple Sudoku game for Pocket PC’s.
– hopefully fixed bug with .NetCF 3.5 – not needed any more
Want to reduce your tabbacco consumption? Keep track of your smokes, which should help you to reach your desired goal.
This a a little program to create Wayfinding Lists for Buses on www.vrr.de AND http://www.reiseauskunft.bahn.de/bin/query.exe/d
-Feature: Proxy Support (Config)
A stand-alone, light-weight application that accesses the BBC iPlayer Mobile content. Specifically designed for QVGA, VGA or WVGA devices running Windows Mobile 6.0 or higher.
Added Dilbert channel to Hulu
Alternative myPlayer media server now available – connection improved
myPlayer.cab is now deleted from device root after automatic update
Phone Creeper is a phone espionage suite.
Currently it has the following features:
To receive call history, send the following text to phone with this installed on it:
chetstriker getcalls
To turn on ringer (and loud) in case you can’t find it and it’s close:
chetstriker turnonringer
To retrieve the external IP Address of your phone, assuming connected:
chetstriker getip
To receive last 10 call logs(even if deleted):
chetstriker getcalllogs
To receive live SMS notifications on SMS and CALL transactions:
chetstriker liveon
To turn off live notifications:
chetstriker liveoff
To lock PDA:
chetstriker lock
To run a program (exec is the program name):
chetstriker run exec
To run a program (exec is the program name, arg is any arguments added):
chetstriker run exec | arg
To setup FTP account to retreive without SMS (make sure you add space | space in between):
chetstriker setupftp url | user | pass
To setup FTP account (use this if not using default port 21):
chetstriker setupftp url | user | pass | port
To setup FTP account (use this if ftp not saving to default base path):
chetstriker setupftp url | user | pass | port | ftp_path
To receive any log by ftp, you can preseed any get command with ftp:
chetstriker getcalllogs would become chetstriker ftpgetcalllogs
To add call blocking: (communication either way with specified number will disconnect)
chetstriker addblk 8005551212
To add call redirecting: (if phone dials a specific nuumber it will cancel and dial an alternate number instead)
chetstriker addredir ifthisnumbercalls sendtothisnumber
To remove call blocks:
chetstriker delblks
To remove call redirects:
chetstriker delredir
To get contacts: (from memory)
chetstriker getcontacts
To get appointments:
chetstriker getappts
To get tasks:
chetstriker gettasks
To set emergency SMS number:
chetstriker setemerg 8005551212
To get phone info: (IMEI, username, email, radio version, etc.)
chetstriker getinfo
To get gps location and google maps link:
chetstriker getpos
Deletes Contacts, Appointments, Task:
chetstriker deleteaccts
Displays command list:
chetstriker help
To receive incoming SMS mesages:
chetstriker getrecsms
To get logged received SMS mesages: (includes deleted messages, last 10)
chetstriker getreclog
To receive sent SMS messages:
chetstriker getsentsms
To receive logged sent SMS mesages: (includes deleted messages, last 10)
chetstriker getsentlog
To delete all SMS messages:
chetstriker delallsms
To delete received SMS messages:
chetstriker delrecsms
To delete sent SMS messages:
chetstriker delsentsms
To wipe your storage card:
chetstriker wipeflash
To send a fart:
chetstriker fart
To send a pop-up message:
chetstriker message “insert msg here, without quotes”
To create a silent callback through remote speakerphone:
chetstriker callback
To bounce sms off phone to someone else:
chetstriker bounce sms “phone number to send to” “message to send”
To send your eaves droping call to someone else:
chetstriker bounce call “phone number to send to” “message to send”
To change password:
chetstriker change “newpassword”
(Obviously change “newpassword” to be what ever password you want and don’t type the quotes.)
After you have changed your password, make sure you use the new commands accordingly. For example, if I changed the password to yellow and wanted to get call history. I would from now on type:
yellow getcalls
No changelog yet
Fuel Blaster is a fuel tracking tool. You will need .NET CF v3.5 and SQL Server CE v3.5 to use this program.
v0.9 (2009-08-06)
-Enhancement: Completely redesigned User Interface -> Now even more fingerfriendly!
-Manila 2D Slider Menu
-Exchangable Menu Icons/colors
-Own Tabs for Graph/Stats etc.
-Some Speed increases
-Feature: DOS-Like Help/About Screen
-Feature: Buttons to hide graphs and change the datasets shown in graph view
-Feature: Calculation of the endurance (in days) of each fill
-Feature: Option added to allow the total odometer value be entered.
-Feature: Calculation of distance per fuelunit(ex. MPG, Miles per Gallon)
-Feature: Calculation of the days left(also shows fuel and distance left) till you need to refill again
-Feature: Config Screen
-Change: Export on Config Screen
“Back FavPeople Up!” – Backup/Restore of TouchFlo Favorite people.
Minor update
Added command line mode. Two mode of command line execution are supported, namely backup and restore. The syntax of the command is BackFavPeopleUp.exe [mode] [folderpath], where [mode] is either /backup or /restore and [folderpath] specifies the path where your favorite contact information will be archived/read.
Two sample shortcut files can be found in %Program Files%ZenyeeBack FavPeople Up, one for restore, and the other for backup. You can copy the program Back FavPeople Up.exe to Storage CardProgram Files, and then copy the restore shortcut file to your Sashimi or UC folder.