GrafX2 is a drawing program dedicated to pixelart and low-color graphics. This program is dedicated to everybody who knows what a single pixel is. Its layout is not very different from the famous Deluxe Paint or Brilliance, so it will be quite easy to handle it if you know at least one of these programs. If you aren’t used to the art of drawing with up to 256 colors, it will be a little more difficult for you, but you should give it a try (or more, because most of the power of this program won’t show up on the first try). Then, you might eventually like to draw the oldskool way!
– Latest development version from Gitlab new repository.
– Updated libs and sources.
QComicBook by Pawel Stolowski is a viewer for PDF files and comic book archives containing jpeg/png/xpm/gif/bmp images, which aims at convenience and simplicity. Features include: automatic unpacking of archive files, full-screen mode, continuous scrolling mode, double-pages viewing, manga mode, thumbnails view, page scaling, mouse or keyboard navigation etc. Ported to Pandora by Canseco.
– Latest beta release from new Gitlab sources.
– Compiled with QT 5.8 from latest Codeblocks beta PND.
– Added xkb keyboard made by _jr_ and integrated by ptitSeb.
– Updated default config, libs and sources.
ZEsarUX (ZX Second-Emulator And Released for UniX) is a ZX Spectrum emulator for UNIX systems, but also available compiled for the Pandora. It emulates the following: ZX Spectrum, ZX-Uno, ZX80, ZX81 and Z88.
– Make ZX-UNO default emu. ROM and MMC copied at first start to appdata folder.
– Flite config files restored. Text to Speech works again.
– Changed default config. It would overwrite the current one the first time only.
– Fixed permission files on share/zesarux folder.
Stunt Car Remake is a port to Linux and OpenPandora of Stunt Car Racer Remake, a windows remake (based on the disassembly of the Amiga version) of the old Stunt Car Racer from the AtariST/Amiga time. Ported to Pandora by ptitSeb.
* Optimized Cockpit rendering
* Added back MSAA for Gigahertz model
QMPlay2 is a video and audio player. It can play all formats supported by FFmpeg, libmodplug (including J2B and SFX). It also supports Audio CD, raw files, Rayman 2 music and chiptunes. It contains YouTube and Prostopleer browser. Ported to Pandora by Canseco.
– Latest stable release. Compiled with QT 5.8 from latest Codeblocks beta PND.
– Added xkb keyboard made by _jr_ and integrated by ptitSeb.
– Updated default config, libs and sources.
M.A.R.S. a ridiculous shooter. It is a game for two players, flying with ships in a two-dimensional space setting, governed by the laws of gravity. Ported to Pandora by ptitSeb.
YACReader is possibly one of the best comic readers and comic managers with support for cbr cbz zip and rar comic files. It can be used as a PDF or image viewer too. It is available for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, IOS and now OpenPandora.
– Compiled program and libs with QT 5.8.0 from latest Codeblocks beta PND.
– Added xkb keyboard made by _jr_ and integrated by ptitSeb.
– Updated libs.
CopyQ is advanced clipboard manager with editing and scripting features. Ported to Pandora by Ekianjo and Canseco.
– Latest stable release. See Changelog below.
– Compiled with QT 5.8.0 from latest Codeblocks beta PND.
– Added xkb keyboard made by _jr_ and integrated by ptitSeb.
– Updated sources and libs.
Gods Deluxe is a remake of the excellent Bitmap Brothers platform game. All classic levels are now complete and working. Ported to Pandora by ptitSeb. The homepage of this remake can be found here.
* Updated sources
QjackCtl is a simple Qt application to control the JACK sound server (, for the Linux Audio infrastructure. Ported to Pandora by Canseco.
– Compiled with QT 5.8.0 from latest beta Codeblocks PND.
– Added xkb keyboard made by _jr_ and integrated by ptitSeb.
– Updated libs.