Track My Expenses v1.0 (PPC Application)

J2ME application which help to track expenses. At the end of the month you know where you money are gone.

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Android Hotspot Login v0.1.1 (Beta) (Android Application)

Application for ANDROID mobiles to automaticaly log into captive portals (hotspots with login form). The solution is configurable and not specific for one Hotspot. Tested with G1 and german T-Mobile Hotspot.

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Android PDF Viewer v0.1.1 (Beta) (Android Application)

Android PDF Viewer is a viewer for PDF-Files on ANDROID mobiles. The implementation will be a port of the PDF-Renderer which is published by SUN under the LGPL:

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GMU Music Player WIP (Dingoo Linux Application)

Wejp is currently porting his GMU Music Player, originally developed/ported for the GP2x, over to the Dingoo.

He already has first success and got it running, but there are some minor things left to fix.

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PDRC v4.01 – Judging status (misc)

Unfortunatly one of the judges still did not bring in his results. If this should not happen latest during comming weekend, we will publish the results on Monday 29th June 2009.

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Zero Dollar Store (23-06-2009) (PPC Application)

Zero Dollar Store is an application store for Windows Mobile in early development stages.


New Category list display – easier to read/click
Progress bar for thumbnail loading (good for big categories like GAMES)
Added about screen so you know what version you have (built in updating coming soon)
Added tons of test apps (some downloads fail…sorry)

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Where is v0.8.0 (PPC Application)

“Where is…” is a new GPS program for Windows Mobile 5/6 completely writed in .NET. It gives you distance and direction from your destination without any internet connection or other expensive navigation programs.

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Paper Plane v1 (GP2x Game)

momosxp has backported his Wiz game “Paper Plane” to GP2x. Your job is to navigate a paper plane through 10 levels.,0,0,0,27,2775

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INImaker v0.1 (Wiz Application)

This is a small application that creates .ini files for all applications that are in the SD card’s game folder. It tries to avoid overwriting or creating duplicate .ini files if they already exist.,0,0,0,116,120

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Lingoox WIP (23-06-2009) (Dingoo OS)

Lingoox is a Linux for the Dingoo A320 and other JZ47xx based devices.

Ignacio Garcia (aka booboo) has been a bit silent recently, but here comes another interesting bit to read!


Sorry for the slow updates. I’ve had to deal with lots of unexpected trouble during testing of dual-boot, plus school finished recently and thus my two daughters require more attention.

I appreciate your support very much and I know you’re all holding your breath for the dual-boot functionality, so, please excuse me for the delay.

This is what’s been done:

Dual boot code has been moved from U-Boot to the SPL: removes tiny delay introduced when booting the original firmware.

LCD support implemented both in SPL and U-Boot (both ILI9325 and ILI9331). The LCD now goes live immediately on bootup, which is great when loading linux because otherwise you would see a black LCD for a couple of seconds until the kernel framebuffer driver kicks in, and it is a bit confusing.
Implemented access to the SPL area (first eraseblock of NAND) in the linux kernel. This allows flashing the dual-boot binaries from linux.

Streamlined the flashing of the dual-boot binaries from linux.
This is what needs to be done:

Add a simple dialog that shows a disclaimer and asks for confirmation before flashing the dual-boot binaries.
That is very easy and I just need a couple of hours to do it, so I can assure there will be a release tomorrow or the day past tomorrow.

One final note: someone posted a comment pointing out that lingoox might sound a bit offensive in some contexts. If this is a problem we’re on time to change it… so please let me know.

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