Memory Stick IPL Dumper (PSP Application)

Here is a simple tool which starts dumping data after reading the first 8192 bytes. It dumps exactly 256kb of data. This should be sufficient for dumping most IPLs from the Memory Stick.

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MLlib v1.0 (NDS misc)

MLlib is a NDS multi-touch library.

Release notes from hillbilly:

I finally finished my library based on Felix’s code ( ) and thought to release it with one demo in it. (I’ll keep the photo demo to myself for now..). The demo is a little drumming application. Pretty simple but it still has some bugs. Please post back about any findings regarding this library. All hail the Nintendo DS and PAlib!

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Bloody Mess Mobile v0.9g (J2ME Game)

Bloody Mess Mobile is a top-down shooter game for mobile phones with J2ME MIDP 2.0 profile & bluetooth support. It is based on famous PC game Crimsonland & allows you to fight hordes of monsters on you mobile phone!

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2600 De Amigo (Atari 2600 Game Batari Basic Source Code)

Developer “Open Source Pong” who was previously coding an open source Pong game, comes up with a new game. Unfortunatly without binary, so this release might be of limited use for the public.

Release notes:

Here is the Source Code for my new game 2600 De Amigo. When the note touches the corresponding box you move the joystick in that direction to score points. Right now you don’t lose points for moving the joystick while the note isn’t in a box but, that will be added in the next version. The reason i am including the source and not a binary is because there is no way to change the direction of the arrow at this moment and you will need to change a line in the source to control which direction the note will go. However this will allow you to test the basic aspects of the game never the less.

Changing this line controls the direction of the note as follows
0 – none
1 – up
2 – down
3 – left
4 – right

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Acid Fish v1.01 (A2600 Game)

Guide your fish through murky waters and don’t touch anything. The game gets faster every 50 points until you finally enter a pure panic.

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WAD Manager v1.3 (Wii Application)

Waninkoko has released a new version of his WAD Manager for the Nintendo Wii. Using this homebrew application you can install and uninstall WAD files from a USB Gecko, the Front SD Card Slot and a USB Device. This new version features SDHC support (Front SD Card Slot) along with Homebrew Channel 9 compatibility.

Thanks to brakken ( ) for the news and the newstext.

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Visual Boy Advance GX v1.0.4 (GBA emu for GC)

Visual Boy Advance GX is a Game Boy Advance / Game Boy emulator for the Wii and GameCube based on VBA-M and Visual Boy Advance v1.7.2.

Plenty of GBA homebrews can be found at – for GB and GBC homebrews you may visit

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Visual Boy Advance GX v1.0.4 (GBA emu for Wii)

Visual Boy Advance GX is a Game Boy Advance / Game Boy emulator for the Wii and GameCube based on VBA-M and Visual Boy Advance v1.7.2.

Plenty of GBA homebrews can be found at – for GB and GBC homebrews you may visit

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Fresh Pandora news in german language can be found at, enjoy!

By with 0 comments (Pandora misc) is a brandnew and growing portal in german language, specialized in Open Handhelds such as the Wiz, GP2x and Pandora.

Greeting message:

In den nächsten Tagen werden wir einige neue Artikelserien starten, die euch hoffentlich die Wartezeit bis zum Release der Pandora etwas kurzweiliger gestalten. Ihr könnt gespannt sein, welche Themen sich unser Team für euch ausgedacht hat.

Natürlich werden wir auch die Features und das Design der Website weiter ausbauen. Beispielsweise werdet ihr bald die Möglichkeit haben, unsere Artikel per RSS-Feed zu abonnieren.

Wir möchten uns für die geäußerte konstruktive Kritik bedanken, und versuchen die Verbesserungsvorschläge bald umzusetzen.

Schaut einfach in ein paar Tagen mal wieder rein, dann gibt es sicherlich einige Neuheiten zu entdecken.

Good luck, colleagues! 🙂

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