Lua Prog v0.4 (PSP Application)

This application by darksidious77 is used to edit Lua files on your PlayStation Portable.


– 240 characters
– Copy
– Paste (3 lines)
– Search function
– Function replace
– Img_viewer
– The launch of mp3 file management since
– Eboot launcher (file) available only from the menu open
– Iso launcher (file)
– File management (select button)
– General amelioration of lediteur
– Function functional test
– Auto backup before a test and replace it before
– Menu option (for setting the autosauveguarde and color of the cursor)
– Menu lua function (explaining many of the functions lua)

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Game Time Calculator v0.1 (PSP Lua Application)

A tool by BigProMan, count the time you spend playing games on your PlayStation Portable.

Release notes:

Following the request of some members, I make a plug capable of calaculer how much time you spend on your favorite games or homebrews.

– You can activate a GAME, GAME150 and POPS! (you can also activate a VSH if you want ^ ^)
– A timer starts at each launching a game
– You can view real-time this time, a push button SELECT (time displayed in the upper left of the screen in red)
– To save time, activate the button HOLD quans you are about to leave the game, and time is saved in a file corresponding to the date itself in the folder “GTC” (created for the prx you)
– You can look at how long you play your games / homebrews each day!

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Lua Raycaster v0.1 (PSP Lua Application)

A raycaster written in Lua by JDourlens.

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Musical Blind Test v0.3 (PSP misc)

Sk4rT4l released a new program written in C called “Musical Blind Test”. Full details in french language at it’s release thread (follow the link below).

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iContact v0.8 (PPC Application)

iContact is designed to be an all-inclusive finger-friendly contact manager for Windows Mobile PocketPC phones.


Added settings editor!
Added icon for settings editor into control panel
Changed add contact icon in default skin
Fixed “auto” email account
Bugfix: An upgrade will no longer overwrite your settings
Added GPLV3 License text to source code
Added iPhone skin to standard distribution
Removed ListBackground from .skn file, added to .png file
Added DetailMainText and DetailMainShadow to .skn file
Removed TitlebarBattery and TitlebarBatteryCharge, now uses .png to fill battery
Changed “Show Summary” to the less confusing “Manage Contact”


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G-Alarm v0.1.1 (PPC Application)

G-Alarm is an alarm clock with a special mechanism to wake you up. Before the alarm clock stops you need to guide a ball through a labyrinth.


– [FIX] QVGA support
– [FIX] Error when trying to add files to the playlist
– [FIX] Error when creating alarms on devices where time format is not 24h
– [FIX] Error on reloading alarms on some devices
– [ADDED] Better power management support

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Homebrewcast Episode 5 (misc)

Imagine someone giving you an audio blogcast talking about homebrew releases – your wish has become true!

Homebrewcast is just doing this!

Episode 5 has the following topics:

-GBAtemp Homebrew bounty 08/08

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SuperTux2 (PS3 Linux Game)

SuperTux is a free software, classic style 2D jump and run game inspired by the Nintendo Super Mario series. It was originally created by Bill Kendrick and is currently maintained by the SuperTux Development Team.

Instead of Mario, the hero in this game is Tux, the mascot of the Linux kernel, albeit the game’s only reference to Linux. Many of the in-game graphics were created by Ingo Ruhnke, creator of Pingus.

Thanks to for the news.

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Karatakus (30-08-2008) (A2600 Game)

donnerkuh from Germany is working on his very first Atari 2600 homebrew game with the help of batariBasic.

Avoid shurikens and defeat ninjas!

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Terrance and Phillip (Build 44) (A2600 Game)

Do you remember the two farting guys “Terrance & Phillip” from South Park? Now those two guys have their very own computergame on the Atari 2600 platform.

Release notes from atari2600land:

Three new screens. Since they are in the middle of level 4, I made the game start at the first new screen. When level 4 is done, then I will begin work on level 5 (the pigs’ “fartress”), and once that is over, the game will be for the most part complete.

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