Cardboard Arcade Cabinet for GP2x (GP2x misc)

Ruckage designed a cardboard arcade cabinet that is a stand for the GP2x.

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GP2xpectrum v1.7 (Spectrum emu for GP2x)

Seleuco and Metalbrain updated their Spectrum emulator GP2xpectrum.


What’s new:
the big stuff added by Seleuco:
– Full tzx support. New tape code for tap and tzx formats.
– Added Tape sound emulation.
– “fast loading” option to disable speed emulation, tape sound, and contended mode while the game is loaded.
– “flash loading” option to flashload tape blocks when possible.
– “edge loading” option to accelerate game loaders dynamically.
– “Tape Auto Play/Stop” option to play/stop the tape automatically. Best for multilevel games.
– A yellow play label is shown on the screen while the tape is playing; if the label is green, the emulator has detected a loader
and is applying the “edge loader” algorithm.
– Auto “full screen off-on” when the tape is playing.
– Added a Tape browser to view/select tape blocks, play/stop the tape manually and to change the tape without resetting the speccy.
– Added the possibility to select the file to load from a zip file.
– Resized the program selection screen to allow longer file names and view the file extensions.
my humble contribution (Metalbrain):
– Added reset for +2A mode.
– Fixed a bug when loading .z80 files saved in +2A/+3 mode (the ROM wasn’t properly selected).
– To improve performance, the battery won’t get polled on F100 models when battery icon is inactive, and it gets polled less frequently when active.
– Replaced the text “ROM LIST” with “PROGRAM LIST”, and “+3 disc” with “+3 disk”.
– Updated documentation.
and the finishing touch by headoverheels:
– Compiled with profiling option.

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Time Baby v11c (PSP Application)

Art updated his clock/time application “Time Baby”.


– Better display fix for wake from standby

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Ozgur Hanoi v0.1 (GP2x Game)

Ozgur Hanoi is a simple Towers of Hanoi game project aimed to produce know-how about coding games for GP2X using SDL.,0,0,0,25,2493

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PSPMO5 v1.0.1 (Thomson MO5 emu for PSP)

PSPMO5 is a port on PSP of the version 11 of DCMO5. DCMO5 is one of the best emulator of the Thomson MO5 home computer running on many systems such as MacOS, Windows and Unix. It has been written by Daniel Coulom (see for further details).

Sources are included, and this package is under the GNU public licence v3, read COPYING.txt file for more information about it.

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LUAPlayer HM v2.0 (PSP Application)

LUAPlayer HM is a modified LUA Player for Playstation Portable by homemister91.


——New Features——

Slim and Phat Enabled.

New Functions and ability to play new audio files

Sound Files able to be played

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ASCII Attackers from Hell (PSP Lua Game)

The controlls are simple, left and right and shoot. All you have to do is shoot down 60 attackers and you win. Its harder than you think though, if you miss one of them, it lays down a mine that chases you and if your lucky you can avoid it for awhile, but it will kill you. There are three levels also, all “Ascii Shui”

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Bunjalloo v0.5.3.1 (NDS Application)

Bunjalloo is a web browser for the Nintendo DS. It under active development, and can already display simple pages, follow links and view images.


Fix clicking URL on url/image menu, as reported in issue 44

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PSPZX81 v1.2.0 (ZX81 emu for PSP)

Here is the final version of PSPZX81 the ZX-81 emulator for PSP.


– New eboot icons based on Raven’s stuff
– Add several new hotkeys :
. settings such as fps, render mode can now be directly
modified inside the emulator
(no need to enter in the settings menu)
. quick save / quick load current state
(no need to enter in the main menu)
– Default Hotkeys can now be set in the keyboard mapping menu
(useful to add hotkeys on existing/previous keyboard files)
– Add vsync option
– Can now be compiled for linux (useful for debug)
– Bug fix in the low battery watchdog

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Simplify Media Mobile (iPhone Application)

Have all of your music at your fingertips with Simplify Media for the Apple iPhone and the iPod Touch. Enjoy songs and playlists from remote computers wherever you have WiFi access. Alpha version available now through the AppTap Installer.

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