Morpion Solitaire (NDS Game)

Morpion Solitaire is a game by Gedeon34. Description in french language is available at his blog.

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Fenix Engine v0.92a (Beta) (DC misc)

SWAT created a port the latest Fenix engine v0.92a to be used with the Dreamcast. This version runs *.dcb and app.dcb files from the root directory of its CD.

Thanks to Christuserloeser for the news!

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DSWiFi v0.3.2 (NDS misc)

DSWiFi has now been updated for compatibility with 512k firmware DS units. The library and source files are now available from SourceForge and will be available through the devkitPro updater as usual once the files have had time to propagate through the mirrors.

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mpdDS (07-07-2007) (NDS Application)

mpdDS is a MPD client for the Nintendo DS coded by kuri. This version has no official version number and seems to be an early release.

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Kill Brick DC (DC Game)

Kill Brick DC is a clone of LBreakout, which itself is, well, a breakout/arkanoid game.

PS: Posting from Abu Dhabi International 🙂 Yeh, free internet!

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Possible news break this weekend (misc)

Kojote has to head off for two days, unless Kedo or Celeth will not post news, there wont be updates. Expect regular service again by monday evening/night.

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PSP Stackless v2.4.4.1 (PSP Application)

Stackless Python is a enhanced port of Jerome’s PSP Python port. Python is a scripting/programming language.

This version now support playback of MP3 and OGG files, along with other things.

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Saving Ichigo – Brawler v0.1 (PSP Lua Game)

Release notes from Rukia:

Yo, this here is the fighting game i said i would release after Saving Ichigo, it includes the fighters from the game Saving Ichigo and since this is v0.1 it doesnt have all the characters or backgrounds but in the next version there’ll be more characters(cant really say a number) and backgrounds, and also alternate costumes for some characters

Character list(Still Growing)

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PSPirates Alarm Clock v0.2 (PSP Lua Application)

This application let you specify a time, when a certain (wakup)tune has to be played.


–Some bugs corrected
–AM PM modes
–Louder alarm
–Power saving by declocking +20% battery saving in alarm mode
–Time displaying corrected
–Button errors corrected
–Autopoweroff prevention
–Take screenshots
–New sounds
–Alarm errors corrected
–Usb mode corrected
–Night mode for the game
–New animations
–And more features…

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LightMP3 v1.1.0 (PSP Application)

LightMP3 is a MP3 Player for PSP


-Added support for M3U file
-Added playlist browser
-Added playlist editor
-File browser now filters files, showing only mp3 and m3u.
-Added shuffle and repeat
-Added volume boost option

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