All ADIC 2002 Submissions are out now! The releases by name are:
– Tie Break
– Area 52
– Fire Demo
– baardei by aardbei
– Comi
– GePad
– GostHouse
– GpKalk
– GpekPong
– A New Star is Born
– maclink
– GpScramble
– ModPlay
– Morning breeze
– PlusIV emulator
– Water
– The Arena
– Winds Up
– World of Picross
– Yoke Yoke
Added Dec 9, 2002, Under:
Theif updated his simple shooter game to version 1.1 which might be the final version regarding his e-mail. Theif does NOT have a homepage yet. Get the file directly from the PDroms GP32/Game section.
Added Dec 8, 2002, Under:
Theif released a simple shooter game for GP32. Current version is 1.0 beta. The Author isn’t sure if his program runs on real hardware, if you have a chance to test it, please let him know about it. Thank you goes out to Oscar BraindeaD who told me about this new game on IRC.
Since I do NOT have an URL for this game the download is avaliable locally in the GP32/Game section.
Vinazzani Domenico brings us a brandnew puzzle game. Get the download from GBAdev.
Matt updated his C64 “Thurst” remake once again. Changes are:
Running out of fuel and dying ends the game.The reactor flashes when it goes into meltdown.
Added a pause mode using the”Select”key.
Added an”enter”character to the highscore entry.
During highscore entry the “Up” and “Down” keys repeat after a short delay.
Nintendo 64
3DS Model Conversion by Snake
Alienstyle by Protest Design
Christmas Flame Demo by Halleys Comet Software
Congratulations Demo by Dynamix
Eurasia Intro by Ste
Fireworks Demo by Obsidian Team
Fistro (Eurasia 1st N64 Intro) by Eurasia
Freek World BBS Intro by Rene
Freek World New Intro by Ste (RE-UPLOAD)
Friendship Intro by Protest Design and High Society
Happy Birthday Steve by Nep
Hard Coded by Iceage
Super Fighter Demo by Halleys Comet Software
Atari 2600
DUP Space Invaders by Ron Corcoran
QB v2.15 by Andrew Davie
Incredible Technologies (6809) Demo by Charles Doty
Mine Sweeper by Mawura
Neo Geo CD Demo by Charles Doty
Taito F3 Demo by Richard Bush
Gameboy Advance
NMOD Player v1 Beta by NEiM0D
Pacoman (FINAL) by Taiyou
TriPlay v1.0 by Sammy Fatnassi
Viracide v1.01 by The Letter M
Gameboy Color
SOS by R-Lab
Star Heritage FINAL by R-Lab
Wired by R-Lab
GP 32
GaPlaam32 v0.1 by Edhel
GPVGB v0.11 by ZardozJ and Tylor
Masterlator GP32 v0.01b by CHN
YapeSDL GP32 v0.32.2 by CHN
Taiyou emailed me today to let us know that his Pacman-Clone “Pacoman” has reached FINAL stage. Get the download from his page.
A new game appeared on GBAdev. TriPlay is a cardgame created by Sammy. Get the download from!
NEiM0D send a beta of his recently created MOD-Player for GBA to You can download the file from there (Thanks to GBAdev for the news).
Author notes:
Here I present you a preview of the upcoming NMOD Player.
Features are:
– Stereo (channels 0,3 left;channels 1,2 right).
-4 channels playback.
-16000Hz samplerate.
-All protracker effects are supported.
-Small size (5k!)
-Plays straight from the MOD format, no need to convert it.
-Fast (average 10% CPU usage)
-Ability to syncronize your demos with the volume / note / instrument / row / pattern and much more! 🙂
Oh and, it will be open source!! assembler source & C source included!