Frogatto and Friends v1.1.0.2 (Pandora Game Port)

Frogatto and Friends is an old-school 2D platformer game, starring a certain quixotic frog. It’s a big adventure with all the classic fun – you fight monsters, collect coins, talk to people, and buy new stuff.


* Fixed crash when dying.

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PNDstore v0.2.3.0 (Pandora Application)

PNDstore is an essential application for all Pandora users! It act’s as “store” system for many Pandora related things such as games, emulators and applications. The system is easy to use and so it is easy to get more content on your Pandora!


Fixed bug with invalid package blocks in PXML.

I had previously made the assumption that, if the PXML had a package block, that block would be entirely valid, since milkshake’s repo would check them. Turns out milkshake let a mistake slip through, causing a screwup because of that assumption. So instead, it’s now much more robust, and failed XML parsing will always fall back on libpnd parsing for any failure.

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UAE4ALL (15-05-2011) (Amiga 500 emu for Pandora)

UAE4ALL for the Pandora has been updated. UAE4ALL is a famous branch of UAE, an well known Amiga emulator. It’s very compatible and runs many games!


* Added Chip Mem 512kB/1MB/2MB and Bogo Mem 0/512kB/1MB selectable now
* Added Pandora CPU speed can be set in the GUI now
* Added Memory & CPU speed settings can be saved/restored “per game” and “general”
* Added last used directory for diskload-menu(s) gets saved & restored
* Added 20 blank ADFs for saving games (where supported) in cyclone core
* R-trigger + (Y) is now autofire on/off also in Custom controls mode
* L-trigger is now only in mouse/pinball control mode mapped to left ALT
* Refresh rate 50Hz/60Hz is selected in the GUI now (not prior to starting the emulator)
* Bugfix: screen-positioning gets saved/restored correctly again
* Bugfix: Dpad isn’t mapped to joystick anymore in custom controls “custom dpad” mode

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BAGPlug (Release 3.2) (NDS Application)

BassAceGold updated his replacement Supercard DSTwo plugin menu “BAGPlug”. It’s really only of use for DSTwo owners, others can ignore this plugin!

Release notes:

Release 3 – 2:
-fixed exiting of “open with” sub menu
-added -EOSSETTINGS flag for arg files which forces BAGplug to fill in globalsettings.ini for the launched program. (internal launcher will launch the default EOS version installed for commercial roms)

*Upgrade Notes*
-nds.arg has been updated to show use of -EOSSETTINGS flag

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Livingstone Supongo (10-05-2011) (NDS Game)

Livingstone Supongo is a remake of the Spanish game with the same name, originally released by Opera Soft S.A. The game has been remade by Spanish developer prizzio.

Thanks to for the news.

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Vultures Eye v2.2.100 (Pandora misc)

Vulture’s Eye in an isometric graphical interface for NetHack. Licensed under the Nethack General Public License.

Coded by Clive Crous, ported to Pandora by First.,0,0,0,26,400

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MinAmp v0.3 (Pandora Application)

MinAmp by Bill Kewley for Pandora (and desktop Linux) is a minimal music player mainly designed for use as a car player. It’s is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.,0,0,0,6,399

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MTR-GTK v0.80.0.1 (Pandora Application Port)

MTR combines the functionality of the ‘traceroute’ and ‘ping’ programs in a single network diagnostic tool. Ported to Pandora by BitWizard B.V.

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XBoard v4.5.2a.8 (Pandora Game Port)

XBoard is a port of the open source chess game XBoard.


No changelog provided

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SciTE Text Editor v2.21.0.0 (Pandora Application Port)

SciTE Text Editor is a text editor based on Scintilla with syntax highlighing. Ported to Pandora by urjaman.

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