Chromium (WIP) (Pandora Application Port)

sebt3 is about to port Chromium to the Pandora. Unfortunately he is stuck with a problem, help him out if you can 🙂

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GemRB (WIP) (Dingoo Linux Port misc)

SiENcE is on half way through porting GemRB to Dingux. GemRB is a Game Engine port of the original Infinity Engine (the one of Baldur’s Gate, Icewind Dale, Planescape: Torment, etc…) to Linux/Unix, Mac OS X and Windows with some enhancements.

There is NO release yet!

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Blocked In v2.06v2 (A2600 Game)

A mad scientist decided he wanted a pet and bought a fish. Being that he’s a mad scientist, he can’t just have any normal tank, though. He built a special one where the coral attacks you, the walls close in to crush you, and the water slowly drains out! Beware, the mad scientist will only revive you three times before he gets bored and leaves you dead for good!

You guide the fish with the joystick and navigate through the coral gaps. If you hit the coral while in the left half of the screen the left side of the tank closes in on you. If you hit the coral while in the right half of the screen the right side closes in on you.

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Tetra Master v0.78.8 (PPC Game)

Tetra Master is a remake of a mini card game which can be found in Final Fantasy IX.

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LeoCameraAnyKey v0.4 (PPC Application)

The HD2, Touch HD, HD Mini and Touch Pro 2 lack of a camera button. Why use the touchscreen when you may use any Hardware button to take a photo and zoom in/out?

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Hit the Kitty v1.12 (PPC Game)

Are you sick and tired yet of seeing Hello Kitty more or less everywhere? This game will give you the chance of venting some of that frustration – try and hit the kitties popping out of the windows!

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Pandora-Atari v1.1.0 (A800 emu for Pandora)

Pandora-Atari is a port of Atari800. Atari800 is an emulator for the 800, 800XL, 130XE and 5200 models of the Atari personal computer.

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Enigma v1.01 (Pandora Game Port)

Enigma is a puzzle game inspired by Oxyd on the Atari ST and Rock’n’Roll on the Amiga. The object of the game is to find uncover pairs of identically colored Oxyd stones. Simple? Yes. Easy? Certainly not! Hidden traps, vast mazes, laser beams, and, most of all, countless hairy puzzles usually block your direct way to the Oxyd stones.,0,0,0,25,174

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RetroAction Issue 4 (misc)

Retroaction is an interactive magazine featuring old and new games on retro platforms like the Amstrad CPC, Sinclair, Commodore, DOS, Arcade, Atari, Sega, Nintendo, NEC, MSX, Acorn, Apple, and more.


Killer App: Strider
A game that is so outstanding that you would buy the system just to play that game. The essential games that every retro gamer should play. This issue, it’s Strider for the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis.

Retro Respect: Raid on Bungeling Bay
We’ve all missed a classic during our time (I know I have). This is
where we pay respects to the forgotten classics, the misunderstood, and the underdogs. Will Wright’s classic C64 game finally gets some retro respect.

Retro Respect: Feud
We also pay some respect to the classic 1987 ZX Spectrum game from the development team of the Pickford Brothers.

Emulator Profile: ZX Spin
We take a look at ZX Spin, one of the most popular emulation packages for one of the most popular home computer of its time, the ZX Spectrum.

Armalyte (PC)
The classic C64 shoot-‘em-up recently got the PC remake treatment. We take it for a playtest.

Zaku (Atari Lynx)
The long forgotten Atari Lynx handheld console gets a long a waited new game released for it. Zaku zooms into our review section.

Jason ‘Kenz’ Mackenzie
The man behind Psytronik Software – as well as other retro ventures – tells us all about his journey through retroland.

Brandon Cobb & Osman Celimli
To accompany our review of the Atari Lynx game, Zaku, we spoke to developer/designer Osman Celimli and publisher Brandon Cobb about the game and Super Fighter Team.

Out-of-Print Archive
Co-founders Andy De Wilde and Carl Williams spoke to us about their classic videogaming magazine preservation project.


Major happenings in the world of retrogaming.

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Where we recommend other retrogaming media, including ezines, podcasts and more.

Computer Warrior
Part four of our coverage of the Computer Warrior comic strip, which was published in the Eagle comic from 1985-1994, where gamers discover how to play computer games within the computer’s realm.

Thanks to Brandon Cobb, CEO of , for the news.

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Openxiles Big Caanoo Review (Caanoo misc)

Nova just finished his Caanoo review. After playing with the console for over a week now, he wrote an interesting review. Follow the link for the full information plug!

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