OpenJazz (SVN) (03-07-2010) (Pandora misc)

OpenJazz is a free, open-source version of the classic Jazz Jackrabbit games. OpenJazz can be compiled on a wide range of operating systems. To play, you will need the files from one of the original games.

Release notes:

I updated the openjazz pnd with the latest svn source, and these awesome changes have occured since the last release (theres also been a good amount of work in the svn since the last release:,0,0,0,35,55

Jazz Jackrabbit 2 levels1/7/’10 I’m pleased to announce that I’ve just added support for Jazz Jackrabbit 2â„¢ level files. Select “specific level” from the episode list, and you can now type in the name of any level you want. Support is very limited at the moment, but there’s more to come.

As you make your way from the launch of the program to the end of a level, you’ll notice a bunch of other new features:

* The first change you’ll see is Jazz blinking during the introductory cutscene, thanks to AnotherGuest. Other cutscenes have also improved.
* Next, you’ll see that the main menu now has a plasma-y background effect, thanks to Alireza Nejati.
* When you load up a level, you’ll be greeted by a planetary approach sequence.
* In-game, you’ll find that animations are now positioned more accurately. Bad guys now explode properly, too. Thanks to Newspaz for both of these.

Bonus levels27/4/’10 Today’s release features an incomplete implementation of bonus levels. Gems can be collected and all levels can be completed, but road hazards do nothing.

There’s also been more work on cutscenes, and the opening animation is now working.,0,0,0,35,55

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Pandora Hotfix Pack III (Pandora misc)

The beta testing phase of HotFix 3 is over – now here is the package for everyone! You don’t need to have any previous Hotfix installed. The Hotfix will find out what needs to be done on your system.

This Hotfix has the following changes and fixes:

* Kernel: Fixed problem with broken sound on some units. Also improved ALSA Buffer Underrun problems
* Kernel Modules: Added USB Sound and Midi Modules as well as the TUN/TAN-Module
* U-Boot: Fixed LCD timings on Reset (which caused weird dots around the Logo on reboot / Reset)
* U-Boot: Added serial out via USB (ideal for debugging when trying to port new OSes to the Pandora)
* MiniMenu: Added automatic Refresh on SD Card insert and quick navigation using keyboard letters
* Battery-Settings: LED now starts blinking at 10% and shuts down at 5%. The previous values were too short.
* Bugfix: op_fbrunapp had some problems with command line parameters. That’s now fixed.
* Services: Removed unneeded services from Startup – also services most users don’t need (like dropbear, samba, etc.) They can be re-enabled with the new Startup-Settings
* Startup-Settings: Added enabling / disabling services
* New: Added Mass Storage mode via Mini-USB (can be enabled in the System-Menu)
* Automount: Now using Label names (if the card has one) instead of mmcblk*
* Automount: Now using Dirsync instead of sync with 2s Buffer flush. This increases SD Write speed A LOT. However, be sure to wait at least 2 seconds before removing your SD Card after you saved data
* Not yet fixed: PNDs will not run if they have a space in the filename or path (do not use spaces in your SD-Card labels for now!)
* pnd_run-Script: Changed a few things to make it compatible with spaces in filenames (still needs some other fix). Thanks to Ivanovic.
* Bluetooth-Script: Fixed save / restore settings on startup (thanks to urjaman)

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Pandora-2600 v1.1.0 (A2600 emu for Pandora)

Pandora-2600 is an Atari 2600 emulator based upon Stella.

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Pandora-TI92 v1.1.1 (TI-92 emu for Pandora)

Pandora-TI92 emulates a TI-92 calculator. The emulator itself is based upon XTiger.


** UPDATE **** Several keys didn’t work properly in previous version v1.1.0

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Pandora-Colem v1.1.0 (Coleco Vision emu for Pandora)

Pandora-Colem is a Coleco Vision emulator based upon ColEm.

What’s new in version 1.1.0 (compared to original version) :

– File requester with real and virtual keyboard to choose
sequentially rom files beginning with a given letter
– Thumbnail images for save states & file requester
– Save state files use gzip compression (with STZ as file extention).
You can use gzip or 7-zip to convert old STA to STZ.
STA file format is still supported for loading, so you
convert your previous saved files inside the emulator.
– Cheat support !
– Memory monitoring engine to find your own cheat code !
– Text editor to modify the global cheat.txt file
– Text editor to write your own comments on games
– Display first comment line while browsing game files
– Auto fire support for second joystick
– Zip rom files are decompressed in memory
– Add documentation for settings in help menu
– Auto-fire mode, press RTrigger+X to switch it on/off
– Add several new hotkeys :
. settings such as fps, render mode, auto fire speed
can now be directly modified inside the emulator
(no need to enter in the settings menu)
. quick save / quick load current state
(no need to enter in the main menu)
– Add ntsc/pal option

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Zelda OLB v1.0.0 (French) (Pandora Game Port)

Brought down by a terrible curse since his recent victory on the Dark Lord, Link is changing, day by day, into a powerful creature with a destructive nature named Oni-Link. Bannished from Hyrule, the young hylian asks the princess Zelda some help. She shows him his last hope: a portal to a secret world.

Frappé d’une terrible malédiction depuis sa récente victoire sur le seigneur des ténèbres, Link se transforme jour après jour en une créature surpuissante au pouvoir destructeur répondant au nom d’Oni Link. Bannit d’Hyrule, le jeune hylien demande son aide à la princesse Zelda. Cette dernière lui indique son ultime espoir ; un portail vers un monde secret…,0,0,0,26,128

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Zelda OLB v1.0.0 (Pandora Game Port)

Brought down by a terrible curse since his recent victory on the Dark Lord, Link is changing, day by day, into a powerful creature with a destructive nature named Oni-Link. Bannished from Hyrule, the young hylian asks the princess Zelda some help. She shows him his last hope: a portal to a secret world.,0,0,0,26,126

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Zelda 3T v1.0.0 (French) (Pandora Game Port)

After the events that occured in Termina and the victory of the hero on his evil alter-ego, Zelda and Link knew that, from the bottom of hell, Ganon the immortal drawed his power from his wish to the Triforce, and rounded up his army with a view to invade Hyrule. Until the day when, after months spent watching out for an attack, an event came up and put an end to this endless waiting…

De retour en Hyrule après la victoire de Link sur son alter-égo maléfique, Zelda et le chevalier Hylien savaient désormais hélas que leur victoire n’était que temporaire, et que l’immortel Ganon tenterait à nouveau d’attaquer le Royaume. Tout deux guettèrent alors le moindre signe de son retour, jusqu’au soir où un évènement troublant vint mettre fin à cette interminable attente…,0,0,0,26,125

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Zelda 3T v1.0.0 (Pandora Game Port)

After the events that occured in Termina and the victory of the hero on his evil alter-ego, Zelda and Link knew that, from the bottom of hell, Ganon the immortal drawed his power from his wish to the Triforce, and rounded up his army with a view to invade Hyrule. Until the day when, after months spent watching out for an attack, an event came up and put an end to this endless waiting…,0,0,0,26,127

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Zelda ROTH v1.0.0 (French) (Pandora Game Port)

After Link’s victory over Ganon (in “A Link to the Past”), no one knows what Link’s wish to the Triforce was. But this wish reunified the Light World and the Dark World and brought the 7 wise men’s descendants back to life. Peace was back in Hyrule. But unfortunately, this wish also ressurected Ganon and his henchmen. He was preparing his revenge, but he couldn’t do anything without the Triforce. One night, a familiar voice speaks to Link in his sleep…

Après la victoire de Link sur Ganon (dans “a link to the past”), nul ne sait quel voeu fit Link à la Triforce. Mais ce voeu eu pour effet de réunifier le monde de la lumière et celui des ténèbres, et ressuscita les descendants des 7 sages. La paix était revenue sur Hyrule. Mais hélas, ce voeu ressuscita également Ganon et ses sbires. Celui ci préparait sa vengence, mais ne pouvait rien faire sans la Triforce. Une nuit, une voie familière parle à Link durant son sommeil…,0,0,0,26,124

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