Added Feb 18, 2010, Under:
ThemeMii is a manager for Wii Themes. The .NET Framework 2.0 is required to run this application!
Current features:
Load mym files and edit them
Create new mym files
Create a csm from any mym
Create a mym from a csm
Browse through base app’s for path’s (including TPL preview)
Download base app’s from NUS
Automatically manage source’s and image width and height
Added a little tutorial on how to change the health screen (in the ?-menu)
Added ability to drag a mym file onto the window to open it
Window location and size will now be saved
Added option to save the nand backup path
Added option to take image width and height from the selected TPL
Fixed some bugs when saving/creating mym
Fixed “No Entries Left” error when files have no extension
Fixed base app downloading to different locations than the app directory
Fixed base app browsing
Dingux-GO is a port of GNU-Go 3.6 on Dingoo/Dingux with a GUI.
– Add new skin feature (You can design your own using default folder files)
– Many new original skins designed by NinJato !
Added Feb 17, 2010, Under:
SpaceBubble is a classic board puzzle game based bubble breaker. Select multiple bubbles with the same color and destroy them, the more you hit in one the higher score you will get.
– Improve game settings screen.
– Added donate screen.
– Update main menu screen information.
– Improve bubble graphics.
– Extend user name from 3 to 6 characters.
– Default user name is based on Wii nickname.
– Increase http buffer size from 8kb to 10kb.
– Added source code to Google Code Repository
– Added source code documentation (Javadoc style).
– Added Doxygen (automatic documentation generation tool) config file.
– Build game with devkitPPC r19 compiler.
Holy Hell is a puzzle game with shmup elements. The goal of the game is to reach the end of every level trying to chain more blocks of the same color together.
You guide a little ship powered with four different colored weapons. Every weapon can destroy only blocks of its same color, so you must switch between them to blow up everything…
Brown blocks cannot be destroyed and must be dodged…
– 3 characters/ship disposable with different speed
– 40 levels
– new graphics background and objects
– simply animated intro between levels
– improved animations
– no more slowdown in almost any part of the game
PSPMulti shows various technical information about your PSP and comes with other goodies such as minigames and extra tools.
-New Plugins
-Game Maze
-Game Categories Support
South Park’s Heaven VS Hell is a game for PSP. The author did not bother to release a description and we don’t bother to write one, so you are at your own 🙂
Added Feb 16, 2010, Under:
alsp has updated his port of Atari800.
– On Screen Keyboard added (R key)
– PNG screenshot possibility added
– All in one pack – (all roms and required pictures packed to the one file)
“Epic Fails” Offers you the most hilarious fail pictures. Updated regular with new pictures.
Added Feb 16, 2010, Under:
Banana Patcher is able to apply on-the-fly Preloader patches to System Menu without installing anything to the NAND. Some of the code was taken from Waninkoko’s Menu Patcher. Banana Patcher needs an IOS with trucha bug (any cIOS will work).
Useful for:
Play your GC imports
Copy your copy-protected saves to SD easily
Move Disc Channel
added IOS selector at start (you don’t need a patched IOS36 anymore, just use any cIOS)
added predefined hacks (you don’t need the banana_hacks.txt file for main hacks)
added new hack files (thanks to marinos35)
“bob fish” released an very extremely early version of his Pokemon fan game “Pokemon Master Version”.
The game is also another wonderful example of copyright infringement and why companies go after homebrew. If a customer takes this for a real Nintendo game, the impression would be for sure spoiled…