Many people had the wish to have another coding competition organized by PDRoms… so we are going for it! The topic is settled so we are just focusing on fine tuning and writing the rules now. The choosen topic will allow plenty of systems to join the coding fun, details as soon as the compo rules are out. For now [&hellip
Sony didn’t want us going back to firmware 3.60, Freeplays made my own installer. Using an encrypted, un-sigchecked dump of firmware 3.60, the 3.60 IPL, and a few modules from the 3.52 updater, you can now install 3.60 again on slim PSPs. The readme is intentionally hard to understand (written for experts) because of the risks posed in flashing your [&hellip
Retrogaming Times Monthly #44 is now available. RTM is a retro magazine, sometimes with focus on homebrew things. In this issue: 01. Attract Mode 02. NES’Cade — Donkey Kong Jr. 03. Apple II Incider: Double High Resolution Graphics 04. Game Archaeologist: Mighty Bomb Jack 05. Radio Shack: Hungry Monster 06. What if… Atari released the Famicom in the West (Part [&hellip
This is a very early game featuring Tux. For now you can walk around the map, but you can not enter any buildings nor there is a goal
Naruto Mission Sasuke is a Naruto based RPG for Playstation Portable. It’s in early stages
PSP Tools is another flasher application for PSP’s. It’s language is french
Shoot The Warriors has been updated. It now has four more levels along with an endboss
Wake2up is an application which will help you to wake up in time. It plays a desired MP3 from your PSP at the desired time
News from Red Squirrel: What’s it? It is an Alternative VSHMenu that has ALL same functions of the M33 VshMenu and other utilities such as the possibility to change the background color, to power off and to sleep the console, to activate and to disactivate M33 VshMenù from dashboard or to make screenshot of XMB! Press HOME (by Default) in [&hellip
FreePlay presents FreeRadio – a completely serverless radio player portal for Firmware 3.80. Changes: You can now add M3U and PLS playlists to the MP3/AAC Streams page. They’re added by editing the ‘MyStreams.js’ file, following the same convention as adding a stream, but with the M3U and PLS entries in their own lists. (These sections only show up if there [&hellip