PSPCAP32 is an Amstrad CPC Emulator for PSP. Changes: – improve speed (+3 fps at 222Mhz) – add new hotkeys : . settings such as fps, delta_y or render mode can now be directly modified inside the emulator (no need to enter in the settings menu) . quick save / quick load current state (no need to enter in the [&hellip
PSP Flow is an application to imitate a “Cower Flow System”. More information in german language for those who care on it’s official release page
This is a plugin for PSP CWF 3.71M33-4 (update 4 is required) that displays some basic info on screen: – CPU speed and CPU usage – BUS speed – battery status (percent and time left) – local time
maxthebest updated his PSP protection program. Release notes: Hi all. Here I release the first revision of the final version of protect-me Here are the changelogs since v4.0 -Added an onscreen keyboard, so that it’s easyer to input the password. (only in the prx, not in the installer…) -Remade a good part of the code (thanks to the keyboard…) -Now [&hellip
The name’s the deal – this changes your wallpaper for the XMB, no more, no less. Release notes: And here we are: HELLCATs Wallpaper Changer The name’s the deal – this changes your wallpaper for the XMB, no more, no less However you have a few features: Two modes of operation: “Everytime” and “Once per day” (see readme for details) [&hellip
Release notes: I have released the firt update of VisualApplication, the first 3rdparty Nanodesktop application. This homebrew provides a calculator, a text to speech synthetizer and a WAV/MP3 graphical player. It is based on the API of Nanodesktop library. This version is now compatible with CF and Slim Readme file in english language included. More infos and download here: [&hellip
Jack B. Quick is a work in progress side scrolling demo by Mark 2008. Here are the exact release notes: The computer I develop on….is not playing colecovision games correctly…can you believe that. I guess its not fast enough. Well……that makes it hard to know if there is a slow down in the demo, or its just my machine. The [&hellip
Seems ZodTTD, famous for PSX4iPhone, gpSPhone and OpenTTD has picked up a new project, this time “Sim City”. Read on: So I wake up to a slew of requests to port the SimCity source code released, to the iPhone and iPod Touch. This is, quite frankly, a dream come true. I’ve always been a huge fan of SimCity, and here’s [&hellip
Converter is a units converter for iPhone. Changes: 11 Jan: I’ve switched the currency rates service provider. Now you should be able to see more currencies (people were asking for Ukraine Hryvnia, Latvian Lat, Ethiopian Birr – it’s all inside now). Enjoy 🙂
Sephiroth_FF7 has improved his game Staris once again. Grab v0.4 from it’s official release thread