Archive for November, 2008
Homebrewcast Episode 11 (misc)

Imagine someone giving you an audio blogcast talking about homebrew releases – your wish has become true! Homebrewcast is just doing this! Episode 11 has the following topics: – Brick OS (The Console OS) – DSbrut – DSerial Edge PSP Homebrew: – PSP Pandora Deluxe – DJB – Lockdown XMB Style Beta 3 – Torch – Fast Scroll Music 1.2 [&hellip

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Biology Battle (19-11-2008) (XBOX 360 Game)

Biology Battle is a unique take on the classic space shooter genre. Take control of medical nano-bots during its mission inside of its target cell

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iLife PSP v2 (PSP Application)

iLife is a file browser, launcher and media player application for PlayStation Portable. Changes: -Create your password, login and select your language (the password by default is “ilifepsp” ) -The CPU speed depends on CPU.conf -As file menu, delete files and folders, rename files and folders, create folders and cut and paste files only. -iLife Update avalaible.(It doesn’t work yet [&hellip

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Jelly Clock v1 (PSP Application)

Art released Jelly Clock. Release notes: Just a little demo of the Jelly Physics library by Walaber, ported to PSP by Drakon. Although only a demo, there should be some improvement to come. Thanks to Drakon & Slasher for giving me some tips regarding the Jelly physics library

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GeoDS (WIP) (NDS Apllication)

CyBeRCeD is working on GeoDS for Nintendo DS. Release notes: My new project is Geodis. this homebrew is actually an application to increase awareness of the department of France. Of course, later there will be a kind of test where we must guess the name of the department displayed. In the meantime, I will let you test and I await [&hellip

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DEMOTEV (20-11-2008) (GC Demo)

DEMOTEV is a GameCube demo by GranDFrère. Quote: With DEMOTEV, I wanted to associate light and texture, because in fact I knew the light by using vertex and display textures, but I could not combine the two. This is where the VTE: The VTE can combine ( “mix”) color information or not with a texture and / or combine texture [&hellip

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Scrolling (20-11-2008) (GC Demo)

Scrolling is a GameCube demo by GranDFrère. Quote: With Scrolling, I had to manually create the characters leaf small squares method “old school”, and noted the coordinates of all vertices. I also made a routine that calculates all the normal averaged for the Light (ie more than normal in a table). At the beginning it should be a scrolling, but [&hellip

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REminiscence v0.83 (Wii Game Port)

REminiscence is a re-implementation of the engine used in the game “Flashback: The Quest for Identity” made by Delphine Software and released in 1992. Changes: – Added sound, but laa-aa-aag

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BibleQuiz v0.4 (Wii Game)

BibleQuiz is an open-source quiz game. Test your knowlegde about the bible. Changes: – Added highscore screen – Highscore is stored (in xml format) on the SD card – Added credits screen – Added help (minus button) screen – Added 10 music tracks – Use freetype library as font render engine for screen (sub) titles. – Content update: * Added [&hellip

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Hold Plus v3.4 (PSP Application)

Torch has updated Hold Plus, it’s a Battery Saver Plugin for PlayStation Portable. Changes: Fixed a problem caused by a faulty Hold switch in some PSPs. This made the CPU remain underclocked even after turning off the Hold switch. The problem is the Hold switch doesn’t consistently return a pressed state. It sometimes rapidly fluctuates between an Off and On [&hellip

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