A new Spectrum 48k and 128k emulator namedspeccyal Khasbeen released for the GP32. It features: – 48k and 128k models- Can load SNA / TAP / Z80 (v1.45, v2.01, v3) / SLT / SCR file formats- Virtual keyboard to enter any key and thus allowing a greater compatibility. It also allows entering the LOAD””command on the basic command line to [&hellip
FluBBa released a new version of his PC Engine emulator for the GBA. Changes are: Fixed a lot of the background glitches.Fix US roms from Pogoshell. Visit his siteherefor the downloads
I just received a new version of InfoNES. Because they dont want to release the source code due to GPL license this version is a patch of the original v0.3 binary release. The only change is a increase in speed. See the included docs for more information.VisitGP32Emuto download the new release
Skeezix just released a new version of his up and coming Atari ST emulator for the GP32. Changes are: CHG:Increase button-threshold-timer so double-clicks and such happen lessFIX:Joystick shoudln’t”stick”anymore — works *really* wellCHG:Mouse buttons are redone, so they too don’t”stick”; drags work better, and double clicks work betterNEW:If a TOS image file is not selected or available, won’t proceedNEW:Cursor-modeo d-pad pushes [&hellip
Also released by Brian is BSPlay, a music player for the GP32 which plays his own format music originally for the Amiga. Its a beta version at the moment so expect some bugs etc. More information and downloads including some music can be found on his site athttp://www.brianpostma.com
Brian let me know that he has converted some games originally made for Java to the GP32. They are Blister Ball, Breakout, Jatris and Jamidar. Visit his site athttp://www.brianpostma.com/for more information and the downloads
The first version of VCS32 a port of the Atari 2600 emulator, Virtual VCS, has been released today. Here are some notes for this release: – Paddles and input devices other than joysticks are not emulated.- Compatibility issues (only a percentage of the Atari 2600 games currently work) Some games will hang emulation.- Collision bugs when using frameskip.- The executable [&hellip
FluBBa released a new version of his PC Engine emulator for the GBA. Just the one change in this version: Using as a Pogoshell plugin should work. Downloads can be found on his homepagehere
CaSTaway/GP is a brand new Atari ST emulator for the GP32. As the version title says its an alpha release so expect bugs, crashes etc. Heres some notes from the author: This release is still totally unusable, but it does look pretty (see the screenshot). Mouse can only go right/down, its very slow to load and run and render. But [&hellip
IceMan sent me a new alpha (2nd) to check out and test and said it was OK to post to announce the project and request for help. This version has an improved intro animation and more importantly the beginnings of the fight engine. As you can see from the screenshots onGP32Emuthe first character is animated and you can now move [&hellip