Cobain updated his homebrew game project Closed to v
The Homebrew Browser allows you to download the latest homebrew applications and games all through your Wii. You don’t need to take your SD card out. You don’t even need a computer! You can also delete homebrew you no longer want. Changes: – Able to view currently installed applications – Fixed bug in downloading and removing applications which affected uno [&hellip
Hooka has updated RACE!, it’s a Neo Geo Pocket (NGP) and Neo Geo Pocket Color (NGPC) emulator for multiple platforms such as the GP2x. Release notes: Just thought I’d let this go into the wild. I released a new version of RACE! here! Haven’t quite gotten save states working yet, but cart saves should be saved more frequently now Also [&hellip
Easy Expenses is mainly focussed on logging expenses. It is meant to be simple and easy to use. Easy Expenses is not designed as a complete finance management program and never will be. If you want to use Easy Expenses for this purpose, you have to export the data and process it in a program like Microsoft Excel. Changes: – [&hellip
MK2k released APPSwitcher. It is a little VSH plugin that lets you categorize your homebrew for the
P86 Team updated TVSP. Changes: – Fixed the bug which causes on exit… – Fixed the bug which make graphical problems on Network Manager… – You don’t have to set Pixel Width>320 anymore. – If you choose higher pixel width than 320, syncronising or performance might get slowlier… – Added more stable buttons
CoMbiNa updated Custom Firmware Extender with RemoteJoyLite v0.18. Release notes: I updated Custom Firmware Extender 3.0 with the files of RJL 0.18 (it previously used RJL 0.17a)
Dungeons is an mini RPG for the Wii with some WiiMote supports. The aim is to find all red orbs and fight the last Boss. Fight monsters and power up your skills. The most important thing is to find out witch values are the best. Find keys and open doors in this labyrints of chaos and become a hero. Release [&hellip
MahJongg Wii is an extremly polished free MahJongg solitaire game for the Wii. Changes: – Added versus mode! – Re-factored the tile selection processing and completed all coding around tile selection for both versus and coop modes – Added option to restart the game when paused or no more moves left – Added option to start a new game without [&hellip
Zodttd has updated VLC4iPhone. Changes: In this release I have fixed many bugs, including the dreaded bug that caused many people not to see video in the last beta release. Some codecs (RTMP for instance) are still missing, and depending on the demand for them, I will add them and update to a later VLC version as well. The only [&hellip