My Launcher is a fully customizable launcher suite for iPhone
Games Launcher is a game launcher for the iPhone. It is customizable. The wallpaper is kept in the same folder as the .txt text file
Dialers Launcher is an dialer launcher for the iPhone. It is customizable. The wallpaper is kept in the same folder as the .txt text file
Apps Launcher is an application launcher for the iPhone. It is customizable. The wallpaper is kept in the same folder as the .txt text file
The guys at Gamepark Holdings released the OS source tree for the recently released GP2x-F200 model. You can download the code via subversion from :
gpSPhone is a GBA emulator based ZodTTD’s port of gpSP to the GP2X. gpSP is a great GBA emulator written by the talented Exophase. ZodTTD ported it to the GP2X, and added an (iPhone/iTouch compatible) dynarec. By using this coding technique, fullspeed performance of GBA is obtained on the iPhone/iTouch. Changes: – Considerable performance increase due to moving to Exophase’s [&hellip
c99koder, known from homebrews on other systems, now hits the iPhone with MobileScrobbler. MobileScrobbler connects your Apple iPhone or iPod Touch with the social music website. As you listen to music on your device, MobileScrobbler sends the title, artist, and album to the website. uses this information to suggest new music, new friends, concerts, and events based [&hellip
HP-11C v1.0.2 is a HP-11C Scientific Programmable Calculator for iPhone
HP-12C v1.0.3 is a HP-12C Financial Programmable Calculator for iPhone
HP-15C v1.0.4 is a HP-15C Advanced Scientific Programmable Calculator for iPhone