Category: Miscellaneous
LibHomebrew (misc)

libhomebrew is the idea to create an abstract homebrew library, unifying access to different hardware, making it easy to port homebrew from one console to another. Please help making this idea real!

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TUM 2009 (misc)

Kojote is almost off to TUM 2009 – Kedo will take over for two days! 🙂 TUM has a pretty nice “theme” this year, considering it’s so true… 🙂

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Nintendomax – Page redesign (misc)

The famous french homebrew ressource and news site “Nintendomax” had a small redesign!

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Gamekool 8 Percent Discount – Reminder (misc)

Gamekool are giving a discount for PDRoms visitor once again, just like the year before.

If you order enter the code “PDROMS.DE” – You’ll recieve an 8% discount on the order volume, this means item plus shipping will be discounted. The code is vaild till 31.12.2009.

On a sidenote we want to tell that PDRoms will NOT profit in any way from this. Just enjoy this possibilty and try to make a good deal 🙂

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PDRoms reachability IV (misc)

Everything should be really back to normal now, we found another serious issue which had to be fixed.

Another thank you for that goes to BitBreaker/Metalvotze, you can visit them here:

We will try to keep up with all the news we have missed, just give us some time. Actually you can thank Kedo too, that he started to post news again, so basically I can’t leave it incomplete. I’ve been really close to drop all that stuff here…


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PDRoms reachability III (misc)

ZodTTD helped out with a few last issues, everything should be more stable and faster now! Thanks man!

Visit his page and leave him a thank you too 🙂 ->


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PDRoms reachability II (misc)

Dear visitors,

The attack is gone (for now), the page seems stable.

The past days were really a pain in many ways and related to this I also had a financial loss. Considering PDRoms generates no money, but costs money – plus this extra loss – I am far from amused and was very close to drop all this stuff.

Whatever we tried to do, the attacks continued. On this way here I would like to thank Evildragon, chrissie and celeth for helping out. Unfortunately the attack was extremely massive, that even the guys at the server farm were unable to help.

I am not quite sure if I will continue to maintain and even run PDRoms or just keep it like this and let it disappear before the next server bill arrives.


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PDRoms reachability (misc)

Dear visitors,

PDRoms is beeing DDOS’ed and there is nothing we can do about this. We have to wait and see when the attacks disappears on it’s own.

The loading time is incredibly high, but you should be able to get something displayed.

Kojote & Team

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musicBox (06-12-2009)

musicBox is a simple “baby toy” for Nintendo DS. You’ll see three vertical large stripes with an animal in it. If you touch the desired animal it’s according sound/noise will be played.

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Retrogaming Times Monthly Issue 67 (misc)

Retrogaming Times Monthly #66 is available. RTM is a retro magazine, sometimes with focus on homebrew things.

Content of this issue:

* Press Fire To Begin
* Retrogaming News
* High Score Monthly! Profile

* Christmas Memories From The Golden Era
* 1982: The Best Christmas Ever
* Fooling The Stores: A 1984 Guide To Videogame Return Policies
* Apple II Incider – My Apple II Wishlist
* Pitfall!: A Homebrewer’s Journey
* Looking Forward Into The Past

* Please Save Christmas Santa!
* Vectrexenstein – In Hibernation
* Dual Perspective – Super Mario Brothers
* All Eyes On Mega Man III
* Modern Retro – Tekken 3
* Old Wine in New Bottles: Taito Legends 1 & 2
* A Pixilated 21st Century!

* Video Game Tattler
* Gaming Advertisements
* Game Over

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