Category: Playstation Portable
Miro Lua 2.6 (PSP misc)

Miro is a IDE LUA programming, it allows you to write your applications in Lua. This IDE is oriented programming scripts Lua for PSP.


– Added the Lua Player HM8
– Added the new features of the Lua Player HM8 for code completion
– Fixed some bugs

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Hold Plus v3.41 (PSP Application)

Torch has updated Hold Plus, it’s a Battery Saver Plugin for PlayStation Portable.


Improved faulty Hold switch protection, as there were still some chances of a faulty Hold switch causing problems.

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PSP Pandora Deluxe v2.8 (PSP misc)

This program is designed to prepare your PSP Memory Stick to be used with the Pandora Battery. Unfortunately this program can not change your Battery to Pandora, however it will copy programs to the Memory Stick in order for you to do this yourself.


– Removed UMDumper and replaced with UMDrip.
– Updated the following Support Tools:
FuSa SD 1.0.48 (XMB)
Hold+ 3.4 (XMB)

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iLife PSP v2 (PSP Application)

iLife is a file browser, launcher and media player application for PlayStation Portable.


-Create your password, login and select your language (the password by default is “ilifepsp” )
-The CPU speed depends on CPU.conf
-As file menu, delete files and folders, rename files and folders, create folders and cut and paste files only.
-iLife Update avalaible.(It doesn’t work yet correctly)
-Autoboot to iLife PSP.
-Added Chat and CPU settings.
-Bugs fixed.
-The time is fixed too. Now you can see the seconds and the date.
-System information improved, now you can see some informations in MB
-As regards playing songs and and loadings files:
Load PSX games at format .PSX (only officials PSX GAMES)
Read texts(still BETA)as txt,log, pdf,htm or php.
Loading Lua and prx files fixed.
BMP format is included . Now you can rotate the images.
PLayings songs improved. CPU Speed is reduced, Ogg files fixed. R and L to play the next song or to play the pevious song . When song is finished, the next plays. Now you can see the percentage and the Songtime.
You can browse images while you are listening to music
Write the name for the captures.

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Jelly Clock v1 (PSP Application)

Art released Jelly Clock.

Release notes:

Just a little demo of the Jelly Physics library by Walaber, ported to PSP by Drakon.

Although only a demo, there should be some improvement to come. Thanks to Drakon & Slasher for giving me some tips regarding the Jelly physics library.

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Hold Plus v3.4 (PSP Application)

Torch has updated Hold Plus, it’s a Battery Saver Plugin for PlayStation Portable.


Fixed a problem caused by a faulty Hold switch in some PSPs. This made the CPU remain underclocked even after turning off the Hold switch.

The problem is the Hold switch doesn’t consistently return a pressed state. It sometimes rapidly fluctuates between an Off and On signal. If this fluctuation occurs within one iteration of the main program loop, it causes problems. Its not humanly possible to toggle the Hold switch so fast, but a loose connection can 😛

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Powernoid v1 (PSP Game)

Powernoid is a Breakout clone by Art.

Release notes:

This is one of the few GAME programs I have written, and by far my favourite. Powernoid V1 was written in less than two days. I always loved a particular Breakout clone that I played on the Amiga CD32, and that is the public Domain game that I found on a magazine cover CD which inspired this PSP Breakout/Arkanoid clone.

The sort of powerups in this game is sort of what I had in mind for “Power Pong”, a game I released way back, but I didn’t really implement any, so it remains an ordinary Pong game with pretty graphics.

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PRXutility Plus Plus v5.0 (PSP Application)

PRXutility++ allows you to gain several information about your battery, such as time left, charge level, temperature and voltage. It also shows you which motherboard your PSP has and gives information about CPU and BUS speed.

PRXutility++ also allows you to shutdown, reboot or let your PSP sleep.

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iR Shell v4.8 (PSP Application)

iR Shell byAhMan is a shell replacement for PSP.


New Features for PSP Slim:
– Added support to homebrews that are built with the option PSP_LARGE_MEMORY, that is, to use the extra slim memory. When running these homebrews under iR Shell, they will have access to another 26MB slim RAM. Pls note 2MB of slim RAM is reserved for iR Shell.
– Enhance the HTML Viewer (originally developed by Dark_AleX) to use the extra slim memory. These should help to reduce “Not enough memory” message when accessing larger web contents. The HTML Viewer can be accessed via predefined homebrew #1 icon.

Bug Fixes:
– Some homebrews weren’t correctly recognized by iR Shell and application names were displayed as garbage.
– When setting np9660 mode in iR Configurator, some homebrews failed to launch.
– Launching PS1 games via popsloader wasn’t working properly.
– Copying a large file from ms0: to nethost0: will crash the system.

Thanks to for the news!

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Blobby Volley (16-11-2008) (PSP Game)

Poustak released Blobby Volley for PlayStation Portable.

Release notes:

I have completely rewritten the code and can play against an AI. The AI is not very strong but should provide some difficulties for people who have never played on a PC Blobby Volley.

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