Category: Playstation Portable
Fast Scroll Music v1.2 (PSP Application)

Fast Scroll Music increases the vertical scrolling speed of the XMB by around 50%.


While scrolling up/down, accidently pressing left/right diagonals will not exit menu/play song. (This is how the XMB is normally supposed to be.)

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Brick-OS v0.0.3 (PSP OS)

Bricks-OS is an Operating System primarily for Game Consoles. It’s main goals is to share resources between different game consoles. This is achieved by using message passing for communication.

More release notes:

The list of currently supported game consoles:
– Gameboy Advance
– Nintendo DS
– GameCube
– Playstation2
– Playstation Portable
– Wii
– i386 PC

The list of current features include:
– Preemptive multitasking (even on the GBA and NDS)
– Message passing
– Hardware OpenGL implementation (on some consoles)
– Software OpenGL implementation (for all consoles not supporting hardware 3D)

Binary versions of the latest release (v0.0.3) can be downloaded, demonstrating a Software OpenGL implementation (GBA, GC, Wii, PC, PSP), and a Hardware OpenGL implementation (NDS, PS2). The source can be downloaded using SVN, hosted by

Please take a look at Maximus32’s website for more information, screenshots and downloads:


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PSP Pandora Deluxe v2.5 (PSP misc)

This program is designed to prepare your PSP Memory Stick to be used with the Pandora Battery. Unfortunately this program can not change your Battery to Pandora, however it will copy programs to the Memory Stick in order for you to do this yourself.


– Updated 5.00 M33 CFW Installer to M33-3
– Updated POPSLoader with POPS 3.80, 3.90 and 4.01.
– Updated config file creator (vsh.txt etc) for 5.00 M33-2 standards.

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Fast Scroll Music (Beta 2) (PSP Application)

Fast Scroll Music increases the vertical scrolling speed of the XMB by around 50%.


Now only activates when the music player is open. When you open another part of the XMB, it will deactivate and the M33 VSHMenu will be restored. VSHMenu will not work while in the music player. Changed name to “Fast Scroll Music”.

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PMPlayerAdvance (20-10-2008) (PSP Application)

CoolEyes has released a new version of his very popular homebrew multimedia player for the Sony PSP. PMPlayerAdvance can handle PMP encoded videos for playback on your portable video gaming console. It is also now CFW (Custom Firmware) 5.00 compatible.


* Update a core function of the nid, support for 5.00M33
* Support, subtitles, sc for GBK, tc for BIG5
* Increase in the player, inverted image of the function, broadcast, according to X + Start button switch

Thanks to brakken / for the news.

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OpenBOR v2.2038 (PSP misc)

OpenBOR (Open Beats of Rage) is an open source engine to play Beats of Rage.

Beats of Rage is a freeware open source video game and moddable game engine made by Senile Team ( ) and inspired by Sega’s classic Streets of Rage series. The term “moddable” means that the program allows users to create their own content, and thus their own beat-’em-up game, which is then called a “mod”.

Beats of Rage was first made available for download November 2003. It was not advertised in any way other than by word of mouth, yet it soon gained enormous popularity. OpenBOR is now managed by the guys at Lava Lit.

Thanks to for the news.

Download from Lava-Lit (requires registration) – the PDRoms archive will update again with one of the next releases.

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Scramble Patcher (PSP misc)

Scramble Patcher allows people to patch the VSH modules with a scramble, without flashing or rescrambling the module. It makes the turnaround times from testing offsets and preparing much shorter.

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PSP Pandora Deluxe v2.4 (PSP misc)

This program is designed to prepare your PSP Memory Stick to be used with the Pandora Battery. Unfortunately this program can not change your Battery to Pandora, however it will copy programs to the Memory Stick in order for you to do this yourself.

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Custom Firmware Extender v3.0 (PSP misc)

Cpasjuste updated his Custom Firmware Extender.


After a lof of work, here is a new release of cfe, designed for PSP SLIM ONLY.

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LightWay (Demo) (PSP Game)

LightWay by Motion Studio is a Shoot ’em up for PlayStation Portable.


I present my game, LightWay established by the Motion Studio. This is a shoot’em up originally for PSP but declined to use the computer. It includes a playable adventure as a two players comprising 12 levels (not including bonus levels) but also online with a friend with an Internet connection.

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