Popsish is yet another Popstation GUI. Requires .net Framework v3.5 or higher.
Furikup is a PSP SIP Phone application by Fanjita.
Release notes:
Sometimes it’s important to assert the dominance of homebrew features over Sony’s lacklustre official firmwares.
Take the forthcoming PSP phone functionality. According to various rumours, Sony will shortly announce (in a few regions of the world) some new software to allow you to make and receive phone calls with your PSP via wifi, which may or may not be based upon the popular Skype platform.
That’s nice, but there are a few flaws:
It’s not yet clear how much it will cost to obtain the software, to subscribe to the service, and to make calls
It’s not likely to be available in all countries
It’s rumoured to only run on the PSP Slim – what about all those loyal early-adopters? 🙁
It will probably only support a limited subset of possible voice platforms – e.g. maybe just Skype, which is notoriously bad at interoperating with other networks.Here at Noobz, we’re fans of freedom. So we thought we’d release our own PSP Phone software – and here it is, codenamed “Furikup” (it’s a geeky protocol-based joke, don’t worry about it).
Here are some of Furikup’s best features:
It’s free software – in both the beer, and speech senses.
You can use it anywhere in the world, subject to signing-up to a suitable local SIP-based voice-over-IP provider and being near a usable wifi access point. In many countries, you can find those for free or nearly-free – e.g. with SIPGate, in the UK, you can call to your PSP from any standard phone (landline or cellphone) for just the standard local call cost, and from PSP to another SIP phone (another PSP or a PC) for free.
It runs on both slim and fat PSPs.It uses open standards, for maximum compatibility with other phone systems.
You can use a Go!Cam (Chotto Shot), Talkman microphone, or SOCOM-style headset for audio input. (And even if you don’t have any of those, you can still send audio from a WAV file in a pinch).
It’s still pretty much beta software – the audio quality needs some work (but it is usable), the UI isn’t very pretty, and video calls aren’t working (yet!). But it works, and it’s a nice demo of what is possible.Since this is open source homebrew software, there are endless possibilities as to what inventive minds could do with this engine. We’d like to see a much nicer GUI (we suck at UIs!), and maybe a custom firmware plugin to use the engine as a teamspeak-style add-on feature for online games. Go on, go crazy and show us what you can do with it – you have our blessing!
CreatDir created directories for PSP’s, which helps in the end to install custom firmwares.
Release notes:
The third release.
New Features:
[1] Now auto-detects if you have 3.52 M33 or 3.71 M33, and will make the directories for that specific firmware. (THANKS DARK_MOON!!)
[3] Program exists quicker than before.Version 0.3 should work on both the Original PSP and the Slim PSP, but I dont have one so I am not 100% sure.
This release wouldn’t have been possible without the help of Dark_Moon. Thanks a lot!
Note: Once again, I have included both a English and French readme. So be sure to read those!
Download from:
http://www.sendspace.com/file/cqjc3y (Sendspace)
http://www.mediafire.com/?e10zy0gtgjy (Mediafire)
basfreak has released a new PSP game.
Here are his release notes:
In this game there are buttons, if they are above the river press the button. If you pressed a button right the speed is only times: 1.1 if you miss times: x 1.6.
Version 0.45: http://www.speedyshare.com/416833834.html
Author “Art” can’t stop coding and brings us an updated version of his application Time Baby.
Release notes:
Focus of this update is:
Improvements to Solar Power Monitor mode functionality, and appearance.
Long Version Time Display mode with centisecond display,
which provides obvious potential for a future stopwatch feature,
and improved resolution of the Heart Rate Monitor is also on the cards.Download from sendspace:
Download from RapidShare:
http://rapidshare.com/files/81654845/Time_Baby_V8d.zip.htmlCheers, Art.
roe-ur-boat has released an update to his game “Basket Catch”.
– Small bug that didn’t reset the score after a game over
Thanks to http://www.dcemu.co.uk for the news.
Bixi El is a drawing program for Playstation Portable.
-save images and chanche a filename
-new brushes
-chanche a background yellow,black,blue,red
-write text and chache big,biger…
-a new menu
-load images
-new userbar
A new version of MyPSP Robotics is out.
Here are the release notes:
In this new release, the 5.1.0, the programmer have add/change:
– Bugs removing! (RAM Space shortage)
– Implementation of Voice Speech Recognition by porting of PocketsphinxFor further information you can consult the documentation in the folder “ReadMe” of the homebrew.
source psp-ita.com
All the functions of MyPSP:
MyVoice: it is a Text to Speak in English language, derived from porting to PSP the Flite: http://www.speech.cs.cmu.edu/flite/
– Direct Male voice on audio speakers as Text to Speech or Text to Wave file.MyVVoIP: it is an audio and video management module with WiFi connection.
– Audio input both from GoCam microphone or from Socom Microphone
– Audio recording to a wave file with position index of records
– Video input from GoCam
– Audio transmission between two PSPs using both Adhoc or Access Point connection
– Audio and Video concurrent transmission from one PSP to another using both Adhoc or Access Point connection
Coming soon:
– Voice and Video concurrent two ways transmission between 2 PSPsMyAudio: it is an audio management module.
– Audio input both from GoCam microphone or from Socom Microphone
– Audio recording to a wave file with position index of recordsMyAI: it is an Artificial Intelligence module with a knowledge base of common sens sentences. Derived from work by: www.openmind.org
– An SQLLite3 data base as a knowledge base
– SQL Queries of kind “What is xxx?”, “Where is xxx?”, “What is the purpose of xxx?
Coming soon:
– SQL Add instances to the Knowledge Base
– Free sentence analysis and random answers
– Open dialog two PSPs on random subjectMyEye: it is an Artificial Vision module realized fully integrating the Intel OpenCV Library.
– OpenCV functions like camshift, chessboard detection, conrenrs, edges, filters, etc.. fully running according to available RAM of PSP
– Face Recognition of individual persons
– SIFT integrated as from
for detecting and matching same features on different scaled images
– GOCR as from http://jocr.sourceforge.net/ for recognizig and reading and writing characters and text from images
Coming soon:
– GOCR with GoCam for detecting and reading and writing text and characters that are detected from direct GoCam video
– OpenCV Applications like Gesture recognition: position of hands or fingers to detect visual commands; Pedestrian position; moving patterns etc..
– SIFT games: detecting objects on a wide images
– many others…– MyWiFi: it’s a WiFi services collection both using Adhoc connection or Access Point
– FTP Client and Server
– CURL http client
– CURL downloading
– Host IP Address Resolver– MyAcc: Basic test for GoCam and GPS data input and management
– ready for next applications like a Bycicle GPS with Altitude profile, Ascensional Average Velocity with maps and riding videos– My3D: a 3D graphic engine for aplplications
– ready to be used for mathematical applications plotting 2d and 3d lines, curves, surface by parametric or explicit functions– MyHW: a full PSP hardware test under 3.xx, to assure the full functionality of MyPSP software under last custom firmware
– sequence of tests also used to assure a full awareness of its own state of PSP robotComing soon modules:
– MyTalk: Voice Commands recognition using pockectsphinx by http://www.speech.cs.cmu.edu/pocketsphinx/
Next Functions:
– at least PSP commands like CROSS, CIRCLE, TRIANGLE, SQUARE etc.. recognized by voice as audio input of users and further powerfull applications– MyPic: Full interface via SIO port of PSP to a microcontrolle I/O mainboard for (like PIC):
– Analog and digital sensors input
– Digital output of signals
– Servo motor activationNext planned development all-in-one MyPSP Robotics:
– Completion of MyVVoIP
– Completion of MyAI
– Implementation of MyPIC
– Realization of a 4-wheels moving Robot detecting obstacles, recognizing images of the environment around, receiving voice commands, speaking, etc..
– others…
XAVShell is a shell application for Playstation Portable.
Release notes:
Changes, XAVShell 1.0.2 – 1.0.3
– Cursor bug fix.
– SDK updated
* Simple encryption and decryption library and header.
– The password must be encrypted (use the utility XAVShell Password Generation aka XSPG.exe for make it)
– XAVShell Multitool utility (use it for generate the speed cursor and other things, look his instructions opening the application,
you need .NET Framework 2.0)Note : Copy XAVShell folder to /psp/game or /psp/game150 .
About XAVShell Multitool you will get more information looking it.
Now on the shell there is new icon ‘Homebrew1’ it’s not work yet because his file configuration has more characters than 1 and we have to implement a new function for read it. On the next revision it’ll be solved.Download -> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=14NCISEO
This is a plugin for PSP CWF 3.71M33 that displays some basic info on screen:
– CPU speed and CPU usage
– BUS speed
– battery status (percent and time left)
– local time
– buttons for menu and HUD are configurable within configuration menu
– add custom alignment (adjust with analog)