Category: Playstation Portable
Learn Japanese is a trivia game designed to help people memorize Japanese words.
Release notes:
Konnichiwa! This is my most comprehensive version yet, pretty much all the core features I wanted are fully functional. There’s now a total of 6 stages, but in order to access the 6th stage you must complete stages 1 – 5. As usual I added more audio and images. I also included a nifty video intro featuring Kirsten Dunst in the PSP XMB menu, check it out.
DaedalusX64 is the continuation of the original Daedalus PSP port by StrmnNrmn and other contributors. It is a GPL Open Source project.
[+] Added blendmode for Kokiri Sword Blade – Zelda OOT, and improved blendmode for Mario 64’s 3D head (DarthSidious666)
[!] Refactor MemoryUpdateMI
[!] Tidy MemoryUpdateDP (removed unnecessary interrupts)
[!] Delegate VIScales
[~] A couple of minor changes
Codetactics updated their multi platform, 3D, top down, arcade style helicopter game Mobile Assault.
* Four new missions.
* New guard tower, sam site and pillbox structures.
* New tanks and truck vehicles.
* Added a mission clock to the HUD.
* New leaderboard views (Best Times and Per Platform).
* Added an extra, ‘closer’ camera view.
* The helicopter now rolls while turning (using iPhone virtual joystick or PSP triggers).
* Completed missions are now indicated in the missions menu.
* New virtual joystick look (iPhone).
* Option to delete a player profile.
* Increased the maximum number of player profiles on PSP.
* All vehicles, road and structures are closer to scale.
* The helicopter is textured.
* Added an exit button to the main menu (PSP).
* Better looking bullets.
* Particles have distance attenuation (they get smaller when further away) (iPhone).
Bug Fixes
* Stopped a crash on exit when using the Home button during a mission (PSP).
* If the active weapon is toggled while it is firing, then it will stop firing before being toggled.
* Stopped objects from getting incorrect textures.
Under The Hood
* New shadow algorithm.
* Performance improvements.
* GUI rewrite.
ScummVM is a program which allows you to run certain classic graphical point-and-click adventure games, provided you already have their data files. The clever part about this: ScummVM just replaces the executables shipped with the games, allowing you to play them on systems for which they were never designed!
Some of the adventures ScummVM supports include Adventure Soft’s Simon the Sorcerer 1 and 2; Revolution’s Beneath A Steel Sky, Broken Sword 1 and Broken Sword 2; Flight of the Amazon Queen; Wyrmkeep’s Inherit the Earth; Coktel Vision’s Gobliiins; Westwood Studios’ The Legend of Kyrandia and games based on LucasArts’ SCUMM (Script Creation Utility for Maniac Mansion) system such as Monkey Island, Day of the Tentacle, Sam and Max and more. You can find a thorough list with details on which games are supported and how well on the compatibility page. ScummVM is continually improving, so check back often.
Release notes:
Only four weeks since our last release and already ScummVM 1.1.1 is available on our downloads page.
This release concentrates primarily on fixing bugs, bugs, and even more bugs. As such, we strongly recommend all and every ScummVM user to update to this latest and greatest version. In particular, just as promised we fixed the issues affecting Nippon Safes Inc and Pajama Sam 1 in 1.1.0.
1.1.1 (2010-05-02)
New Ports:
– Added Nintendo 64 Port. (Actually added in 1.1.0, but forgot to mention it. oops)
– Fixed several minor bugs here and there.
– Fixed regression that caused some texts to always be in English, even when using another language. (#2970211 – DRASCULA: missing german translation)
– Fixed a bug which caused the DOS versions to crash before the credits when AdLib music is selected.
– Fixed several memory leaks.
– Corrected problems in the handling of followers when blocked from performing actions by closed doors between rooms.
– Solved issues with Goewin not always correctly following the player out of the caves
– Fix video playback regression in Discworld 2.
– Fix several crashes and other regressions in Nippon Safes, including bugs 2969211, 2969232, 2969234, 2969257, 2970141.
Wii/GameCube port: (Also forgot to mention in 1.1.0)
– Added support for games using 16bit graphics.
– Complete GFX overhaul (new video modes, better performance, picture smoothing, fine grained overscan settings).
– Added a new options dialog for Wii/Gamecube specific settings.
– Fixed a GFX glitch on savegame thumbnails.
– Added support for SMB mountpoints (Samba/Windows shares).
– Added an on-screen console, which is shown when ScummVM exits abnormally.
– Fixed a couple of crashes when using Ogg/Vorbis encoded sound files. See the bundled READMII.txt file for more information.
PSP port: (Also forgot to mention in 1.1.0)
– Added plugin support which allows the PSP Phat to run every game.
– Added a new virtual keyboard optimized for rapid D-Pad input.
FreeDink is a port of a windows game called Dink Smallwood to the PSP. It’s an isometric RPG originally made in 1997 about a farmer defeating the forces of evil.
PowerShell is a simlple shell with advanced functions for PSP.
There is no release yet, but first screenshots!
DaedalusX64 is the continuation of the original Daedalus PSP port by StrmnNrmn and other contributors. It is a GPL Open Source project.
[~] Move RSP logic out of CPU core.(howard0su)
PSP AiO provides you with various tools.
PSP AiO v3.2 functions:
You can use>Pandora Installer,KeyCleaner,Xplo ra
You can update to a Custom Firmware like>5.00 M33-6,5.50 GEN-D2 and 5.50 GEN-D3.
You can install CXMB on a Custom Firmware 3.71 M33 – 5.50 GEN
You can install an english or german Dayviewer v7
You can install Ultimate VSH Menu Revised
You can install Audioboost
You can install PSNLover v1.1
You can install CWCheat
You can install LEDController
You can install screenshot plugin
You can install Preview Contents Hider
you can use a UMD Dumper(now with cso. support)
you can view System-Informations
You can install 3 Gameboots
remove the sony logo
replace the Network-Update with a reboot.prx
Install colorfonts on 5.50 GEN or 5.00 M33
You can download FWs,HBs ….
now with 4 new plugins,faster server
DaedalusX64 is the continuation of the original Daedalus PSP port by StrmnNrmn and other contributors. It is a GPL Open Source project.
[!] Fixed a nasty bug in our kernelbuttonsPRX, that was causing to limit our frame rate..
[!] Set framelimiter disabled by default, (most games doesn’t need it yet)
[+] WIP to ignore COP2..(If any dev feels this change is too radical, feel free to revert it)