Category: Playstation Portable
Simon Says – Remember a played pattern and replay it.
It saves the highscore.
The digital pad can be used as well.
The splashscreen is a little bit different.
Learn Japanese is a trivia game designed to help people memorize Japanese words.
Release notes:
Hello everybody I got some big updates. I added a Menu, 2 extra stages, plus a victory animation when you clear a stage. To complete a stage you must achieve a streak of 21. I also added some more audio pronunciations, and I changed the way the answers are displayed. Now when you hit R+O the answers will display permanently until you turn it off. To access the menu press R+Triangle. Custom Questions not working yet.
PSPuht is a picture processing tool for PSP.
Release notes:
PSPuht (for psp ultimate head/hand tracker), is based on image processing.
It uses filters.
It identifies pixels values in the ycrcb colorimetric space.
It evaluates the position of a cloud of black pixels in a black & white image.
What’s new in V1.1.0:
Poc in video :
This version is greater flexible and give better performances with a tracking more tolerant to noise/parasites.
– A single allocation is necessary to initialize the buffers.
Allocate 0x22240 bytes for a direct rendering (No medium filter applied). Else allocate 0x34E40 bytes if you want to apply the medium filter.
myUht-> initBuffer (Bwork, false, false) / / the second parameter indicates if seek to do a direct rendering. The last parameter indicates if the buffer RGB_565 shall be used or not.
– Ability to apply a grid of pixelization on the black pixels cloud. (corresponding to the tracked entity.) This grid allows the elimination of parasites. You need to set the size of a grid cell, and give a tolerance relating to the pixels outside the cloud.
myUht-> setGrid (8, 32) / / grid cell size = 8; 8 * 8 pixels = 64; 64 / 2 = 32. Tolerance to the pixels outside the cloud is 32.
– Ability to define minimum dimensions of the cloud pixels (corresponding to the tracked entity). myUht-> setMinDim (20, 20); xMin = 20 yMin = 20 (width, height)
PSP AiO provides you with various tools.
PSP AiO v3.1 functions:
You can use Pandora Installer, KeyCleaner, Xplora
You can update to a Custom Firmware like>5.00 M33-6, 5.50 GEN-D2 and 5.50 GEN-D3.
You can install CXMB on a Custom Firmware 3.71 M33 – 5.50 GEN
You can install an english or german Dayviewer v7
You can install Ultimate VSH Menu Revised
You can install Audioboost
You can use a UMD Dumper
You can view System-Informations
You can install 3 Gameboots
* Remove the sony logo
* Replace the Network-Update with a reboot.prx
* Install colorfonts on 5.50 GEN or 5.00 M33
Stuck Pixel Sniper is another application aiming to help you fixing stuck pixels. Instead of filling the whole screen with flashing RGB colors this just targets the affected pixel (hence the name).
DaedalusX64 is the continuation of the original Daedalus PSP port by StrmnNrmn and other contributors. It is a GPL Open Source project.
[!] Rewrote R4300_SetSR ( Tom and Jerry, Extreme-G XG2, Powerpuff Girls and other games boot now !)
[!] Fixed misaligned in C0_SR ( Fixes camara to be zoomed in too far in Wayne Gretzky’s 3D Hockey ’98)
[~] Got rid off all CHECK_R0s in our R400 core….phhheww
[+] kernelbuttons.prx is built in proper location (froggyman)
[!] Updated debug pif tools, it compiles now against Dx64 source, also define was moved to config file for easy usage.
[~] Small code clean up…
POWDER is a roguelike game, which is not a port of an existing roguelike. It is built around replayability and long term ergonomics, not short term learning. Author of this piece of software is Jeff Lait.
Fireball and Cloudkill always explode at the end of their trajectory.
When you gain permanent intrinsics by evolving or lichifying, relevant temporary intrinsics will be cleared, preventing you from having a silver-tolerant lich. (Nathan Bogue)
Timestamps on the final character dump and the description of how long you lived will now match. (Deozaan)
You can wish for bones and corpses without them instantly dissolving. (Garron)
You can no longer fetch items that have teleport fixed. (Eris Discordia)
When a creature (un)polys into a gargantuan creature, it will now also push away monsters in addition to crushing walls. (Nathan Bogue)
Lich-form creatures that are undead no longer report it being your evil that was useless. (garron Bailey)
When you name an item, the menu defaults to naming the type rather than the specific as this is the usual scenario.
The floor of the kiwi room is now the proper floor tile.
Controled teleport onto the square you are already standing no longer reports that you are blocked, but that you decide to stay put.
Mysterious mapping of rooms fixed. Thanks to Kender and Mental Mouse for tracking this down – it has been annoying me for six years or so! (David Damerell, Eilu, Kender, Mental Mouse) should work with –use-home-dir again. (garron)
The option menu no longer has Load. Instead it has Quit, which prompts you if you meant this. Loading is now only done from the main menu.
No experience for killing your pets.
Confirmation prompt if starting New Game with active saved game as one can easily accidentally overwrite it.
Some spells when mistargeted no longer waste your mana. Not all, so remain vigilant.
Cancelling your choice in the Wish menu no longer costs a turn.
Fix potential crash when you are killed by splash damage from a thrown item.
While the highscore is kept, save games are never preserved between versions. Please wait until your current character dies before upgrading.
Light_AleX is working an a new shell application for PSP. It’s in early stages.