Category: Playstation Portable
PSPiton is a simple application which will help you downgrading/upgrading your PSP to the firmware you need for your games. It also contains alot of real usefull information of other good apps/homebrew, such as CWCheat, Ultimate PSPTube and their links.
– More apps added (as always);
– Fixed a bug when you pressed on the about button a error popped-up;
– Added a rating system in the info menu;
– Added a button which gives you the chance to have your app on PSPiton ^^;
– Added a icon;
– Colored text bars;
– Updated LEDA v0.1 to v0.2. (Thanks z7shaft for reporting)
Mickael2054 released PSP Adhoc Messenger.
– Added a sound when a new message has arrived
– Added the list of conversation (with time)
– Changing the keyboard (thank you to its creator Flav1994!)
– Added a message when connecting / disconnecting from a host
– Added the “TopBar” small time and battery
– Modification of function names
– Fixed spacing (the space are converted into characters when sending, and vice versa at the reception!)
– Fixed other bugs
Gefa released PopBlocks, it’s a clone of the flash puzzle game pushori.
Thanks to for the screenshot.
PSP Tool is a multi-purpose utility to application which can perform various general management functions on a PlayStation Portable console.
This includes:
– Backup and Restore the IdStorage of the PSP
– Check the IPL injected on the Memory Stick or a file located on the Memory Stick
– Check, Backup, Restore and change the battery EEPROM
– Connect various devices through a USB cable
– Create a checksum of the IPL injected on the Memory Stick or an IPL located on the Memory Stick
– Create a variety of different Magic Memory Sticks
– Erase the entire IPL space of the Memory Stick
– Extract the IPL injected on the Memory Stick to a file
– Format the Memory Stick
– Inject a variety of included IPLs or an IPL from a file to the Memory Stick
– Added: Support for 2.71 SE and 1.50 running under Time Machine and check to disable running on 3.71.
– Fixed: RSOD when choosing ‘Test M33’ feature on a DC7 MMS created with this application (only occured on Fat).
– Fixed: Issue using SQUARE as part of the boot key when creating a Magic Memory Stick.
– Fixed: Issue which could arise when creating more than one Magic Memory Stick in a single session.
– Other: Other Memory Sticks can now be formatted by first clicking on the format item in the menu and before answering yes to the questions insert the second Memory Stick.
– Other: To reduce the risk of a BSOD when installing or running a firmware from a Magic Memory Stick the registry of a 1.50 system is now copied instead of the registry of the current system (to use the current systems registry files hold the L trigger while the Magic Memory Stick is being created.)
– Other: Implemented a check for modules which are known to cause issues with PSP Tool. If any of these modules are found a message is first shown with the modules which need to be disabled and then the PSP performs a reboot. To disable this check hold the R trigger while loading the game.
– Updated: Now uses VLF library 1.0 by moonlight.
– Updated: Updated the information shown in the System Information panels.
PSPiton is a simple application which will help you downgrading/upgrading your PSP to the firmware you need for your games. It also contains alot of real usefull information of other good apps/homebrew, such as CWCheat, Ultimate PSPTube and their links.
– More apps added;
– Splitted the application into 2 differend versions: full and lite (full doesn’t require to download every single app, because they are already included. The lite version does require to download them, but
the lite version is alot smaller;
– Fixed a bug which caused to close PSPiton if you pressed home or end;
– Fixed a bug which showed incorrect information of some apps/homebrew;
– Readme added;
– Pressing the PSPiton logo doesn’t cause showing up the credits anymore;
– Updated PSPfiler;
– Updated Pandora Deluxe;
– Added a second page, so I can add more apps in nearby future;
– Added the ability to resize the windowed mode to fullscreen mode (Maybe will be removed in the upcoming version).
Kill All Gnomes! At the moment the only superweapons available are Airstrike, Ion Cannon, and Nuclear Missiles.
This tool allows you to modify PSPBTCNF BIN files (pspbtjnf.bin, pspbtknf.bin, pspbtlnf.bin).
This version comes with a backup and restore function!
“PSP Dev with Eclipse” is an ebook in .pdf form and covers PSP development with Eclipse.
Asterz is a 3D/2D Asteroids inspired space shooter.
* Fixed a game compromising bug
* Fixed Arcade Mode. Enemies would stop coming after you reached a score of 10000
* Fixed Level 10 from continuing on even if your ship died, thus allowing you to beat the game even if you were dead
* Increased difficulty of Arcade Mode slightly
* Added a high score saver for Arcade Mode
* Changed eboot icon
Thanks to for the news.