PSP Protection Password (PSP Application Source Code)

The source for “PSP Protection Password” has been released. It’s an application which will protect your PSP with a password of choice.

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Officially 3rd party software on iPhone’s? (iPhone misc) had an article about a possible iPhone SDK.

The article:

Will Apple Open the iPhone?
An official software-development kit may finally be announced at January’s Macworld. Why the wait? It may have something to do with Leopard.

William Hurley loves his iPhone. But he’d love it even more if he could write software for it.

He’s not alone. Hundreds of programmers showed up at an iPhone event organized by Hurley, an executive at software maker BMC (BMC), even though Apple hasn’t released the source code they need to exploit the device. That was in July, and the criticism of Apple’s refusal to open the iPhone hasn’t died down.

Now it appears Apple (AAPL) will soon answer those pleas. Sources familiar with the company’s plans tell that Apple will release a software-development kit for the iPhone in early 2008, enabling programmers to create games, business-productivity tools, and countless other applications for the device. Few details are known, but sources say an announcement will come in January, which suggests it may be slated for Jan. 15, when Chief Executive Officer Steve Jobs takes the stage at the Macworld Expo in San Francisco.

Why the wait? Some analysts suggest the delay has little to do with frustrating developers or Apple’s official position about bugs from third-party software posing a threat to cellular networks. Instead, the timing may have more to do with Apple wanting to wait at least until the launch of the new operating system for its Macintosh computers. Known as Leopard, it was originally planned for June, 2007, but is now set for release on Oct. 26. Since the iPhone was built with the current Mac OS, the thinking is that Leopard’s new capabilities will enable more robust features on the iPhone as well….

Follow the link below for the full story!

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FlacPlay (Beta) (PSP Application)

Justin Sharrad is working on a FLAC player for PSP. FLAC is a high quality audio format, refer to a Wikipedia article if you want to know more about it.

In this early stage, it just plays the files as you select them with your up and down buttons. The X button starts playing and the O button stops playback.

You can leave feedback here:

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Menu v1.1 (NDS misc)

Spinal has updated his NDS “Menu” two days ago.It’s a menu for loading homebrew and based on Chishm’s DLDI loader.

If you want to get it working on a R4 card you will need to encrypt the _ds_menu.dat using Chishm’s tool located at

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WebFest (16-10-2007) (PSP Game)

WebFest is a tunnel shooter game for PSP, based mostly on Tempest, but with slightly modified gameplay. This version is compiled for PSP firmware 1.50, so may not work on the newer slimline PSP2000 yet.

Thanks to Jum himself for the news via the PDRoms webboard:

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anySIM v1.1 (iPhone Application)

This is a SIM unlocking tool for the iPhone.

Please note that this version works only on VIRGIN 1.0.2 or 1.1.1 phones. DO NOT USE IF YOU HAVE ALREADY UNLOCKED WITH ANYSIM 1.0

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PSPColem v1.1.0 (Coleco Vision emu for PSP)

Here is a new version of PSPColem the Colecovision Emulator for PSP.

For those who haven’t seen previous versions, ColEm is one of the best emulator of the ColecoVision videogame system written by Marat Fayzullin. It’s running on FreeBSD, HP-UX, SunOS, Solaris, Linux, and other Unix systems. PSPColem is a port to PSP of Colem (Unix version 1.0).


– Display and save thumbnail images for each save state
– New graphics
– Option to prevent the blue led to be displayed when
L or R are pressed
– Option to display frame rate

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PSPWrite v1.0.2 (PSP Application)

Here is a new version of PSPWrite the text editor for PSP

It permits to edit even huge text file, in both dos and unix mode, using iso8859-1 (8bits) characters encoding. All iso8859-1 characters are present in the “Danzeff like” virtual keyboard.

The IR keyboard support is based on the work of Harald Fielker (author of the PSP IR Keyboard Library) with a new patch from Craig to support Sprint PCS IR keyboard.

It has been developed on linux for Firmware 1.5 and 3.40-OE, and for the IR keyboard part it has been tested using a Targus Universal IR Wireless keyboard.


– IR keyboard is now active in all menus and the ENTER
key works fine (no need to press Ctrl-X in menus)
– file extention are now ignored so you can edit any file
– the last folder used to load a file becomes the new default
– the last folder is saved in the configuration file
(so the default folder is not always pspwrite/txt/ folder)
– options are now saved on exit
– ask before to overwrite a file
– keys such as page-up or page-down are now working fine
in the virtual keyboard
– add missing key mapping in the help file
– option to specify the text and background color
– option to specify the width/heigth of the editor screen
(the screen will be automatically centered)
– tabulations are now supported
(and expanded in space optionally)
– Bug fix and code cleaning

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Image Viewer v1.0 (NDS Application)

Infantile Paralysiser has released version one of his “Image Viewer” for NDS.


Improved to use the memory more efficiently.
The simple disk check and the ARM9 memory check were added to boot-up.
PSRAM of ‘EZ 3in1 Expansion Pack’ can be used as an caching memory.
The IPK file that exceeds 8 files can be treated.
The view mode was sped up.
The DLDI driver was updated.
A small bug that existed in img2ipk.exe was corrected.
‘Large size limitation’ of img2ipk.ini was removed.
The starting position and the end position of the slide show are resumed.
The customjpeg mode of the IPK format has been improved. Please encode again with img2ipk.exe.

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The iPhones hazardous chemicals? (iPhone misc)

Here is an article from Greenpeace about the iPhone:

International — Scientific tests, arranged by Greenpeace, reveal that Apple’s iPhone contains hazardous chemicals. The tests uncovered two types of hazardous substances, some of which have already been eliminated by other mobile phone makers.
In May, due to our successful Green my Apple campaign Steve Jobs, the boss of Apple, claimed: “Apple is ahead of, or will soon be ahead of, most of its competitors” on environmental issues.

We watched closely when the iPhone was launched in June for any mention of the green features of the phone from Apple. There was none.

So we bought a new iPhone in June and sent it our Research Laboratories in the UK. Analysis revealed that the iPhone contains toxic brominated compounds (indicating the prescence of brominated flame retardants (BFRs)) and hazardous PVC. The findings are detailed in the report, “Missed call: the iPhone’s hazardous chemicals”

There have been thousands of media articles about the iPhone. Few of them have discussed the phone’s environmental credentials. Check out our video of the disassembly of the iPhone and what the tests revealed (link below).

An independent scientific laboratory tested 18 internal and external components of the iPhone and confirmed the presence of brominated compounds in half the samples, including in the phone’s antenna, in which they made up 10 percent of the total weight of the flexible circuit board. A mixture of toxic phthalates was found to make up 1.5 percent of the plastic (PVC) coating of the headphone cables.

“Steve Jobs has missed the call on making the iPhone his first step towards greening Apple’s products,” said Zeina Alhajj, Greenpeace International toxics campaigner. “It seems that Apple is far from leading the way for a green electronics industry as competitors, like Nokia, already sell mobile phones free of PVC”.

Dr. David Santillo, Senior Scientist at the Greenpeace Research Laboratories, commented, “Two of the phthalate plasticisers found at high levels in the headphone cable are classified in Europe as ‘toxic to reproduction, category 2’ because of their long-recognised ability to interfere with sexual development in mammals. While they are not prohibited in mobile phones, these phthalates are banned from use in all toys or childcare articles sold in Europe. Apple should eliminate the use of these chemicals from its products range.”

On the linked page below is a slideshow of how the iPhone was disassembled for testing.

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