iFonz v1.0.0 (PPC Application)

iFonz is a clone of iPhone interface, with a lots of customization and a fully graphical design and animations
for Windows Mobile 5/6 completely writed in .NET.


– Now iFonz use Microsoft .NET Compact Framework 3.5, native in Windows Mobile 6
– Finally iFonz have all icons near and not blank screen from a page to another page
– iFonz & iFonz Settings more stable in all devices
– iFonz Settings now is separeted from iFonz and in iFonz when click on “Open Settings” open “iFonz Settings.exe”
– New extra icons and wallpapers
– Now if you choose the notification of Appointments iFonz get number from calendar otherwise it get from Today screen only next appointment
– Now when choose a contact in “Icon Edit” it ask if you want apply the name of the contact selected to icon
– iFonz speed improvements
– Now when edit an icon the program ask if you want to use the image of program selected, for the old version of iFonz reedit the icons with no image and reset the program file
– New slides animations with fade effect you can choose in General Settings
– Now Fade in and Fade out are together in “Fade In & Out” and a new Fade effect for slides are in General Settings
– Now if you choose Animation Nothing in General Settings all Slides dont work and all other panel show normally without enter/exit animation
– Added finally in iFonz folder the language file (lang.txt). It load at the start of iFonz, if you modify it restart iFonz.
– Do rounded corners for contact images
– Important: If you dont look the good image in your icons re-assign the command file

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PockeTwit (r08) (PPC Application)

PockeTwit is a twitter client for the Windows Mobile Professional platform.

– A unique user interface
– Display public, user, and friends timelines
– Update status
– URL shortining with
– Reply to tweets
– Show profiles
– Clickable @names and URLs
– Option to check for new version on startup


Option to auto-upgrade when new version is available


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Rlyeh leaving GP2x scene (GP2x misc)

rlyeh is leaving the GP32/GP2x scene. He is known for a bunch of emulators and his Minimal Library.


Hello GP32/GP2X community,

If you receive this mail is probably because you contacted with me some (long) time ago probably about my GP32 emulators, the GP2X reminiscence port, or maybe the GP2X minimal library SDK.

The bad news is that I won’t finish anything ever. I’m publicly leaving the GP32/GP2X scene as you’re reading this. I got a sexy girl and no time enough for handhelds, I’ve been idling too much since 2005, and I’m more interested lately in other fields (next-gen videogame creation mainly).

The good news is that I’ve decided to release my GP2X Minimal Library SDK v0.C (WIP ) as is it. I’ve created some sourceforge projects for those guys interested at continuing / improving my work. My webpage is also slowing changing to a new version, and focusing on community and opensource mainly. In the next days I’ll be releasing there many emulators and different software I’ve done in the past years.

Hope you don’t blame for all the missing projects I left on the road: f-day, HPL, and a few GP32 emulators.

I’d like to thank the old #retrodev/#gp32dev/#gp2xdev guys for the good old years.

It was ace to code those 14 GP32 emulators at same time when I had the time to do it. I won’t forget ever the support you guys gave me all the time.

Wish you the best, and keep up the good work!

The future will bring exciting things, but that may be another story.

– rlyeh

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Rlyeh leaving GP32 scene (GP32 misc)

rlyeh is leaving the GP32/GP2x scene. He is known for a bunch of emulators and his Minimal Library.


Hello GP32/GP2X community,

If you receive this mail is probably because you contacted with me some (long) time ago probably about my GP32 emulators, the GP2X reminiscence port, or maybe the GP2X minimal library SDK.

The bad news is that I won’t finish anything ever. I’m publicly leaving the GP32/GP2X scene as you’re reading this. I got a sexy girl and no time enough for handhelds, I’ve been idling too much since 2005, and I’m more interested lately in other fields (next-gen videogame creation mainly).

The good news is that I’ve decided to release my GP2X Minimal Library SDK v0.C (WIP ) as is it. I’ve created some sourceforge projects for those guys interested at continuing / improving my work. My webpage is also slowing changing to a new version, and focusing on community and opensource mainly. In the next days I’ll be releasing there many emulators and different software I’ve done in the past years.

Hope you don’t blame for all the missing projects I left on the road: f-day, HPL, and a few GP32 emulators.

I’d like to thank the old #retrodev/#gp32dev/#gp2xdev guys for the good old years.

It was ace to code those 14 GP32 emulators at same time when I had the time to do it. I won’t forget ever the support you guys gave me all the time.

Wish you the best, and keep up the good work!

The future will bring exciting things, but that may be another story.

– rlyeh

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Minimal Library v0.c WIP (GP2x misc)

GP2X minimal library by rlyeh is a general purpose C multimedia library done for GP2X handheld, featuring efficent code and a very exhaustive API covering almost all known hardware.


+ GP2X 920t/940t CPUs library with a FIFO message system.
+ GP2X 32 bits YUV video library using double buffering.
+ GP2X 15/16 bits RGB video library using triple buffering.
+ GP2X 8 bits RGB video library using sextuple buffering.
+ GP2X sound library using octuple buffering.
+ GP2X TV out library using CX24785 video encoder chipset directly.
+ GP2X MMU library by providing own /dev/minimal kernel module.
+ GP2X joystick library with USB support.
+ GP2X profiler library.
+ GP2X blitter library.
+ GP2X image library.
+ GP2X timer library.
+ GP2X font library.

Thanks to drfreak339 ( ) for the news.

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Racing Game (Build 2) (A2600 Game)

ataril2600land got bored and started to work on a racing game with track editor.

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Last Mobile Space Battalion (28-07-2008) (A2600 Game)

Phillip has updated his game “Last Mobile Space Battalion”. It’s a mix of Space Invaders and Yar’s Revenge.

Release notes:

Cool, the advice really worked. I was able to do a lot of the things that I wasn’t able to do before. I got a wider shots for the alien and scrolling satellites. Also got an end to the game (when player gets hit you hear a beep, then you see laser beams.) Also got rid of the compilation error. Thanks.

The link is the same. Just download again and try out the improved game. Let me know what you think.


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Scid Pocket v1.1 (PPC Application)

Scid is a chess database application. Scid for Pocket PC is in active development but is quite stable and usable.

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CQuake (27-07-2008) (NDS Game Port)

A port of id softwares Quake 1 to the Nintendo DS. The main goal of this project is to drastically reduce the memory requiremments needed to play quake on the DS.


Release notes from elhobbs:

its not quite dead yet, I am still working on it. in fact there is a new update. not much added though. I added crosshair, on screen keyboard and rumble for the ezflash 3in1 (look in the readme_cquake.txt file for how to enable it for the ezflash 3in1). I also fixed lookspring.

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PockeTwit (r07) (PPC Application)

PockeTwit is a twitter client for the Windows Mobile Professional platform.

– A unique user interface
– Display public, user, and friends timelines
– Update status
– URL shortining with
– Reply to tweets
– Show profiles
– Clickable @names and URLs


Follow/Stop-Following, More responsive UI


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