Symbolica v0.7 (GP2x Game)

The symbols on the screen represent a numeric value in the

order as they are displayed on the right. As you move over
a symbol, it is decrements to the next lower symbol or

The author is seeking for people who are willing to create more levels for his game.,0,0,0,25,2074

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Theme Swapper v1.0 (PSP Application)

Lucifer_V has updated his PSP application Theme Swapper.


-font’s added
-recover funtion added
-more availeble slot’s to save
-better navigating in menu
-bugs fixed
-graphix added

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Caprice v0.6 WIP 6 (CPC emu for GP2x)

Caprice is a CPC emulator for the GP2x and has been updated recently. This is one step closer to the Final v0.6.


-Virtual Keyboard – Fully working!!!
-New options: Color/monocrome monitor and adjustable RAM
-New skin from ANTIRIAD!

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Pipes v2.0 (GP2x Java Game)

Pipes, previously released as Beerware, has now been released to the Freeware pool. Along with this Nagelfar comes up with Version 2. This game needs the GP2x Java-Enviroment installed.

As additional download you can find 11 skins, to modify the look and feeling of the game.

Donations are explicitly welcome.

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Space Pong v0.1 (NDS Game)

Space Pong is a Pong game for the Nintendo DS by Circus.

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Paladin (01-04-2007) (A2600 Game)

This is a Telengard style game. The working title is Paladin.

espire8 has hacked the original homebrew, which is currently under development, to add more sprites/enemies.

Some notes from the author:

I looked at the code and found room for 15 monster sprites and 3 color tables for the current number that’s playable so far. I figure one different monster for each of the 10 dungeon levels and having 3 different frames for each; 1 attacking and a 2-frame animated stand by (between turns in battles). The original 3 monsters that were in there had repeated sprites for up to Lv 5 and only those will show up at the moment. I put in place the dwarf, goblin and dragon though they are still static; I did however animated the knight somewhat using the repeated frames for HP up to 16.

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Dreamchip v4.0 (Chip8 interpretor for DC)

Dreamchip interpretes Chip8 program for the Dreamcast.


Put in Visable Fps Counter up to 42fps

Thanks to for the news.

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PSPSSH v1.0.3 (PSP Application)

PSPSSH is a SSH2 Client for the Playstation Portable.


– New Danzeff keyboard layout (alt keys are now available)
– New option to save the vt100 screen as a text file.
– New login menu (more friendly, and with new options)
– Improve vt100 emulation (for example, the nano editor works fine now)
– As Matt Johnston advice me, i’ve added a new initial random seed generation, using keystroke latency (you have now to press psp keys randomly, the first time you run pspssh).
– bug fix in random number generator
– bug fix in key send function
– bug fix in vt100 emulator

Thanks to for the news.

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Die Critters Die v0.5 (PSP Game)

the_darkside_986 has released an improved version of “Die Critters Die” for the Playstation Portable.

Thanks to for the news.

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MS Master 2.03b (PSP Application)

The purpose of MS:0 Master is to provide automated access to the ms from my computer in windows machines. So far it adds the menu option to “Restore Utilities” which when clicked copies the contents of c:utils to Ms.


– added time stamp to plugin and gamesave
– added time stamp to template section.

Thanks to for the news.

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