Dingoo News
RAW v0.1.2 (Dingoo Linux Game Port)

RAW is a re-implementation of the engine used in the game Another World. Original RAW was made by Gregory Montoir. This version is a port of this engine for the Dingoo. You need the original game files of Another World to make it run.


– Fullscreen mode (ingood SDLStretch240 code)
– Optimized for battery life. Binary runs at 166 mhz of speed(A600 overclock code)
– diff source code release


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Ingenic-MPlayer (02-09-2009) (Alpha) (Dingoo Linux Application Port)

lordbla successfully compiled the MPlayer-sources optimized by Ingenic.

Here comes an update:

Here are the kernel-builds for both lcd-models, the executables and some config-files.


I can’t tell much about the performance, since I only have a class2-sdcard and the kernel is still reading in 1-bit mode, but it seems to be quite comparable to the native video-player or even better.

edit: the config-files will hide the osd, since else it’s blinking all the time once triggered.


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Ingenic-MPlayer (Early Alpha) (Dingoo Linux Application Port)

lordbla successfully compiled the MPlayer-sources optimized by Ingenic. It’s already possible to listen to music, but it does not play videos yet.

Everything is in a very early alpha stage, so don’t expect too much at this point.


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DBalls (29-08-2009) (Dingoo Linux Game)

DBalls is a “Same Game” type game, where you need to group two more equal colors together to let them disappear.

Release notes by mrLogan:

While continuing my education in the very excellent SDL library I came across a tutorial on a website called cone3d which I thought wouldn’t take much to turn it into a game on the Dingoo. So a few little images, a drop of sound and a few tweaks here and there until i got bored and this was the result. I have included the source code for anyone else out there who is looking for some examples.

To install just drop the dballs folder onto your dingux folders someplace and add the usual menu item for dballs.


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CloneKeen Dingux v0.1 (Dingoo Linux misc Port)

This is an enhanced interpreter for the Commander Keen 1-3 Series. It is based on the original CloneKeen engine.

Release notes by mrLogan:

CloneKeen port for Dingux v0.1

I don’t know much about this game as I never really played it myself but it seems it was popular at the time. This version includes the shareware episode 1, it should work with the full version episodes but I don’t have them so I didn’t try it. Everything seems to be working ok gfx, sound, controls , save games etc.

CTRL (Jump): B
ALT (Pogo): Y
Fire: B & Y at the same time (once you have the raygun)
Space (Pause): Start
Enter: Select or A
Escape (Quit): L
F3 (save): R

Installation in DMenu:
You need to create a menu item like the one below. Note the executable “./clonekeen2x -ep1” indicates episode 1. You need to change it to -ep2 and -ep3 for the other episodes.

MenuItem CloneKeen
Icon = “res/games.png”
Name = ” CloneKeen”
Executable = “./clonekeen2x -ep1”
WorkDir = “/usr/local/games/CloneKeen2X”

When the games starts the screen at one point goes black, just press a button and the screen will come back into life again. I put a nasty hack in to get it to quit to the desktop without freezing the dingoo but it means that it might no have released all the memory it should of.


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Sopwith (31-08-2009) (Dingoo Linux Game Port)

Sopwith is a sidescrolling shoot ’em up game.


START = Start (press a couple of times)
LEFT = Pull Up
RIGHT = Pull Down
DOWN = Flip
A = Fire
B = Bomb
Y = Go Home
L = Throttle Down
R = Throttle Up


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DOOEngine v0.9c (PCE emu for Dingoo)

DOOEngine is a native Dingoo PC Engine emulator by alekmaul.

Put DOOEngine.SIM in your GAME directory. Put your .PCE games where you want. Use “Interesting game” from Dingoo menu and choose your .PCE file, the emu will launch with the game.


# fix timer int : more games are working
# update sound each time psg is updated (more accurate)
+ add sound threading model to speed (a little) emulation
# fix tv-out pb (thanks Harteex for your help 😉 )


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FBA320 v1.0 (Arcade emu for Dingoo Linux)

Slaanesh released FBA320 for Dingoo Linux. Final Burn Alpha is an emulator specializing in emulating arcade video game machines based on M68000 and Z80 CPUs. A large number of well know arcade machines fall under this category including the famous Neo Geo, CPS1/2, Cave, Toaplan and PGM hardware.


The Dingoo’s FBA320 port is a combination of the GP2X and PSP ports of Final Burn Alpha – think of it as part Linux (GP2X heritage) and part MIPS (PSP/Dingoo CPU).


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Little Piggy Tracker (31-08-2009) (Dingoo Linux Application Port)

LittleGPTracker (a.k.a ‘The piggy’) is a music tracker optimised to run on portable game consoles.

xzakox has released a first version, bringing this wonderful application over to the Dingoo.

Video in Action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvqGgNj6M7Y

Release notes:

As usual unpack the folder in the zip somewhere inside local in your dingux SD card,
for example local/apps/lgpt, and add an entry to your dmenu config like this:

MenuItem LGPT
Icon = “/usr/local/apps/lgpt/lgpt.png”
Name = “LGPT”
Executable = “./lgpt.dge”
WorkDir = “/usr/local/apps/lgpt”
Selector = no

put songs in the same folder,

Controls are the same as GP2X LGPT but X and Y control HW Volume (X up, Y down).


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DOOEngine v0.9b (PCE emu for Dingoo)

DOOEngine is a native Dingoo PC Engine emulator by alekmaul.

Put DOOEngine.SIM in your GAME directory. Put your .PCE games where you want. Use “Interesting game” from Dingoo menu and choose your .PCE file, the emu will launch with the game.


Initiale beta release


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