Blockrage is a Columns like game for the GP2x ported by MiSaTo.
Airstrike is a clone + new features of a Missile Command. Basically, you have to protect a base from incoming missiles coming down. At the moment there isn’t a base though!
BlockZ is a Bust-A-Move Clone. You control a vertically bouncing block, which is changing it’s color regularly. You have to prevent the other blocks from reaching the bottom of the screen! You have some time to clear those blocks by touching them with your block, when its got the same colour. After a short time, another line of blocks will appear on top.
Hermes/PS2R has released a Spectrum emulator for the GP2x. It already comes with a lot of features and runs at 133mhz.,0,0,0,5,1225
SuperTux is a classic 2D jump’n run sidescroller game in a style similar to the original SuperMario games. This goal of this port is to keep the orignal SuperTux gameplay more or less unchanged, but to tweak the bits that could provide a better gaming experience on the Playstation Portable. Changes:
use double screenbuffer extra life bonus only available first time you complete a level die when aborting a level get time bonus when finishing a level fixed gui glitch when walking inside caves no blood splatter when falling off screen speed of rolling snowball decreased speed of bouncing snowball decreased speed of autoscrolling levels decreased some surplus images removed some images was not resized other minor changes
This is a quick and dirty port of the”Links Web Browser”to the GP2x. The version is ported from twibright labs ( It doesn’t support CSS or javascript, but is useful enough for simple pages.,0,0,0,8,1226
critical has updated his port of UAE4ALL (UAE for DC) for the GP2x.
Nekokabu has updated his screen capturing program for the PSP. It allows you to take screenshot while playing a game etc.
Franxis has updated his MAME (Multiple Arcarde Machine Emulator) for the GP2x. Changes in this release:
Hardware video scaling / stretching in horizontal and vertical mode (faster). – Screen is updated now with a single video buffer (faster). Added 20 new romsets from MAME 0.35b3 (total supported games now is 1083!): Breywood (breywood), Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (World) (dino), Capcom World 2 (Japan) (cworld2j), Captain Silver (csilver), The Real Ghostbusters (3 player) (ghostb3), Gondomania (gondo), Last Mission (Rev 5) (lastmss2), Last Mission (Rev 6) (lastmiss), Mekyo Sensi (mekyosen), Muscle Bomber Duo (Japan) (mbomberj), Muscle Bomber Duo (World) (mbomber), Punisher (Japan) (punishrj), Punisher (World) (punisher), Quiz&Dragons (Japan) (qadj), Quiz&Dragons (US) (qad), Shackled (shackled), Slam Masters (World) (slammast), Super Real Darwin (srdarwin), Tenchi o Kurau 2 (Japan) (wofj), Warriors of Fate (World) (wof). Added 2 new romsets from MAME 0.35b8: Tumble Pop (bootleg set 1) (tumblep) and Tumble Pop (bootleg set 2) (tumblep2). Graphics fixed in Three Wonders (MAME 0.35b3 and MAME 0.35b6). Speed fixed in Psycho Nicks Oscar (MAME 0.35b3). Added a new frontend graphic skin created by Sike. New clrmame.dat created by [MaD] updated up to MAME GP2X 1.5.
Tedzero has updated his File-Browser for the Playstation Portable. Thanks toPSP-Updatesfor the news. Changes:
This release has mouse enabled. Few bugs fixed and few introduced.