Nintendo DS News
NesDS v0.52a (NES emu for NDS)

NesDS is a Nintendo Entertainment System emulator for Nintendo DS.


* The ‘menu’ is re-designed.
* Raw PCM supported, not perfect, can be switched off in menu>Settings>Config.
* Settings of nesDS can be written to ‘nesDS.ini’ at runtime, done in menu>Settings.
* Short-Cuts can be configured in menu>Settings.
* ‘LightGun’ is placed in menu>Game>Extra, ‘Micphone’ and ‘FDS disk’ are also added there. ‘Micphone’ is not tested.

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Micro Lua DS v4.0.2 (NDS misc)

Micro Lua DS” is a Lua programing language and interpretor for Nintendo DS.

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KubikDS v0.81 (Alpha) (NDS Game)

KubikDS by Quent42340 is a platform game with simple graphics.


Design changes

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A5200DS v1.4 (A5200 emu)

alekmaul updated A5200DS. It’s an Atari 5200 emulator based upon Atari800.

A5200DS V1.1


* Add automatic chip detection for 16k roms (but you can change it)
* Button L to display/hide FPS
* Add R & L to change Rom
* Really fix flickering pb, alphalerp is back and screen is smoother
* Better sound (not so much …)

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Micro Solitaire v0.31 (NDS Lua Game)

Micro Solitaire by Papymouge is a Solitaire card game realized using Micro Lua.

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msxDS v0.90 (MSX emu for NDS)

Popolon updated msxDS. msxDS is a MSX/MSX2/MSX2+ emulator for DS/DS Lite.


Display engine optimization. (Thanks to Pixador for the suggestion for sprites)
Improved MSX1 VDP registers emulation.
Some optimizations in sound and Z80 emulation.
Added R register emulation of Z80.
Update libnds (v1.5.0). Now MsxDS supports the DSI mode of CycloDS iEvo.
New ITCM memory management to put the most useful routines according to selected MSX mode.
Fixed colors values of screen 8 mode.
Fixed bug of color 0.
Added Key mapping to L,R for Angma Jidae – Devil zone (Uttum Soft). (ROM versions)
Fixed bug in error messages.
Updated Carts.crc file.
Fixed a SCC detection problem for games in ROM.

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A5200DS v1.3 (A5200 emu)

alekmaul updated A5200DS. It’s an Atari 5200 emulator based upon Atari800.

A5200DS V1.1


* Fix pb with iEvo (hangs on menu)

Thanks to for the news.

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Alphablocks v1.0 (NDS misc)

Alphablocks by IceDaddy is an educational program for pre-schoolers to get learning letter sounds.

Alphablocks v1.0

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BloxavoiD v1.0 (NDS Game)

In BloxavoiD by sulfyr you control an arrow. Make sure you don’t collide with any blocks. Go further and further to gain more points!

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Blitz (17-12-2010) (NDS Game)

Blitz was originally a VIC-20 game (late 70s/early 80s). The original game was based upon the German bombing of London during World War 2 (The Blitz) where you played a Luftwaffe bomber pilot. IceDaddy’s version has been a little modernised as you are now flying a B2 Stealth Bomber although your bombs are still dumb and not the modern guided variety.

Fly your plane and bomb the city. You loose height on every run, you have a limited number of bombs and you can only drop them one at a time. The only control you need is the ‘A’ button. Flatten the city before you crash!

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