Pocket PC News
With Route Tracker you can create routes and add several route points containing text and/or images from your current position. If gps is available it will take the current longitude, latitude and altitude. Without a gps module information of the current cell id and the location area code are saved. For each route a report can be created which can be saved as a html file.
additional settings: check gps, vibrate on saving
saving settings: seconds, minutes and vibrate on saving
show time with date in the grid
This small program allows customizing vibration incoming call alerts. Windows based phones vibrate either before the ring or constantly during the ring. Having a short ringtone can possibly solve this problem, but with long mp3 ringtone the phone will constantly vibrate during the ring.
This program will enable Windows Mobile phones to produce short vibrations when the phone rings. Vibration patterns can be easily changed by the user. Possibly to match vibration patterns to the ringtone, so the phone will vibrate in a rhythm.
This new version supports more devices, including non-HTC. The installer runs the program upon installation.
TouchLaunch is simple application launcher, which scans startmenu shortcuts, and list them alphabetically.
+Icon caching ( program starts in 4-5 secs, depended on amount of your shortcuts, first start takes about 10 secs )
+New Option dialog ( not polished, but fully functionable )
+AlphabetGrid can be modified in Option dialog
+”Start in certain category” in Option dialog
Configure keys on a device for Worms World Party (v1.0.4).
G-Watch is a stop watch and a countdown timer with all features you’ll expect of a stopwatch.
As an additional feature there is GPS support. You can (you don’t have to!!) use your GPS device to monitor your training session. You can export your sessions to CVS (e.g. for Excel), KML or GPX (e.g. for Google Earth).
G-Alarm is an alarm clock with a special mechanism to wake you up. Before the alarm clock stops you need to guide a ball through a labyrinth.
[FIXED] Daylight savings bug
[FIXED] Quick alarm time-bug
[UPDATED] Close alarm after x minutes: If you manually press “Snooze” the timer will be resetted.
[UPDATED] Languages: swedish, finish, french, polish, turkish, croatian, czech, korean, chinese traditional, chinese simplified, portuguese, dutch, russian, spanish
Discussion: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=422362
Auto Lock (CSDEVCTRL) is another auto locking program which utilizes the Windows Locking for partial locking (phone related keys are active) or complete locking (no keys are active).
25/10 – v4.03 – Changed to 3 digits the sleep time, Excludekeys is now a list, Fixes.
This software will install as a today or home plugin and offer the user the possibility of instantly switching the audio between Device Speaker, A2DP Stereo Headsets and Speakerphone.
After A2DPToggle is installed, you will need to pair your A2DP Wireless Stereo Device (Headset, Loudspeaker) to your Windows Mobile device.
The A2DP Device must support the service called “wireless stereo” or “audio/video”. Make sure you select one of these services when pairing.
– 1.1 can be used with Smartphones as well
– Battery power consumption reduced
– Improved interface
– additional parameters for A2DP.exe
– speakerphone support
Slide2Play is a S2 series application. S2P is a stylus-free MP3/WMA player application. It simply lets you browse your music files & play.
– added support to HTC Diamond’s shake gesture – ShakeAction: 0 to disable; 1 to go to next song; 2 to go to next shuffle song.
– added support to switch to Album View if your device has a button for changing orientation or a slide out keyboard.
– more “even” shuffling on playback.
– auto-pause the playback when headphone (either Bluetooth or wired) is disconnected (need S2U2 running in the background).
– all graphics support high resolution, i.e. truely VGA.
– simplified the AVRCP trick for Diamond (no need to manually start WMP).
– fixed the system speaker issue when the playback is paused & resumed after a while.
– some graphics changed.
– some minor bugs fixed.
Slide2Unlock2 (S2U2) is a simple lock/unlock application which has the iPhone style slide unlocking. It can be used as a screensaver while you don’t use your device. And it’s has a CallerID function.
– added option to automatically close S2P when the headphone (either Bluetooth or wired) is disconnected.
– added optional nopic.png to differentiate no pic caller & unknown caller (unknown.png).
– fixed the display displacement problem on Smartphone & WVGA devices.
– fixed the problem when the lang.ini was too big, some translation phases would be omitted.
– a few minor bugs fixed.