png2cv v0.1 (Coleco Vision Application misc)

png2cv is a tool that creates ColecoVision characters for bitmap mode from .png images. png2cv is covered by the GPL.


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Waterville Rescue (30-10-2009) (Coleco Vision Game)

The Waterville Gang was a funny and intelligent kid’s show, and in part to pay homage to it while still creating my favorite kind of game, I created this. Dodger and Sharky rush to save Angel and Eloise from the Evil Sea Monster!

This is a two-player simultaneous shooter (requires Joysticks) with various phases but just one very long and unforgiving level, and an intense boss battle.

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Super Space Acer (30-10-2009) (Coleco Vision Game)

Super Space Acer is a top down shooter where the mission is to simply destroy everything you face. There are a total of five stages, and three weapons, each increasing in power.


Coleco version updated:
Minor bugfixes
Reduced rate of fire on weakest weapon
New title screen

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Terrance and Phillip 2 – Not Without My Anus (08-11-2009) (A2600 Game)

Terrance and Phillip, the secret stars of South Park, have come back in their second unofficial Atari 2600 game. It’s a “work in progress” game so expect regular modifications.

Release notes:

New version. Added screens 13 & 14. Screen 13 has a moving platform that moves up and down. The game starts at level 1-2. The game is now at 16k.

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LynGOO v1.0 (Atari Lynx emu for Dingoo)

After three beta releases, Spiller presents v1.0 of his Atari Lynx emulator LynGOO. This emulator is written for native Dingoo and does not require any Dingoo Linux (Dingux) install.

Release notes:

LynGOO v1.0

LynGOO is a Dingoo A320 port of Keith Wilkins Atari Lynx emulator Handy. This port is partly based on a PSP port of Handy, Plynx ( ).

Do not ask the author for ROMs. I don’t have them.


Follow these steps to enjoy playing Atari Lynx games on your Dingoo:

1) Get ‘lynxboot.img’ file and download it. Due to licensing restrictions I cannot bundle it with this emulator.
2) Install LynGOO.SIM and lynxboot.img in the GAME folder of your Dingoo.
3) Install your *.LNX files on your Dingoo (for example in GAME/LNX).
4) Select one of the LNX files from the “Interesting game” menu item.

Press SELECT+START to bring up the emulator menu. The volume can be changed in-game by pressing the left and right shoulder buttons.


v1.0 (11 Nov 2009) – Initial release.


Created by Spiller, reachable through the forums. Thanks to Flatmush for the stdlib work and to Alekmaul for his sound threading.

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Manic Miner v1.0 (Dingoo Game)

Alekmaul has announced the release of Manic Miner already two days ago ( //news/20699/ ).

Now his port of Andy Noble’s “Manic Miner” game for Dingoo has been released! Enjoy 20 levels of pure gaming pleasure. Manic Miner, for those who don’t know, is a rather famous platform game from the ZX Spectrum.

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binconv v1.0 (Wii Application misc)

Convert Nintendo Channel DS Demo .bin files to an .nds.

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wc24decrypt v1.0 (Wii Application misc)

wc24decrypt by yellowstar6 is a utility to decrypt WC24 files, either from locally (HD ect) or from the servers.

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ninchdl-listext v1.0 (Wii Application misc)

ninchdl-listext by yellowstar6 is a utility to decrypt, decompress, read and dump info and URLs from Nintendo Channel download lists, either locally from HD, or directly from the servers.

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getwiimsg v1.0 (Wii Application misc)

Download Wii Message Board mail from server, decrypt, and dump to .eml and .txt files. The internal KD AES key for wc24msgboardkey.bin is required. In IOS35 v3088, this key is stored at 0x5f780 in getwiimsg requires wc24decrypt.

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