GLBasic Board Games Competition 2009 (Misc) are holding a Boardgame Competition. Deadline is the 12th January 2010. Check out the full announcement via the link below.


1. The competition starts at 01-Oct-2009 and ends at 12-Jan-2010 (full 3 months, x.mas incl.).
The topic is “board games”.

2. The game must be a computer version of an existing board game. For little-known games, please provide a proof.

3. The submissions must be written exclusively for the “GLBasic-Board Games Competition 2009”. It must be new games, created from scratch. Extensions of extisting projects will have to be disqualified when discovered.

4. All submissions must be freeware and stay so. If you submit, you agree that this version of the game can be published as freeware for good. Selling a further development is no problem, though. The copyright stays with the autors. All included media files must have all rights reserverd.

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PSPMoney v3.0 (PSP Lua Application)

PSPMoney is a homebrew for the PSP which calculates monetary amounts from one currency into another.


– new intro screen
– now with 35 different currencies
– exchange rates updates come from European Central Bank
– language will automatically be selected while PSPMoney is starting
– now with 35 different currencies
– code united in one file, code improved
– all images/variables will be loaded while starting PSPMoney => faster execution of the programm

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PSP CheatUp v0.26 (PSP Application)

PSP CheatUp is an application designed to simplify the task of updating the cheat codes through the use of the PSP’s Wifi and a wireless internet connection.


Added: Support for starPR and HackME.
Added: Detection of bluePR.
Fixed: Download errors which happened after a failed download attempt.
Fixed: If no cheat engine was active no item would be selected by default in the cheat engine select lateral menu.
Other: Increased message buffer sizes to 16KB so I can show you longer update messages and notices.

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Mario Bros Lemmings DS v3.0 (NDS Game)

“Mario Bros Lemmings DS” is a pack of custom maps by Madmaxou for Lemmings DS. Lemmings DS is an open-source port of the classic Amiga action-puzzle game Lemmings for the Nintendo DS.

Thanks to for the news.

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Bootmii Booter v0.1 (Wii misc)

Bootmii Booter by DacoTaco is a small (almost useless) program meant to be chosen as installed file in preloader. this (as the name says) boots the Bootmii IOS using a IOS_Reload. using this as installed application makes it so you dont have to start the homebrew channel and then load bootmii

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PSP Filer v6.2 (PSP Application)

Mediumgauge has updated PSP Filer, which is a file explorer with a bunch of extras – The author is accepting donations, so please consider donating if you use this tool!


– Fixed a bug that was crashing the program when opening a file. RAR

– Changed the directory structure and 3.00 to 1.50 kernel
– Changed the name in the XMB for 1.50 kernel and 3.00
– Fixato a bug that occurs after editing a file
– Fixato a bug that occurs after editing a file in RAMDISK
– Fixato a bug that was crashing the Filer if you edit a file of 0 bytes
– Added the ability to copy files over PSP-2000/3000> 32MB on RAMDISK
— Changed the default name given to back up the UMD
– Fixato a bug that was crashing the filer if, during the backup of UMD, he was a bad sector
– Added an option to transfer files via Ad-hoc (only for kernel 3.xx)
– Fixato a bug that would restore the Filer to the folder defualt boot

Thanks to for the news.

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WiiBuilder v1.4 (Wii misc)

WiiBuilder is a Windows software to use for Wii homebrew development.


– Option to choose the version of the HBC running on the Wii
– Compressing the file before sending it, available for HBC 1.0.5
– ZIP file could be sent to HBC 1.0.5
– MOD file converted to C array
– Tabs are replaced by buttons

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Dop-IOS MOD v6 (Wii Application)

Dop-IOS MOD is a modification of the application Dop-IOS that allows you to choose which IOS you would like to use to install other IOSs (trucha bugged or not).

While the original Dop-IOS let you install other IOS, it used IOS 249 to do it. Many people felt a certain resentment toward that on which the authors have no comment.

A better solution for all users would’ve been to allow users to select which IOS they use to install other IOSs. Enter: Dop-IOS MOD.


The downloadable IOS List is actually up to date now. (Thanks Helsionium)

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Krexblibos (WIP) (NDS Game)

Collect cherries to progress on levels, melons give more points. Shown below is a screenshot of the last and hardest level.


* Changed points graphics & values
* Changed graphics on teleports and convayer belt
* Added/Redesigned some levels
* TitleScreen Changed
* Lower Screen Graphics Added
* Golden Keys can be collected to open black doors with a white lock on it
* Player will now lose considerable amounts of health when in contact with enemies. (Values depend on enemy type).

Demonstrations Added:
Before certain levels a demonstration will run showing you new aspects of the game. Can be disabled in the options.

Trophies Added:
Trophies are shown on the main menu with the highscore
Complete the game with 5000 points or more and earn the bronze trophy
Complete the game with 9000 points or more and earn the silver trophy
Compelte the game with 12000 points or more and earn the gold trophy

Inventory System Added:
Pressing A on certain items or simply walking over them may place them
in your inventory, some items cannot be picked based on what you are already carrying and
order of collecting is important in order to solve a level.

* clicking a tub of water will give you some water
* clicking on a lit campfire with water will put it out, allowing safepass
* clicking on a lit campfire with no water will give you some ember
* clicking on a burnable tree with ember will burn it, allowing passage
* clicking on a big snow rock with ember will melt it into a rock
* clicking on a bomb will give you a bomb
* clicking on a rock with a bomb and it will weaken it
* clicking on a weakened rock with a bomb and it will be destroyed, allowing passage

Specials Added:
Specials grant you abilities. You can hold upto 4. You can drop your current special
if you already have 4 and want to pick a new one up.

Current Specials:
* teleporter, allows the player to lay 2 personal teleports to move between
* sand dig, if stood on sand you will burrow, you cannot be hurt while under and can move under walls (appearence level 18)
* Flippers, allows you to travel in deep water
* spiked boots, allows you to walk on ice without slipping
* trainers, allows you to run against convayer belts
* lighter, A click a burnable tree to burn it (similar to ember but its infinite use) cannot be used to melt snow rocks
* poly tree, use special to turn yourself into a tree that cant move and blocks enemies in their path

Powerforms Added:
* Gold: Turns all points earned into 100. Careful though, 1000 point items will decrease to 100, collect these in advance.
* Red: When you have the powerform red you will kill enemies when coming into contact with them. You will also
take no damage from lava tiles.

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Sonic AS v1.0 (NDS Application)

Sonic AS is a music player for Nintendo DS and GBA.


Sonic AS has 16 channels polyphony for the DS, and variable polyphony on the GBA. It has support for variable music players, and the DS version can handle PCM8/16 and ADPCM data, as it uses the hardware channels. The GBA version can also have either nearest neighbour interpolation (that is, no interpolation; this is fast), or linear interpolation, with .23 fixed point accuracy, which can be toggled by changing the variables in Since it’s written in all assembler, the memory footprint is rather low.

Thanks to for the news.

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