Atomic Meltdown (24-09-2009) (A2600 Game)

A nuclear reactor core stabilizer and containment field has failed unexpectedly and you, the technician, have to manually stabilize the atomic matter until containment field can be initialized. The containment walls will start enclosing around the atomic matter as the containment field is brought back online. However because the containment field is down, other random atomic matter is being project around the reactor core. The manual stabilizers have not been calibrated on schedule so they do not stabilize the atomic matter correctly which has resulted in the atomic matter to jitter around. If two pieces of atomic matter collide or if the atomic matter collides with the walls before the containment field has been initialized, then the whole nuclear reactor wild explode.

Quote by Disjaukifa:


Ok Hello,

Decided to see if I could implement 2 Player VS and I was able t0o !!! Even better because of the way I programmed 2 Player Coop (read previous post about how frustrating it was) I was able to implement 2 Player VS extremely easily and quickly!!! Also I have shuffled the code around so it fits better in the banks except for bank 2 which I am just going to leave alone. Here is what the compiler readout is (If no one cares about this let me know and I will stop posting it, I just seem to find it interesting)

1250 bytes of ROM space left in bank 1
0254 bytes of ROM space left in bank 2
2142 bytes of ROM space left in bank 3
2206 bytes of ROM space left in bank 4

Means I’ve got about 5852 bytes of my original 16384 bytes to work with. And I really need about that much for well endings (I have the hard one already programmed just not called), sounds (I have no idea how much space that is going to take up) and for clean-up and refinement.

Ok for the 2 Player VS I am too tired to even try to control two players at once, so I saw that it came up and I could move each players atomic matter. I have not checked yet to see if the level gets smaller as time goes on. If someone can check that out, it would be fantastic. Also the VS Levels might need to be tweaked. I literally made them in like 5 minutes!!!

Download it and try it out, let me know what you think!!!


*UPDATE* I have updated the atomic_meltdown.bin. I just realized how I wanted to change my “other” atomic matter aka ball that flies through that you need to avoid. *UDPATE*

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Video Player (Alpha) (XBOX 360 Application)

Video Player is a basic video player for XBOX 360.

Currently it can only just play a file called video.avi at the root of the first USB stick. No sound and the screen output is very bad.

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Retrobilly (Master System misc)

Retrobilly tries to output some 16000hz wave files.

Quote from PoorAussie:

I spent a few hours tonight putting together a small (no pun intended) ROM which tries to output some 16000hz wave files. It works fairly well, except for some “noise” I am finding hard to get rid of, likely related to the non linear distribution of the SMS channels. . It uses two square channels and some preprocessing to get it into a SMS format that is adequate. 3 Squares might help get rid of some of the noise, but I found that small delays between each square channel adds its own distortions.

Scott from SMS Power Radio did the intro for it.

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WideBoy v2 (NES misc)

Chris Covell felt like going back to NES coding for a little while to cook up a little replacement ROM for anyone who has the WideBoy peripheral. The WideBoy is also known as “Super Game Boy”. This device was available for both, the Super NES and the classic NES (Famicom).

More information about the WideBoy/Super Game Boy here:


* Runs entirely in NES’ RAM ($000-$7FF) for hot-swapping
* Allows full adjustment of the palettes for the GB screen
* Has a screen-recolouring function a la Super Game Boy on SNES

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We Got A New Site (Pandora misc)

News from the Pandora front by EvilDragon!


It already has more content than the old one – and we really do hope you like it!

As we’re nearing release, we thought we could revamp it a bit – it should make it easier for newcomers to find out what the Pandora is.

We also added status page, which had been a request for months by a lot of people.

There will be more content added during the next weeks, new pictures, articles, infos, etc.

Just stay tuned, there’s still a lot of work to be done here.

Now, you’re also waiting for some official development news, right?

Well, as you’ve seen on the last blog post, the prototype TV Out cables and the first mass produced boards have arrived at Michaels place. And guess what: We haven’t encountered any problems so far with those! So the boards and the cables have already become a reality. Yay!

Now the only thing we need to wait for are the cases. The mould is still in production – the Pandora apparently is more complex than the company at first thought. They try to finish it before the Chinese Autumn Holidays (which are in October), let’s all hope they manage to do this. We’ll keep you informed. We’re also still trying to get WIP pictures from the mould creation. Would certainly look interesting!

Recently, I’ve seen a quite a few threads on the boards which were about “how long are you still gonna wait” or other disappointments about the long delays or the currently quiet time without any updates…

Well, I know it’s hard – but there’s not much we can update at the moment. Everything is finished except for the case mould, and all we can do is wait until the company finishes it. Once they finish it, it’s just a matter of days until we have the first REAL final Pandoras in our hands – and then the real fun begins: Mass production. And no, I don’t think it will be two months ™ until the mass production starts… it could start a few days after we have the first real Pandora… and that should be the case within the next weeks!

And as some guy asked at the boards how we handle the situation… well, I can only speak for myself, but I have really mixed feelings.

On the one hand, I’m happy that we have a community like you, following our progress and waiting sooooo patiently. On the other hand, I feel bad because we had so many delays and have your money… then again, I see that the only tiny thing missing is the case, which should also be finished soon, which makes me happy, as it means there’s a light at the end of the tunnel!

For me, it’s a real rollercoaster ride. And while I’m eagerly awaiting putting this project behind me, I think I’ll also miss something when we delivered it. Really weird feelings.
I hope that does answer your questions 🙂

See you soon!

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Press Any Key To Continue (Pandora misc)

The final keymat prototype did arrive a few days ago!

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TxtoPS V (PSP Application)

TxtoPS is a text editor for Playstation Portable.

New features include:

Screenshots, image cropping and stretching,
Personalized encryption using ASCII 128-255
Semi-Transparent PNG viewer

Thanks to for the news.

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Cueplayer PSP v0.07 (PSP Application)

This “Cueplayer” is a complete rewrite of liberty’s old Cueplayer using pure C.

This can application can play play cue files along with FLAC. Ogg capability to be added soon.

This program requires a later PSP hombrew kernel. Maybe > 3.71. It is tested with a PSP3000 running Firmware 5.03.


1. Show total track number
2. Show total track time
3. BUGFIX: Cannot seed previous track in track 1. Now it will start the music over.
4. BUGFIX: Seeking exceeding last track will crash.
5. New: README file available.

Thanks to for the news.


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Street Fighter DS (Preview 3) (NDS misc)

RDilus is working on a Street Fighter homebrew for the DS.

Right now you can only flick through the menu and character select screens.


+ Added Training mode (you can enter the room and see the Characters touch them etc)
+ Added 20 Characters (this 20 characters gonna be playable not playable yet)
+ Added Characters Icons
+ Added Characters Backgrounds
– Deleted Menu Music (cant compile after i added those things above music will be back soon)

Info: You can enter “Training Mode” now and select Characters see the backgrounds of the Characters

Thanks to for the news.

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Indiana Pwns Exploit (Wii misc)

The Indiana Pwns is a safe, public way to enable homebrew on a Wii without hardware modification. The Indiana Pwns is achieved by playing a hacked game save for LEGO Indiana Jones which executes a homebrew application from an external SD card (from ).

The Indiana Pwns was created by Team Twiizers.

Thanks to for the news!

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