JoySens v1.42b (PSP Application)

JoySens is a custom firmware plugin for Sony PSP that allows you to control the sensitivity of the analog stick in a very efficient way as well as “repair” faulty analog sticks. In very bad cases where the analog stick is not repairable, you can also just disable it so it doesn’t interfere with your games anymore. Apart from that it includes functionality to swap and remap DPad input to analog stick and vice versa, hence allows you to control the XMB with the analog stick for example.


1.42 has been replaced with 1.42b fixing a bug that messed up the settings file after saving settings from in game or vsh.

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PaintMIXER v2.4.0 (PSP Application)

Gefa updated his painting program PaintMIXER. PaintMIXER’s GUI is similar to the well known Microsoft Paint.


– CPU Clock automatically set on 333 MHz
– Is now possible to change the picture’s save name and the path save
– Fixed some bugs

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Motion Driver v1.0b plus SDK (PSP misc)

Here comes a driver and SDK for the Neoflash Motion Kit by Raphael.

Release notes:

After a long time, here’s an update for the motionkit driver too. It finally brings the driver and SDK out of beta status and merely contains a new motionUnload function that allows to unload the currently running motion driver so you can load a different version as well as addresses a problem when trying to load the driver in a 3.xx+ kernel application.

So what does it do?
If you are a dev: You get easy acces to the neoflash motion kit input data without any SIO coding on your side, provided as raw gravital acceleration vector as well as a rotation vector that represents the tilting of the PSP. Those values are also filtered and smoothed over time in a configurable way to enhance signal quality without any coding on your side. You also don’t have to care whether the user has the motion kit plugged in or not, you just poll the motion data as an additional input method – as long as no motion kit is plugged in, the driver will just return zero values for all vectors. If your application requires a motion kit to be plugged in, you can easily check for that too (the SDK sample application shows a method to do so). Apart from that the driver bypasses the nosound problem that the motionkit suffers from because it’s being connected to the headphone port. It’s even possible to switch the motion kit and headphones at any time without a problem.

If you are a user: You get a custom firmware plugin for adding a simple support for the motion kit to any UMD game or homebrew by enabling the button forwarding mechanism, which interprets motion gestures as configurable button presses. Ever wanted to navigate through XMB by tilting your PSP? Do it!


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OpenTyrian Wii v0.9 (Wii Game Port)

OpenTyrian is a port of the DOS shoot-em-up Tyrian. Tyrian is an arcade-style vertical scrolling shooter. The story is set in 20,031 where you play as Trent Hawkins, a skilled fighter-pilot employed to fight Microsol and save the galaxy.

Now ported to Wii by nuvalo.

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Radio Manager (31-07-2008) (PPC Application)

amaric has developed a “Radio Manager” console application that you can use to toggle bluetooth, WiFi or phone on any device.

This console application accepts one out of 3 possible parameters :
– -bluetooth
– -wifi
– -phone

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Nintendo goes after unlicensed games and pirate cards (NDS misc)

Heise-Germany were posting an article named “Nintendo geht gegen unautorisierte Spiele für mobile Konsole DS vor”.

The article basically describes that Nintendo and a bunch of Videogame Publishers teamed up to go after people who sell R4 cards. There is also a mention that Nintendo does not like “unlicensed games”, but there is no real mention about homebrews, pretty much it will count as “unlicensed” as well anyway.

While we agree going after such cards for pirate purpose, there should be still an open door for homebrews. If you bought a console, there should be the right to do with it, whatever you want.

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2xWargus (Beta 1.3) (GP2x Port misc)

Adventus released a new beta of his Wargus port for GP2x. Wargus is a Warcraft 2 Engine Re-Implementation.


– Beta Testers have been experiencing some saving inconsistancies, so far i have been unable to track down the problem. From my experience it seems to only screw up when you haven’t built any buildings beyond what is initially on the map. So, for now, make sure you’ve built a building before you attempt to save.
– Loading the campaign screen with the scrolling text can take a little while, maybe 30 sec, so don’t assume its crashed.
– If the screen begins flickering (and it bothers you) goto preferences and move the game speed slider down. It seems to be related to attempting to updating the
screen too fast for the graphics system to keep up with.
– There are some inconsistancies with the objectives and what the actually need to finish a map. Usually when this occurs you just need to kill all the enemy units.,0,0,0,20,2658

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2xZDoom v1.1 (Beta) (GP2x Game Port)

Adventus ported ZDoom to GP2x, ZDoom is an enhanced port of the official DOOM source code.


– I have implemented an SDL sound renderer. So sound and music should be supported in all games.
– There are some strange graphical glitches (a few flickering walls, nasty menu text, etc). However it is very playable in its current state. I will look to improve this.
– So far I’ve tested the Strife, Doom 1, Hexen & Heretic demos. Its up to you guys to test the rest. I suspect some of the more complicated mods might not be playable.
– Don’t forget to read 2xZdoom220.txt and go to the “customize controls” menu to set the controls for each game.,0,0,0,20,2657

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Tweexter v0.1.1 (PSP Game)

Tweexter is very similar to Gamehouse’s Texttwist. You are given a set of 7 letters(on future release, it will be a combination of 6 and 7 letters) and you have to unscramble it to a more sensible word. To advance to the next round you need to solve the 7 letter word.

Release notes:

Here’s some update from Texttwist’s clone, Tweexter. As a request from one of Tweexter’s user, joseph de Laubriere, I decided to compile a Tweexter version,Tweexter v0.1.1_fra, using a French dictionary. But its a separate eboot. This runs on a 3.XX CFW and possibly 4.XX CFW. Everyone can also download the english eboot, Tweexter v0.1.1_eng. Be reminded, that these releases contain a handful of minor updates(yup, still no sound). For those who have requests to have their language be used on Tweexter, just email me, and if I manage to have some free time, I’ll compile it release it.

Links @ mediafire(eboot only, no source on these ones):

Tweexter v0.1.1_fra(french) and Tweexter v0.1.1_eng(english).

I am planning a full multilingual support, single eboot for many language (thanks to Gabriel Fougeron suggestion). It will only be limited to languages that has the latin alphabets(japanese and korean versions will never be supported).But don’t expect it to be released anytime soon. I’ll be focusing on other projects. On the day after tomorrow my vacation will end and will have to cut my time in developing homebrews. Hopefully, I could squeeze some time in Tweexter.

For those who have used Tweexter, if it is possible to have some feedback from you guys about what firmware versions Tweexter v0.1 and v0.1.1 have worked with and even if didn’t work. Also whether if its slim or fat or just having troubles. Please send your feedback to where (X) = @(some safety measures against bot getting address for spams) or just leave some comments.

Thanks and enjoy.

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PSP Filer v5.4 (PSP Application)

About a week ago Mediumgauge has updated PSP Filer, which is a file explorer with a bunch of extras.


picture viewer:
– fixed a bug that Filer was crashed when reading picture in background at low memory.
– made scroll speed faster whie reading picture in background.
– added a feature to jump to the edge of the picture by pressing START with left, right, up and down.
– enabled to move next/previous picture while reading picture in foreground.

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