RSPsar Dumper v3.5 (PSP Application)

Here is a new version of Red Squirrels RSPsar Dumper!


-Added support for 4.05 Official Firmware
-Fixed usbhostfs.prx that did not work in CF 4.01M33
-My last public update for this homebrew.

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Basilisk II (Test 17) (MacOS emu for PSP)

Basilisk II is an Open Source 68k Macintosh emulator.

Release notes:

Okay, here’s test 17. Let me know how it goes. Only change is in the waits to trigger task switching.

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RemoteTracker v0.10e (PPC Application)

RemoteTracker is an antitheft software which you can use to track your device when it was lost or stolen. It works catching a formated SMS sent from any phone and then send useful informations back.


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Guitar Fun v2.8 (Wii Game)

Guitar Fun is a Guitar Hero Clone for the Wii.

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MPlayerWii v0.03 (Wii Application)

MPlayerWii is a native port of the MPlayer media player. It will play almost any kind of audio file but still needs improvement on video playback.

Place video and audio files on the root folder of your SD card.


added USB storage support (USB reading is dead slow unfortunately, only good for MP3 files)
added volume controls (Up/Down buttons on the wiimote)
added wiimote buttons repeat during playback
added preliminary test network streaming (shoutcast and mms)
longer filename display in the file selection screen
fix for widescreen aspect ratio (uses the Wii display settings)
more audio playback fixes

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WiiOperation v1.0 (Wii Game)

WiiOperation is an operation-esque clone for the Wii. Game involves extracting bones from tight corners; and the old familiar zap to remind us that surgery isn’t for everyone.

Custom user content is available and easily added by using the included WiiOperation Level Builder.

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Basilisk II (Test 16) (MacOS emu for PSP)

Basilisk II is an Open Source 68k Macintosh emulator.

Release notes:

No. The mac is not designed to run at less than 512×384. Using anything smaller WILL cause problems. Besides, if you can’t read the 512×384 display in 16:9 (so it’s using the full 480×272), you need reading glasses. Not my problem. Perhaps you should get a 104″ HDTV and a Slim PSP. 😛 😀

The fact of the matter is, most Mac software (color games in particular) are written for a minimum of 640×480. I suggest people run it in that mode most of the time. You can switch resolutions on the fly with this version of Basilisk, so feel free to do so, switching down to 512×384 when you need to read something that is “too small”.

Okay, here’s test 16. Made a few more changes to the timing, and now I support suspend/resume. The only thing that shouldn’t work after resume is the network. I might add that later. I’m not very motivated on that front right now.

Just a reminder to people who haven’t bothered reading the Basilisk docs – the external filesystem used to read the memstick requires System 7.6 or newer.

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Terrance and Phillip (Build 36a) (A2600 Game)

Do you remember the two farting guys “Terrance & Phillip” from South Park? Now those two guys have their very own computergame on the Atari 2600 platform.

Release notes from atari2600land:

Been working on simplifying the code a little, and I ran into a problem: Pressing fire doesn’t make you go up on level 4. Any ideas why?

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RemoteTracker v0.10d (PPC Application)

RemoteTracker is an antitheft software which you can use to track your device when it was lost or stolen. It works catching a formated SMS sent from any phone and then send useful informations back.


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PingBox v1.8 (PPC Application)

The ping command is useful for determining the status of the network and various foreign hosts, tracking and isolating hardware and software problems, and testing, measuring, and managing networks. This tool work exactly as windows ping command, but it’s more compact. Just type IP address or host name, check how many hops you will want and hit [Ping] button. Any feedbacks are welcomed!


– cleanup ip/name field on focus
– fixed application crash when double tap on ip/name field
– on install will check for already installed v1.8 or later(need to remove manually v1.7)

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