Scrabble Assistant DS v0.6c (NDS misc)

This utility is meant to ease the life of players using the board version of the Scrabble game.


– added low-power mode when lid is closed
– added D-pad scroll abilities (Up/Down)

Thanks to for the news.

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iCallBR (02-02-2008) (iPhone Application)

iCallBR allows you to clear any call, one by one, from your recent calls history.

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iXboxLive v1.6 (iPhone Application)

Xbox Live for the iPod Touch and iPhone.

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Vonagent (iPhone Application)

Release notes:

Enjoy – more information coming soon!
Vonage SimulRing and Voicemail Utility. Updates your SimulRing phone number, and allows toggle on/off. Allows you to view your voicemails details (new and old).

To Install on JB iPhones:
Add Source to Installer:

And then install under Vonagent in Installer

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Firmware 1.1.3 – A developers nightmare (iPhone misc)

ZodTTD wrote some lines about his recent FW 1.1.3 expirience.


The Firmware 1.1.3 jailbreak was made public. But not once, instead three different people released three different versions along with different updates to those versions! Whew, a lot has been going on. The issue to developers of iPhone and iPod Touch software is the difference in which user runs the applications we program. In previous firmwares earlier than 1.1.3, we used user ‘root’. And hence we had /var/root/Media and /var/root/Library to store our files and settings in, respectively. Things have changed in 1.1.3:

The Firmware 1.1.3 jailbreak was made public. But not once, instead three different people released three different versions along with different updates to those versions! Whew, a lot has been going on. The issue to developers of iPhone and iPod Touch software is the difference in which user runs the applications we program. In previous firmwares earlier than 1.1.3, we used user ‘root’. And hence we had /var/root/Media and /var/root/Library to store our files and settings in, respectively. Things have changed in 1.1.3:

– Nate True released a version of 1.1.3 that uses the legacy root user for control of running applications. This is great for compatibility, but the firmware had other issues.

– NerveGas released an official dev team release that uses user ‘mobile’ for running applications. But this release had a corrupted installer.

– Finally planetbeing made a proper release with following updates, which uses the proper ‘mobile’ user. But there’s some problems I found…

The problem with using the mobile user, is the user of an application has to be aware of the ownership and permissions of directories much more than before.

For instance, gpSPhone v1.5.0 being released today, uses /var/mobile/ if available. But in planetbeing’s release the /var/mobile/Library and /var/mobile/Media directories are often owned by user root.

If root owns either of these directories, settings and savestates can’t be saved since user mobile won’t have write permissions in the “Other group”. So this is all very confusing to some, but there’s a simple fix. Run SSH, login as root, and use the following command to set ownership of this directory recursively:

chown -hR mobile /var/mobile

This command will then fix many issues found when installing applications under 1.1.3 when using the /var/mobile/[…] directory. It only fixes the ownership of the /var/mobile directories that get created as being owned by root. Make sure when creating directories after running this command, such as /var/mobile/Media/ROMs, that you chown this directory to being owned by mobile such as using the command above again. This of course is only required if the directory being created is owned by root.

So I’m working on getting my software working under all three firmware releases, all of which have different issues. What a mess huh?

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gpSPhone v1.5.0 (GBA emu for iPhone)

gpSPhone is a GBA emulator based ZodTTD’s port of gpSP to the GP2X. gpSP is a great GBA emulator written by the talented Exophase. ZodTTD ported it to the GP2X, and added an (iPhone/iTouch compatible) dynarec. By using this coding technique, fullspeed performance of GBA is obtained on the iPhone/iTouch.

Release notes:

gpSPhone, the Gameboy Advance emulator, has been updated to v1.5.0. New changes in this release includes:

– Added support for both scaled/unscaled landscape and portrait view settings.
– Added support for firmware 1.1.3’s “mobile” user. gpSPhone should run well on 1.1.3 now.
– Added hardware accelerated scaling for better performance and look.

This release should be very stable and slightly faster. You now have the option between portrait and landscape mode. Hardware scaling gives a smoothed over looking picture, which some may prefer, with the advantage of performance.

A big thanks to Exophase, the author of gpSP, for his continued work on emulation. Without him, gpSPhone couldn’t exist.

Downloads for gpSPhone v1.5.0 can be found by visiting the Download section. It is available at the public repo.

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Caisses v1.05 (PPC Game)

Caisses is a Sokoban clone that includes 500 levels and 14 different backgrounds and themes.


– CPU optimizations
– Ram optimizations
– Support for WinCE GPS
– Added Check and Cross to show which games are finished and which ones aren’t in the level selection screen…

Thanks to Mollusk, the coder himself, for the news.;topicseen#new

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Sega Girl v0.02 (NDS Game)

Sega Girl is a Hentai / adult game for the Nintendo DS.

Thanks to once again for the news.

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Pong 3DS v0.4b (NDS Game)

While we were at Pong, here another Pong, this time a Pong in 3D!

Thanks to for the news.

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PiboteDS v0.1 (NDS Game)

Pong with a minor twist.

Thanks to for the news.

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