PSP Lock v5 (PSP Application)

Aura has updated his security application PSP Lock. It allows you to set a password before you actually can use your PSP.

Release notes:

I made this a while back, I’ve removed the annoyance of the Sony startup screen everytime you enter the XMB, and I’ve also fixed a few bugs in the code.

Tested on 3.52M33-4 but should work on all version.

Instructions are in the readme, and example lock.lock and config.lock files are also included.

Hopefully in a future update I’ll remove the 2 main bugs (CXMB and password upon exiting a game).

Any questions, just ask


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GoSub2 (Build 81) (A2600 Game)

atariland2600 has updated his game GoSub2.

Release notes:

Since I can’t type in code in 2600IDE any more, I had to reduce the number of mazes to 55 🙁 But after every nine mazes is a bonus round in which you try and shoot the octopus and shark as many times as possible for a set amount of time (represented by the time bar at the top.) This doesn’t really do much except boost your score, and I’m wondering if I should make it so every 100 points you get an extra life.

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Squish Em (11-12-2007) (A2600 Game)

You are climbing a building, trying to reach the suitcase of cash at the top. Watch out for all the nasty critters that are trying to knock you off, and watch out for the falling bricks as well. If you can’t avoid the critters, or you need to relieve a little stress, you can always Squish ‘Em instead!

A PAL and NTSC version is available!

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PuzzleManiak v3.4 (NDS Game)

PuzzleManiak is a port of the marvelous Simon Tatham’s Portable Puzzle Collection on Nintendo DS. All 27 games are ported on NDS: Tents, Dominosa, Mines, Bridges, Light Up (aka Akari), Pattern (aka Picross), Net (aka Netwalk), Untangle (aka Planarity), Sudoku (aka Solo), Galaxies, Slitherlink (aka Loopy), Blackbox, Mastermind (aka Guess), Map, Filling, Solitaire (aka Pegs), Sixteen, Fifteen, Slant, Rectangles, Netslide, Samegame, Unequal, Flip, Inertia, Twiddle and Pyramid (adaptation of Cube).


The bug that was freezing Galaxies in mode ’10×10′ and some little graphic bugs have been solved.
The loading screen has been a little been improved.
Lib ‘dswifi 0.3.4’ has been integrated.
If you’re upgrading an (not so) old version of PuzzleManiak, take care to not delete your scores files (the one that end with .sco in the pzmk folder).

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M33-4 v3.71 (PSP Firmware)

Dark_Alex has updated his custom firmware for Playstation Portable.

Release notes:

– Bugfix: Multidisc psx games bought in the psn store would not work due to the format being different and M33 treating them as decrypted games.
– Added support for decrypted multidisc psx games created with popstation_md (supplied with this release).

Included in the package is a new version of popsloader.

– Bugfix: Games without compression had sound issues when using 3.72 pops. Fixed.
– Added support for multidisc px games created with popstation_md. Note: multi disc games will only work in 3.71 and 3.72 pops. Previous pops will exit to the xmb with generic error 0x80000004 when attempting to run multidisc games.

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Space Patrol Pre-Order (IntelliVision Game)

Joe Zbiciak has finished the work on his latest IntelliVision game “Space Patrol” and is now acception pre-orders for the real cartridge version. The free binary of the full edition will follow sometime in the future, for now a teaser ROM is still available.

Thanks to Joe himself for the news!

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Danish Dictionary and Menu system (iPhone misc)

Our danish speaking visitors might be interested in a “Danish Dictionary and Menu system” for their iPhone. All you need to know can be found following the link below.

This system is available for 1.0.2 and 1.1.1 and 1.1.2 iPhones.

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VSHMenu v3.0 (PSP Application)

VSHMenu is an Alternative VSHMenu that has identical functions as the M33 VshMenu along with utilities such as the possibility to change the background color, to power off and to sleep the console, to activate and to disactivate M33 VshMenu from dashboard or to make screenshot of XMB!


-Fixed problems with USB device setting when UMD9660 were selected.
-Last USB Device chosen will be saved, so at PSP reboot default USB Device will be last one chosen.
-Changes to CPU and BUS frequency will be applied immediately on menu closing, without requiring console reboot.
-Add UMD-VIDEO function (like M33 VSHMenu)
-ISOs in ISO/VIDEO directory will be checked on every VSHmenu beginning, so changes (adding/removing ISO) will be realized immeditely without requiring console reboot!
-Now pressing again the “start” key VSHMenu will close itself.

Thanks to for the news.

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funcLib v1.0.0 (PSP misc)

funcLib is a function library for the PSP, designed to help programmers program a little more easily and a bit more efficiently. It shortens programming time for pros, and also makes it simpler for the newer members of the scene to join in.

funcLib is currently an arrangement of files containing functions which are seperated and commented to make it easier for you to search through them.


BMP Loading, TGA Loading/Saving, PCX Loading, RAW Loading/Saving
Full texture support with swizzling, mipmap and palette support aswell as vmem.
Easy and extendable graphics API with support for perspective and ortho modes aswell as vsync, Show FPS, etc.
Memory allocation module, with vmem allocation included aswell as a simple paging mechanism, memory pooling, scratchpad usage, stride allocation and much more.
File wrapper that allows loading of files from memory aswell as from the memorystick and from a pbp-plus file aswell as additional functions.
Fullscreen effects Invert, Grayscale, Sepia, Night Vision, Thermal Vision, Monochrome, Di-Chrome, Light Enhance, Color Enhance
2d graphics module capable of drawing ellipses, quads, triangles, lines, outlines, shaded ellipsoids, textures (strip blitted), etc.
3d graphics module capable of many primatives, textured or otherwise at fast speeds.
Sprite module capable of drawing rotated and scaled sprites aswell as handling animations and a few other things.
Math module with fast vfpu maths to speed up your maths heavy programs aswell as 3 types of random number generation.
2d Collision module supporting closestLine, line-line, circle-circle, line-circle, rect-rect.
Input module for polling input and retrieving the state of buttons (e.g JUST_UP, STILL_UP, etc.)
Callbacks sorted out (aswell as power callbacks).
Complex debugging module that logs errors, screenshots them and shows a warning (all configurable).
Font module which can draw most types of font, and also converts the debug font into a swizzled clut4 texture in vram for faster rendering.
Timer module, for timing oddly enough 🙂
A collection of samples of how to use different features, including 2 full games (flAstro and flMineSweeper).
Color manipulation module for graphical programs and random color generation.
A 3d camera class that allows all views and is easy to use.
Thousands of defines, types, etc. which should come in handy (e.g SCREEN_GAMMA, MATH_PI, etc.)

Thanks to for the news.

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Ovni (PSP Lua Game)

Ovni is a simple shooter game for PSP where you have to hunt down an UFO, but don’t touch it.

Thanks to for the news.

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