Bianax v1.2 (GP2x Game Port)

Biniax is an original and unique arcade logic game. It requires just a minute to learn the rules and you will get hours of gameplay. The gaming field is a 5×7 grid filled partially with pairs of elements. Every pair consists of two different elements combined of four possible.

You control the box with an element inside. You can move around the field on empty spaces. You can also remove pairs of elements, if you have the same element as the one of the pair. When you remove the pair your element becomes the other one element of the pair and the score is increased;
The gaming field scrolls down slowly (increasing the speed with your progress) and your goal is to stay as long as possible on the field. Remember, that if you can not take the pair in front of you, the scrolling will move your block down!

Bianax (Classic) v1.2 has been ported to the GP2x by Running Free.

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TunnelerDS v0.2 (NDS Game)

Freshly released and here comes the first update:


[FIX] Made it work on Cyclo without launchers (removed all PA_DeleteSprite)
[FIX] Fixed the simple mode
[FIX] Fixed a little bug with the score display
[ADD] Added collisions between tanks
[ADD] Added some lovely tank explosions

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PDRoms (misc)

Dear visitors,

please keep in mind that the CORRECT URL is NOT .org. The .org domain was used to TEST certain issues, before going officially online at the old .de domain.

There are currently issues with the RSS feeds, as they still point at the .org domain, please fix this manually while we are at it. The .org domain will stop working soon!

Thanks for your attention!

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PssxP (PSP Game)

The goal of PssxP is to reach the end without dieing.

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Spirits DS (Beta 6) (NDS Game)

Spirits DS is a game inspired by Spirits, a spanish videogame from Topo Soft.

Release notes:

While waiting for someone heps me with graphics, i remade whole 2 first levels. I know they are not good enought, but gives you an idea about what i’m looking for.

Best regards


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TunnelerDS v0.1 (NDS Game)

TunnelerDS is based on the ’91 game Tunneler 2.0 by Geoffrey Silverton.

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Sketch (NDS Lua Application)

nonchip wrote a small Sketch application using DS Lua. Thanks to for the news.,com_smf/Itemid,19/topic,378.0

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Red Dragon (19-10-2007) (VB emu for PSP)

Red Dragon is a Virtual Boy emulator for the PSP. Thanks to for the news.ʪÃÖ#y5ff90a2

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Pong Classic (Pre-Alpha) (NDS Game)

Minishlink has released an early Pong game for NDS.

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Valhalla (GP2x Game Port)

Spooky has ported the adventure game Valhalla to GP2x. Its a first version, there may be bugs. Feel free to send feedback and bug reports.

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