Binary Arithmetic (A2600 Game)

A hangman-like game based on binary arithmetic. Add the two binary numbers on the left side of the screen correctly to prevent the man at right from falling to his death. To set a bit, press up on the joystick. To move to the next place, press left.

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Aliens vs the Killer Bees (A2600 Game)

Pilot an alien flying saucer intent on world destruction. Use your beam to the destroy houses and trees below, but watch out for the killer bees, Earth’s last hope for salvation.

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Ultra Recovery (PSP Application)

Ultra Recovery is a new application that will allow take 2 recoverys in your PSP, recovery classic and the Ultra Recovery v2, that is recovery totally graphical with new options.

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Jump n Bump v1.57 (GP2x Game Port)

Jump n Bumpin’ was originally a multiplayer game, over time AI got added and a few ports have been made. This port is based on the port from Florian Schulze. Joyrider made this game into a single player game for the GP2x by doing some small modifactions and adding GP2x input handling.

You play with one of the bunny’s and the aim of the game is to “bump” the other bunnies, you do this by jumping on their head. You need to get 50 bumps as fast as possible, before the CPU players do. You can play customn levels and even make your own.,0,0,0,35,2335

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PuzzleManiak v2.7d (NDS Game)

Here comes another update of PuzzleManiak, a hughe game collection for NDS.


I’ve compiled a version 2.7d to fix some graphic bugs (mainly in Twiddle).

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Intellivision(TM) Programming Contest 2007 (Intellivision misc)

Here comes a small spoiler to remind you of the ongoing Intellivision(TM) Programming Contest organized by Joe Zbiciak. Please spread the word!

Deadline is 1st Novemeber 2007! Follow the link for details!

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Cube Breakout v3.3 (NDS Game)

After quite some time sephiroth ff7 updated his 3D Breakout game “Cube Breakout”.

Thanks to for the news!

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Firmware Version Spoofer for 3.52 M33-4 (PSP Application)

This program allows you to change your PSP’s displayed firmware version ‘on-the-go’. Easy to use interface allows you to quickly enter your desired name (up to 12 characters for this version).

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Insane Painter v0.8 (A2600 Game)

Story: Two painters were asked to paint a nuclear research facility. Unfortunately, after they arrive they realized there is some very strange stuff going on in the facility. Someone accidentally dropped a small vial of nuclear material that is very kinetic and deadly. It flies around bouncing off the walls and marring the floor with explosions when it reacts with the paint. Then there is the small problem of a security droid that runs over the paint and messes it up, which wouldn’t be so bad. However, it is as deadly as the vial, and it seems to send signals when it touches the paint that make the vial move erratically! Finally the nuclear material and paint mixing together with the droid’s signals seem to be making other strange things appear… Are they ghosts? Have the painters’ tools become the painters’ demise? You’d have to be insane to paint a facility like this!

Description: For 1-2 players. 1 player game is playing with computer as 2nd player who cannot contribute points, and computer player is not really cooperative. 2 player game is cooperative (both players contribute points). 10 points per paint section. Hold button down to paint. Avoid container, droid, ghost paintbrush and ghost paint roller. Paint enough and you can move on to the next room if you survive (but some rooms may be hard to see!). Unfortunately things get faster.

Release Notes: 0.8 is way more stable now and looks better! Please try it out! Thanks, Batari and SeaGtGruff for the help, and everyone else for trying it out!

Thanks to for the screenshot!

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Ultimate Indy 500 v0.3 (A2600 Game)

Ultimate Indy 500 v0.3 is a 4 player paddle racing game (a little similar to Indy 500) in 4k.

Thanks to for the screenshot!

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