Planet Hively (23-07-2010) (Dingoo Linux Musicdisk Port)

Planet Hively is a musicdisk which has been seen on platforms such as GP2x, Windows, Linux, GP32 and now sees a Dingux release as well.,0,0,0,38,379

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RockBlueMet (RC2) (Wii Game)

RockBlueMet Tic-Tac-Toe fan-made game in Rockman climate, coded using MLlib.


Corrected graphics
Corrected Players Change (turn-based regardless of win)
Preparations in code for more music to select from to play
Added writing which player turn is now (0 is player 1 while 1 is for player 2) for now it is where it is for future debugging
Added word “Wii” on the left side to not leave it empty, maybe there will be some info or buttons for music in future

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Space Impakto DS v0.5b (NDS Game)

This is an old-skool bullet hell / SHMUP type of game.


* glFonts
* oamFonts
* Encapsulated maxmod for a better sound module
* Return to homebrew menu
* Decreased all the enemy’s HP
* Better BGM and SFX
* Pause and return to menu

Thanks to for the news.

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Duyumania (22-07-2010) (Demo) (NDS Game)

gallosai updated Duyumania. This is a platformer/ brain teaser game made for Scenery Beta 2010.

Thanks to for the news.

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Caanoo vs. Wiz (Caanoo misc)

Flavor compared the Caanoo and Wiz with each other! Go and check the YouTube video 😉

PS: Flavor, instead of brabbling we want to see new homebrew from you 😉

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Madplay for Dmenu 0.2 (Beta) (Dingoo Linux Application)

Side of the songs while playing games is no longer a dream, multi-task is no longer under the monopoly Gmenu.

Release notes:

Name: Madplay for Dmenu 0.2.rar
Date: 18/ 7/2010
Size: 13 KB
Version: v.0.2
Author: Porter: a124356434

Side of the songs while playing games is no longer a dream, multi-task is no longer under the monopoly Gmenu. Come join the camp of it ~ madplay

Update: new entrants to random play, you can see the song list. Remove the other two playlists. (Personal feeling of no use)

Installation Instructions

1: Please madplay folder to the local / apps / directory
Then madplay.png and s.png, p.png files to local / dmenu / themes / default / res / media / directory
2: Please Dmenu added under the menu configuration file:

MenuItem madplay
Icon = “res / media / madplay.png”
Name = “madpaly”

SubMenuItem play1
Icon = “res / media / s.png”
Name = “sequential playback”
Executable = “. / Background player. Dge”
WorkDir = “/ usr / local / apps / madplay / Play list”

SubMenuItem play2
Icon = “res / media / s.png”
Name = “Random Play”
Executable = “. / Random play. Dge”
WorkDir = “/ usr / local / apps / madplay / Play list”

SubMenuItem pause
Icon = “res / media / s.png”
Name = “pause”
Executable = “. / Pause playback. Dge”
WorkDir = “/ usr / local / apps / madplay”

SubMenuItem play
Icon = “res / media / s.png”
Name = “resume play”
Executable = “. / Resume playback. Dge”
WorkDir = “/ usr / local / apps / madplay”

SubMenuItem stop
Icon = “res / media / s.png”
Name = “stop playing”
Executable = “. / Stop playback. Sh”
WorkDir = “/ usr / local / apps / madplay”
SubMenuItem liebiao
Icon = “res / media / p.png”
Name = “music list ..”
Executable = “”
WorkDir = “/ usr / local / apps / madplay / Play list”
Selector = true

3: Please put the songs you want into the playlist.

1. Do not change madplay file, or will cause playback failure.
2. Use after each function key. Will be stuck in the console 3-4 seconds to return to Dmenu interface. Please be patient.
3. Just started playing music may point card. This is normal. Because the system is the allocation of resources.
4. Random play, play list, must have two or more songs. Otherwise it will create plays fail.

Volume control: The main interface can be L, R key to adjust the music volume. Some games you can adjust the size of the game to adjust the music volume volume.
Fluency adjustment: can be overclocked. In the game and mame the fba the voice of these simulators closed; MD simulator proposed Sound Quality set to 8000Hz.

Bug Description:
Sometimes players failed (resolved).
nohup.up will continue to increase (already resolved).
Other bug. Unknown ~ (Welcome to test).

Play Performance Testing:
Background play a song ____ Coral Sea
Ps (day strain) serious off slowly. Sound bursts card.
Fc (Duola A Dream) is very smooth.
Pce (blood dodge ball) is very smooth.
Sfc (monster three-line) slow down.
Gbc (Adventure Island) normal. A point card.
openbor (Naruto) smooth.
Transplant Games (Jin Yung’s Heroes) has just entered the game with point card.
For the time being only test so much. Welcome to test other games ~

Name: Madplay for Dmenu 0.2.rar
Date: 18/ 7/2010
Size: 13 KB
Version: v.0.2
Author: Porter: a124356434

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Abuse SDL v0.1 (Dingoo Linux Game Port)

Abuse is a dark 2D side-scrolling platform game developed by Crack dot Com in 1995. It features beautiful lighting, realistic animation and nasty alien-like creatures to destroy.

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Python v2.5 v2 (Dingoo Linux misc)

Python 2.5 for Dingux!

Python is a general-purpose high-level programming language whose design philosophy emphasizes code readability. Python aims to combine “remarkable power with very clear syntax”, and its standard library is large and comprehensive. Its use of indentation for block delimiters is unusual among popular programming languages.

Release notes:

thon 2.5 for Dingux V2
* size minimized (~28mb smaller)
* all tests removed from library (not needed)
* added

Python 2.5 for Dingux
* python interpreter
* Modules support
* libpython2.5.a + includes (to build your own python application)
* all Libraries includes (+precompiled *.pyc)

Get to build python yourself. You need to download my cygwin sdk.

To run python on Dingux first run this script.
export PYTHONHOME=/usr/local/lib/python2.5/
export PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/lib/python2.5/

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Concentration Room v0.02 (NES Game)

An accident at the biochemical lab has released a neurotoxin, and you’ve been quarantined after exposure. Maintain your sanity by playing a card-matching game.

The table is littered with 10, 20, 36, 52, or 72 face-down cards. Flip two cards, and if they show the same emblem, you keep them. If they don’t, flip them back.

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Led Blur (Dingoo Linux Demo)

Led Blur is a port of the GP32 demo “Led Blur” by Optimus / Mindlapse to Dingux.,0,0,0,38,378

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