Eke-Eke has released a new version of his Gameboy Mono/Color emulator for the Nintendo Wii and GameCube. Changes: – fixed “Press Button A” issue with Wiimote controllers – added fast scroll using wiimote D-PAD Thanks to www.tehskeen.com for the news
Tantric has taken on Emu_Kidid’s port of VisualBoy Advance a Nintendo Gameboy Mono, Color and Advance emulator for the Nintendo Wii and released a completely new and rewritten version. Changes: – Compiles with devkitpro r15 – One makefile to make all versions – Complete rewrite based on code from SNES9x GX – Now has a menu! ROM selector, preferences, controller [&hellip
Aerthel updated his Nintendo DS homebrew game “Project Sheratan”. This Project aims to create a Card Battle engine for RPG games on Nintendo DS, mimicking the Baten Kaitos series’s card system. Changes: New Features: – Cards are now playable! Play them in succesion (0,1,2,3..) to make a combo, but be warned, you have a limited amount of time to do [&hellip
Pixelman is an sprite editor which will work directly on your Nintendo DS! Changes: *Went from b to c because of a 2 small bugs. One where you could select a blank space when loading a file when there were less than 10 files in a directory. The other had to do with sprites being loaded incorrectly when both /r [&hellip
Bunjalloo is a web browser for the Nintendo DS. It under active development, and can already display simple pages, follow links and view images. Changes: User visible changes: – Added inline images – Add “images” option to config to turn on/off inline images – Show images as they download – Image: Fix some JPEG and GIF crashes – Recognise image/jpg [&hellip
Jayenkai has updated his puzzle platform game JNKPlat. Release notes: Updates Extra stuff, menu tweak, editor fixes, yada yada. And, I think (!) I finally got rid of that random &#
Souko No Bannin by Buunyan got an update. Changes: – all maps should be solveable – now you see when a map is solved – the time you needed to solve a map is saved Thanks to Snesy for the Japanese translation
Buunyan has updated his game Wareware Wa Uchuujin Da (“We are aliens”). Changes: – Bugfix: automatic high score save Thanks to Snesy for the Japanese translation
Hooka conducted an interview with Senor Quack. Senor Quack ported Ur-quan Masters and Koules to the GP2x. He also improved ZodTTD’s Open Transport Tycoon port
EvilDragon uploaded a video of the Amiga emulator UAE4ALL running fullspeed on a pandora devboard. Quote: Yep, here is some video I took running UAE4ALL on the Pandora Devboard! It’s running fullspeed (and is limited so it doesn’t run the games faster than fullspeed!) The selection of games is quite limited – as my devboard doesn’t have keys and inputs [&hellip