Category: Miscellaneous – and the thievery goes on! (misc)

Dear Wraggster, Webmaster and News Thief at DCEmu,

I’ve been silent for a while now and were watching your actions. We at PDRoms are still very happy that you like our quality service and use OUR news for YOUR SITE without CREDITS, most of the time. We would prefer that you give FULL and PROPER credits for every single news post. Not only if you “borrow” things from PDRoms.

If you think news fall off a tree like leaves, you are wrong. We are investigating a lot of time and energy. The least you can do, is giving proper credits.

The following is of interest:
BlobbDS v0.5 – This release from last week was found by Kojote yesterday. Interestingly no other page was reporting about this, but DCEmu did today. How comes you did not find it earlier on your own? Where are the credits?
Totitoes Version 1.5 – same goes for Totitoes, PDRoms were posting about it first, where are the credits?
Eigenmath DS – is even one month old? You were not able to find it on your own in this time? But you post it a day after it was on PDRoms, without credits?

Luckily I am already banned on DCemu, because I pointed out what you are doing in the public. This is how you act on criticsm. You are a plain professional lad, many people love you.

Go and earn shitloads of money with your banners and product palcements. You better not pretend to be a supporter of the homebrew scene, you do things for your own personal profit and to reach this, you ignore sources and misuse others work. Just go and accumulate more news from other sources, because most of us know, you can not create own content anymore.

This is not only what I (Kojote) say, many other of your “former” friends from Consolevision, whom you also banned from your network think the same.

Someone has to speak it out and I just did.

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EMU-LMAO (misc)

Most of the older emulation and homebrew followers might remember EMU-LMAO. The owner points out mistakes or odd behaviors of more or less known webmasters and news-posters of related scene pages, and adds his serious to sarcastic comments.

I’ve read the older news of the past months and it was quite interesting. To answer one question for EMU-LMAO – Indeed I need to be in bad condition before the other PDRoms staff members get active. You should be happy about that anyway, otherwise “birthday greetings” might drop out of the main news too fast 😀

Thanks to GameCop for the marvellous hint, as I did not know EMU-LMAO reopened his doors again since already quite a few months.

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Retrogaming Times Monthly Issue 49 (misc)

Retrogaming Times Monthly #49 is available since a while.. RTM is a retro magazine, sometimes with focus on homebrew things.

Content of this issue:

01. Attract Mode
02. NES’cade — Kung Fu
03. Apple II Incider: Karateka II: The Wrath of the Dude
04. Game Archaeologist
05. Old Wine in New Bottles: Retrogaming on Modern Hardware
06. Who’d Win: Battlezone vs. Robot Tank
07. Game Over

Thanks to for the news.

By with 0 comments is back (misc)

One of Kojote’s side projects, RETROGURU, is back, but in a modified form. Few years ago this page was an emulation news page with own news, while the reborn version is an emulation news aggregator.

It takes emulation & homebrew news from the best scene pages out there and accumulates it at one place. The headlines directly links to the news source, so credits are instantly given where due.

The initial purpose was, to not check dozens of pages a day, which is very time consuming. Maybe this little page will save some time for others too.

The initial (mostly unasked) contributors to this project are:
* 1Emulation –
* AEP-Emu –
* Emuboards –
* EmuHQ –
* PDRoms –
* VG-Network –

For now everything is very basic, but the content counts. Probably the layout will stay like this forever 🙂 The page is free of banners.

PS: Due to the odd backend, the page should work proper by 18th June. All posts, even when older, were aggregated with the date of today (17th June).

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PS3 Emulator (FAKE) v0.0.3 (Beta)

This is a FAKE Playstation 3 emulator. Somone used it to fool his friends.

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News thievery (misc)

The PDRoms team is glad, that many people like our news a lot. Even so much, that they copy them without credits most of the time.

Considering we spend up to 2 hours daily for finding news on the web, it would be appreciated if copycats who save time with our work, can at least provide a source.

The affected webmasters and newsposters know who they are, there is no need to put more oil into the fire.

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Appendix vermiformis (misc)

Dear visitors,

Kojote’s “Appendix vermiformis” is history now, unless kedo is posting news, there wont be updates from me for a few days.

The operation was going well, but I definatly need rest now and not “homebrew news”.

Thanks for your understanding!


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Lack of updates (misc)

Dear visitors,

Due to lack of motivation, the news service will slow down. Thanks for your understanding!


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PDRC #3.99 results (misc)

Dear visitors, dear competition contributors,

Finally they are here, the results of the recently held PDRoms Coding Competition #3.99. Unfortunatly with a hughe delay, due to my accident.

Before the results a thank you to the people who contributed us with prizes. In particular:
* Brandon Cobb –
* Enno Conners –
* Dan Wright –

Here are the long awaited results:
#1 eKid [GBA] SuperWings //phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=430
#2 daaa57150 [PSP] Mega Drops //phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=438
#3 Kukulcan [NDS] KuMoLo //phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=433
#4 Haroldo [Master System] Headless Ninja Volley v0.9 //phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=439
#5 Judas [PSP] BoxMan PSP v1a //phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=436
#6 Quasist [GP2x] Mutant Tank Knights //phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=432
#7 Dje [NDS] Completly Unrealistic Landing Simulation v0.1 //phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=435
#8 Paolo [GP2x] 4WE //phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=431
#9 Mia [NDS] Negative Space //phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=434
#10 MK2k [PSP] Kakuro Nichiyou PSP v1.0 (Newspaper Edition) //phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=437
#11 SoLo2 [GBA] Storm (09-03-2008) //phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=429

Thanks to everyone who was part of this competition!
– Kojote/PDRoms

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Kojotes accident II (misc)

Hello everyone, for those who care, I am still alive 😉

The past days have been a pure pain pleasure, but with the help of painkillers I am temporary almost back to normal, which also allows me to post a little bit now.

I try to keep up with the news and grab all releases from the past few days. I hope that Pocket PC, Atari 2600, Coleco Vision , Wii and GP2x releases are up to date now. Special thanks to kedo and poqako for posting the GP2x releases (you guys could help more, not only when I am sick ;). Hipp Hipp Hooray for kedo and poqako! Thanks again!

There were also a bunch of people wishing me all the best, thanks for that too – I really didn’t count with something like that.

The webboard ( //phpbb/index.php ) was updated to phpBB v3.0.1 yesterday, which was a true pain – but everything should work 100% again.

News updates for iPhone, Nintendo DS, etc… will follow a little bit later. It takes some time to gather the information from five days of absence 😉

As of PDRC #3.99 – We are still waiting for one judge to sent in his results, I hope results will be finally out by Sunday night or Monday morning. Of course every contestant will get a sperate e-mail in time then.

Now sit back and enjoy reading the backlog 😉


PS: Starting on 1st May 2008 we might have a new sponsor from Switzerland (Hi Mauro… ;). This will help us to hopefully fully or partitially cover the server costs.

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