Category: Nintendo DS
DSCalibrate v0.9a

DSCalibrate is a calibration application for Nintendo DS.

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FAT MOD Player v2

FAT MOD Player is a .mod player for Nintendo DS.

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Platdudes Retro Collection (01-12-2007) (NDS Games)

Platdudes Retro Collection a collection of retro styled games. This version features 12 games.

The Games:
Centipede : Shoot the centipede. Don’t let it escape.
Snake : Guide the Snake. Grab the numbered blocks.
Invaders : Shoot the aliens. Don’t let them get to the bottom.
Light Cycles : Try to get your opponents to crash.
Asteroids : Destroy the asteroids before they destroy you.
Pacman : Run around and collect things.
Frogger : Leap your way across 2 busy roads.
Pong : Beat your opponent, “one” ball at a time.
Tetris : Build low!
Extract : Keep Blue away from Red, and grab the Greens.
Missile Command : Tap to fire. Stop the missiles.
DotPop : Tap the squares. The quicker you tap ’em, the more you score.

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DSCalibrate v0.9a (NDS Application)

Arialia has released a calibration application for Nintendo DS.

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Super Mario Galaxies v0.8

Super Mario Galaxies is a homebrew and free unofficial Super Mario themed shooter for Nintendo DS.

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FAT Player RAW v3

FAT Player RAW is playing .raw audio files on your NDS.

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Super Mario Galaxies WIP (NDS Game)

cid2mizard is still working on his shooter “Super Mario Galaxies”. Today there were some work in progress news – now the game has more and better graphics, more levels and more enemies!

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Tabbed v0.17 (NDS Application)

Wizlon has updated his NDS application Tabbed, which is a guitar chord finder for NDS.

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NetHackDS v1.5 (NDS Game Port)

The goal of this project is to create a port of NetHack for the DS utilizing the unique features of the DS to create an easy-to-use NetHacking experience.

Release notes:

Well, version 1.5 is now out, supporting text mode, complete with IBM graphics and full colour (both of which are, of course, optional)! To upgrade, just unzip the new archive straight over the old installation. As for enabling text mode, simply edit NetHack/defaults.nh, and comment out the OPTION line defining the tile settings. Feel free to remove the ‘ibmgraphics’ or ‘color’ options, if you like things a little more plain. 🙂

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AMAP4DS News (03-12-2007) (NDS misc)

5 new AMAP4DS v3.2 maps have been released – AMAP4DS (A map for DS) is a simple, easy to use and fast map viewer for the Nintendo DS.

– AMAP4DS-Strasbourg-CUS v3.2

– AMAP4DS-Cologne-Rail-Bus v3.2
– AMAP4DS-Dortmund-City-Rail-Bus v3.2
– AMAP4DS-Dortmund-Rail v3.2
– AMAP4DS-Essen-Rail v3.2

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