Category: Pocket PC
W.V.D. Web Video Downloader is the first software for Pocket PC that can stream or download online videos from web sites like YouTube. W.V.D. supports most popular online web sites and many adults sites. To stream videos, you need an external video player that support standard formats like (flv, mp4 ,…).
– Compatible with most popular websites.
– Search by keywords or categories.
– Support search results by detail or thumbnail.
– Support thumbnail animation to preview videos.
– Allows to stream* or download videos from websites.
– Support many video formats.
Compatible with:
– Windows Moblie 5.0 / 6.0 / 6.1
– Support VGA / QVGA
Cosmic Soliloquy by Byterapers & Accession, released at Assembly 2009.
Send sms to multiple contacts.
How To:
– type your message on the first box. if you want the name of your contact to appear in your message, just type in @@@ where you want the name to appear inside the message.
– add contacts in your list: Menu > Add Contact
– save your list for future uses: Menu > Save List
– load your list: Menu > Load List
– sending sms: Send menu will show SIM1 and SIM2 because this application was written for ACER DX900 dual sim phone but using it on a single sim WM device will also work.
– after pressing send, the application will hide itself, and will reshow itself after the task is done.
This project is simply a CHome/Titanium plugin which displays your Alarms (G-Alarm or Klaxon) and your Profiles (G-Profile).
– Hopefully reduced memory footprint
Touch Break is a clone of Arkanoid / Breakout. This game is auto scaling to all resolutions, but graphics have been optimized to run on WVGA.
=> Player name can now be set (isn’t used to do anything yet, as highscores are still missing)
=> Menus are now structured (highscores needs to be done)
=> Gameplay has been heavily revised
=> Game engine has been optimized
=> Timer has been put in; in next version, the game ends if you haven’t finished the level when the timer reaches 0. For now, I need to revise the times for each level – therefore, you can continue to play, even if you fail to clear the level after timer reaches 0.
=> New backdrops for each level (up to level 6)!!! Those are my old drawings, made in photoshop with digitizer
=> The bricks are still aligned the same way for each level. This will change in future versions.
CEProp gives the standard explorer extras.
Such as:
* View file and folder properties: Type, size, and time of last modification
* View and change file attributes: Read only, hidden, archive.
* Rename files and folders, including the filename extension.
* Edit shortcuts.
* View version information for program files.
* Open files with other applications, such as Pocket Word.
LockDevice is an ultralight application to lock your device after wakeup.
1) Added command argument. “lock”. this will lock the device.
2) Added a link called “Lock Now” to lock now….
3) All the links are located in a folder called “Lock Device”. (because there are 4 links and I dont want to fill the directory windowsstart menu (in your language) with many links
Fast and simple Sudoku game for Pocket PC’s.
– another major bug fixed + some minor ones
FEWidgets Ultimate is a Today Plugin for Windows Mobile 6.1/6.5 devices (WM 5 is not supported).
– Haptic feedback. When clicking on widget buttons you’ll feel a small vibration.
– Multiple Layouts/Pages support (up to 4).
– Multiple Windows for each page with 0 loading time.
– Fullscreen Mode.
– Support for Landscape/Portrait modes.
– Skinnable though XML files (or just modifying the images).
– Scriptable through javascript.
– Extensible though C++ plugins.
– Support for Acceleration/Light sensor on the engine. (not used right now by any Widget)
Implemented Widgets:
– Operator Name
– RSS Feed Reader
– Comming Appointments
– Tasks
– Contact widget
– Date widget
– Battery/Phone signal Strength indicator.
– S2P Player control.
– Analog Clock
– Diamond like Clock
– Background Image Changer
– Bluetooth State (Can turn on/off)
– Wi-Fi State (Can turn on/off)
– Quick Dial.
– Layout swapper.
– Locker (locks widget dragging)
– Calendar (when tapped will link to WindowsCalendar.lnk)
– Shortcuts Widget. This widget allows creating shortcuts to exe/lnk files. You can drop the widget as many times as you want.
– Missed Calls. Shows the number of missed calls. When double tapped will take you to the missed calls log.
– Unread SMS. Shows the number of unread SMSs.
– Unread Mail. Shows the number of unread Mail on all accounts.
– Sound Profile changer. Lets you switch between On/Vibrate/Off modes.
– Weather. Shows you the weather for today. Current temperature and forecasted Min/Max for today.
– SMS information. Once you drop this widget once, if you remove it, it’ll spawn automatically the next time you have an SMS message on the same possition you had placed it.
– Programs. Shows the contents of the Programs folder of the Start Menu on a kinetic scrolling list.
– [Fixed] SMS info widget shows wrong time, ex. clock widgets shows 12:12 while new sms that arrived at the same time shows 04:12
– [Fixed] Lock widget becomes unlocked every soft reset
– [Fixed] Contacts widget still takes a long time to load the contacts list when adding a new contact (takes my device around 60secs)
– [Fixed] Contacts widget now shows contact list in alphabetical order but it starts with “B”, the “A” contacst are at the bottom
– [Fixed] In other pages (aside from main page) , when i unlock the LOCK widget, FEWIDGETS hangs
– [Fixed] On VGA version, when adding a contact with no picture the application will complain about not finding dummy.png.
– [Fixed] Contacts list doesn’t show all contacts.
– [Added] New PhoneAPI.deleteSMS function on script side.
Bring fruits together, just get 3 or more aligned in a row or column.
v1.1.0 release.
=> Corrected highscore (move50 and move100 didn’t work)
=> Corrected the “hanging brick”-issue (I hope…)
=> Corrected that some coconuts thought they were strawberries
=> Bonus apple, that gives you additional draws!
=> Hints button (doesn’t do anything if no moves are possible)
=> Scores are now made, so that “Hard” gives more points than previously
=> Lower number of bricks at the beginning, to ensure a longer game