Category: Playstation Portable
MUX v2.0 (PSP Application)

Release notes:

MUX_2.0_by_KINGSEBO (380 M33 proofed)

You need more PSP/GAME/UPDATE Folders.

Use MUX20:

MUX20 Multiplex your Update-folder.

IN PSP/GAME/MUX20/ you have now 9 Update_X Folders.

Put Update Data inside this folders.
Start MUX20
choose your update_x folder an press O to make a notice like: CFW 3.80 M33-1 or 3.80 M33-2 Update etc….

then choose your Update_x Folder an press X. All Files copy to PSP/GAME/UPDATE, so you can start your aktivated UPDATE over XMB like a normal UPDATE.
After Updating you can delete the UPDATE in the XMB, because you can aktivate it over MUX20 whenever you want, and you have no UPDATE-ICON in XMB.

When runnig MUX20 the first time, the UPDATE folder will backuped to ms0:UPDATE_BACKUP, so you don´t lose data.
Credits to:
Dark_ALeX, psp2dev, bumuckle, Team3GO ,smokescreen, QJ, BUM BUMMANIAC, Ralf Richter, Murat, Maria and Peter….

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PSP Firmware v3.80 M33-2 (PSP misc)

Dark_Alex has released his long awaited updated custom Firmware, to be used with a PSP.

It adds plenty of features, which shouldn’t be miss. If your choice goes for any other than the official Firmware, it’s probably Dark_Alex’s one.

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PSPTube (14-01-2008) (PSP Appliaction)

PSPTube lets you watch Youtube comfortable via your PSP.

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PSP Quake v1.1 (PSP Game Port)

Juraj Styk has udpates his port of PSP Quake 1 based on the PSP Quake port by Peter Mackay and Chris Swindle.


– Fixed bug that prevented changing sky texture between levels (HW rendering only)
– Fixed z-buffer related bug when rendering sprites (HW rendering only)
– Added options to turn on vertical synchronization and dithering (HW rendering only)
– Reorganized options menu (Select ‘more options’/’less options’ to switch options list)
– Added more options for analog stick controls
– Added analog stick strafing (while you hold stafe button or always if allowed options menu )
– Configurable heap size
– MP3 playback changed from madlib library to playback trough module in firmware
– New command line options
– Simple startup screen to choose game mod directory, heap size and cpu clock (use -prompt command line option)

This game is for PSP with firmware versions custom firmwares (should work on fw 1.5 but it was not tested on fw 1.5). Developed and tested on PSP with firmware version ‘3.40 OE’. For running mods you will need files from full version of Quake.

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PSP Prank (PSP Lua misc)

PSP Prank is a little homebrew app thats meant to be played as a prank to other people. It will look like it is deleting some important stuff then tell you it is a joke.

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PSP Drum v1.0 (PSP Lua misc)

Create your own music, using the buttons of your PSP. This is a first release with improvements to come.

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Nanodesktop v0.3.3 (PSP misc)

A new version of Nanodesktop SDK (Software Development Kit) is online:

This new version of the system adds a new HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) called HAL CFW. It is designed for custom firmwares, either on PSP-FAT or on PSP-SLIM. Now, the nd applications can work on every PSP. The new HAL has been tested on custom firmware version 3.71 M33-4 (in PSP-FAT or in PSP-SLIM).

More release notes:

Here is the new user guide, with hundreds of how-to:

The new distribution adds the support for ndSQLLite (a library that manages database), ndSIFT (an alghoritm that allows the recognition of an object), and ndGOCR (a reimplementation of GNU OCR, that can work on PSP).

We have fixed hundreds of bugs.

The system now supports the Sony GoCam, and not only the Eyeserver tecnology. In the guide you can find some example about the use of the GoCam with few rows of code.

Remember that, all applications that are developed on CFW HAL, must be accomplished with the “kernel extender”: it is a driver called ndKrnExtender_v1.Prx and it must be copied in the root folder of the memory stick before starting the new nd application.

You can find the kernel extender in the download page of the Visilab website.

New version of the SDK supports also ndHAL_SystemExec to load another homebrew from a homebrew, the pseudoExec function to make easier the porting of software and libraries that have been originally developed for PC, and a faster version of Nanodesktop graphical system.

The multimedia features include support for WAV and MP3 decoding via Media Engine (hardware accelerated).

The engine for Text-To-Speech synthesis is ndFLite.

If you have trouble in Nanodesktop installation, you can find help in Nanodesktop official forum.

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FlashX v0.5 OSX (PSP Lua Application)

FLASHX is a LUA program made for the PSP. It can view files from many place on the PSP. E.G: FLASH0 FLASH1 and MS0.

If you do not know what these are, google it up. In particular it’s just a basic file viewer, which uses: delete, copy, paste and more. Also has USB MODE TO MS0:/ only!

This one comes with a MacOS X theme, as the version number already tells.

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DarkAlexs Custom Firmware CFW v3.80 M33 Details (PSP misc)

Brakken, owner of and supporter of the homebrew scene, in his very own way 😉 , got hands on insider information regarding the new Dark_Alex custom firmware for PSP, which was supposed the be already out.

To lower the hype here is his small article:

Well, for all of you Dark_Alex custom firmware fans I’ve had a chat with Matheiulh about the upcoming release. First off all, there was so “set” release date. This supposed release date was fabricated by a certain scene site, made it into publications which is why Dark_Alex’s responded to it’s delay.

Secondly, one of the main factors of the creating remote update function is the fact that so many “so called” scene sites are using the CFW to further their own greedy money making agenda’s.

Additionally, I was able to confirm that Zeus himself asked Matheiulh to add a function into the CFW to block out Datel’s batteries. This was of course before Zeus suddenly changed his mind (due to money) and now supports the batteries.

Lastly, which is the best part Dark_Alex won’t be releasing the CFW on anymore due to issues that Matheiulh wants me to keep confidential. Let’s just say both Dark_Alex and Matheiulh aren’t too happy with the state of the site at this point in time.

So once again you get the raw details straight from the source and not from biased sites out to make a buck, start rumors and spread misinformation to fill their own pockets. Don’t you just love “the scene”.

Here is a follow up by mathieulh:


This is not only about zeus or Maxconsole or even Datel. We wish to only release on or through network (not even on exophase, lan or anywhere else.) for the time being for our own reasons.

Mostly because we are tired of people making money on our backs, wether it is maxconsole, qj or anyone else. That doesn’t only include news sites but also shops that ILLEGALLY make money by flashing m33 firmwares on psps or even selling pandora batteries/memory sticks sets, some will ask over 50 euros per installs !
Some even have the guts to claim sending a percentage of the money to m33 or c+d when this is not true!

We took that decision not only against maxconsole but every other sites that do make money over our work. Of course most/all of news sites do exist for the purpose of making money and yet, those are needed.

We can always dream of decent sites that make news with no earning whatsoever but considering the tiresome job that it is and how time consumming it is for people to actually look for news and report it on a 24/7 basis, I doubt that we will see such a thing happening any time soon.

Nevertheless we hope to be able to move things and that such a change may happen if we keep having a fair release system between each and every psp related sites (by only releasing on our website or through network, then we do not care of what sites do of the binaries once they got those.)

Another thing we are pretty much fed up of is the “news race” that tend to happen between all sites that try to be the first to news stuffs all the time, and everyone of them try to get news from us almost every minutes despite the facts that we do have lives of our own for the sole purpose of getting ranked up on Alexa.

To be honest I like the maxconsole comunauty which seems more mature than the ones of most other sites, this is what kept and keeps me staying here, the fact that we stop releasing from that place does not mean we wont keep posting in there. I think that most sites got carried away and forgot that comunauties are before all created by the users, for the users.

P.S. I do not think that deleting the threads is a solution, and I do not believe that moderators were closing those on purpose. A forums need to be moderated. As long as we discuss of things peacefully there is no reason for a thread to be deleted, if not then indeed there is. If people start flamming, bitching or cursing all over the forums, then indeed those threads need to be deleted or closed. I personally know most of the moderators responsible for the psp section on the maxconsole forums, and I pretty much doubt that any of them would have deleted threads just to prevent anyone from express themselves or share their opinion (wether good or bad) about this forum.

Also a personal message to Brakken: We (the M33 team or even the Prometheus group) never worked for divineo even once, and even if we did, how would this be ANY of your business ? I have yet to see your so called “proofs” about us working for divineo (which do not exist since we never done such a thing) Keep in mind that we were not forced to make free releases available to everyone, we just CHOSE to do so. I can tell you for sure that we would have not if we worked for such company as divineo to begin with. Now please stop making pointless assumptions without proper evidences. Thank you for your understanding.

Have a nice reading.

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Recovery Translator v4 (PSP Application)

Recovery Translator v.4 is an application that will allow you to change the language of the recovery menu on firmware 3.71 M33. The application is made to work on PSP Fat or Slim. Remember that this software manipulates files in the flash, so, use with caution & under your responsibility.

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