Added Jun 4, 2009, Under:
OpenTyrian is a port of the DOS shoot-em-up Tyrian. Tyrian is an arcade-style vertical scrolling shooter. The story is set in 20,031 where you play as Trent Hawkins, a skilled fighter-pilot employed to fight Microsol and save the galaxy. This port is done by Molokai.
All scalers are now set to center vertical output on a 4:3 display (at 320×240 [none] or 640×480 [2x, scale2x]). Widescreen is untested, but is still expected to stretch and have a substantial black bar at the bottom. Good thing is that it’s no longer clipped at the top.
Fullscreen scaling has been abandoned, as the most optimized version of the interpolater (that I could optimize it to) takes too much processor time to complete, and is extremely slow on the Wii. Therefore None, 2x and scale2x are now all open again.
Keyboard functionality has been restored to the save game and high scores naming windows. Keyboard input from all alphanumeric characters, plus some symbols, is now supported.
As an interim solution for non-keyboard save/score naming, save and high score name input is enabled for all joysticks and DPads now, as well. Use up/down to change the character, right to advance a space, and left to delete. Unfortunately, high score input is untested, but soon will be, and any bugs will be fixed in the next version.
Finally, did some cleanup in the OpenTyrian menu. Removed Fullscreen option (it froze the game when activated) and removed 3x, scale3x, and 4x from the scaler options (since SDL can’t support that size anyway).
Added Jun 4, 2009, Under:
Tantric and Carl Kenner have released DOSBox Wii 0.72.01. DOSBox allows you to play old DOS games on your Wii.
Upgraded DOSBox engine to 0.73
Sound issues fixed
Compiled with latest libogc and SDL Wii
Calin Galeriu has let us know about his Snake game for Gameboy Advance. It’s open source and can be downloaded from it’s project page.
Thanks to the author himself for the news 🙂
For those of you who would like the functionality of Team M33’s firmware on your Sony PSP without actually installing it (either because you don’t want to or have a model you can’t flash) here is Xenogears’s and Becus25’s Custom Firmware Enabler which will allow you to. Using the ChickHEN exploit you can install a lot of M33 type features which now includes the ability to boot POPS (PS1 games) under ChickHEN. While this is compatible with ChickHEN is sadly won’t work on PSP-3000 consoles.
* Fixed bug that prevented either activate the plugins.
* Fixed bug that prevented version and patching of the hen to leave a game.
* Improved system pops, now you can install a flash version (whatever that is 5.00)
* Fixed a bug that prevented either activate the plugins.
* Improved detection system version, you can install over previous versions (not recommended).
* Improved detection system model, no longer crashes with modified versions of the hen (original versions are recommended to avoid problems.)
* Fixed a bug that crashed into the setup menu randomly.
* Improved the patching system ChickHEN.
* It is not necessary that the folder is called CFWEnabler.
Thanks to brakken / for the news and newstext! 🙂
Exter updated his Rubik’s Cube game for Playstation Portable.
– Changed:
– Move animation speed is now 40% faster.
– The colors now match the colors of a real rubik’s cube (parallel sides were previously inverted).
– Added:
– Timer (starts when the cube is scrambled and stops when the cube is solved).
Added Jun 4, 2009, Under:
TWIST is a physics-based, puzzle adventure set in space. This is a preview release with one level.
Twist around space clearing up all the space junk. Match up colours to destroy the blocks. You have little time so be quick!
Added Jun 4, 2009, Under:
MPlayer CE is a fork of the Team Twiizers MPlayer Wii port.
USB LAN Adaptor support fixed (again). Thanks to CountZ3ro for testing. Please note that you will need to install the USB 2.0 cIOS.
cIOS improved to stop conflicts with other homebrew. Please note that now only port0 has usb2 support. All other USB devices (including the USB LAN adaptor) must go in port1. See here for details:
Horizontal stretch parameter added (see mplayer.conf)
YouTube options added to menu.conf (thanks to Extrems)
Many small bug fixes
WordDS by Frezzy is a html-based textwriter for the Nintendo DS.
– increased the contrast of the keyboard
– interchanged the z and the y so that the keyboard is now a qwerty-keyboard
– improved the file-choice-menu
Thanks to for the news.
Added Jun 3, 2009, Under:
Yabause Wii is a Sega Saturn emulator for Wii and is the first of its kind as emulating the complex processes of the Sega Saturn is much harder then it looks and now even harder to run it on the limited hardware of the Wii.
Yabause Wii can now run a small number of commercial games at usable speeds (5-10fps) were it is still possible to play the game.
Thanks to for the news.
Akop Karapetyan ported VICE to the PSP. VICE is a C64 emulator.
Bugfix: Saving state while in NTSC mode resulted in a crash
Bugfix: An extra line from the screen border appeared while in NTSC mode
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