Teradesk e-Storage (Android Application)

Teradesk is a virtual file storage and remote file access tool. User files are stored and controlled by the Teradesk Server and transferred in encrypted form to and from the cellphone. Teradesk allows transfers of any size with pause control, resume and full recovery of broken transfers. Whether your battery life ended or your Internet connection crashed there will be no data loss. Smart features permit total control over user disk space and content including hierarchical and relational navigation, file sharing, file versioning, comments on files and folders, GoogleDocs integration and remote access to other devices and computers running Teradesk.

Teradesk takes advantage of the background processing and networking capabilities of Android to allow multiple encrypted background transfers of any type and size. If the device claims resources and stops the application, the next time Teradesk is activated it will notify the user about pending transfers thus allowing them to be restarted from the breaking point.

Bluetooth and MMS APIs of Android allow Teradesk to send files direct from the storage to cellphones and bluetooth enabled devices of any person. In addition, Teradesk can browse and get files from home/office computers and other Android cellphones.

Allows users to preview and visualize stored images without the need to download each one to the cellphone file system. GoogleDocs integration allows a document, spreadsheet or presentation file to be converted and uploaded to a GoogleDocs Server. After conversion, users can read or edit documents online using the Android built-in Internet browser.

Author: Jose Augusto Ferrarini

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ShareYourBoard (Android Application)

Capture whiteboard images using ShareYourBoard and enhance them to get crisp and readable images. Review images using thumbnail and detailed view, add comments and delete images that are no longer desired. Share images with your colleagues and friends and manage image access permission.

ShareYourBoard features whiteboard image processing with edge detection, geometry transformations and image enhancement. Any angle, any lighting and any type of whiteboard or markers can be used.

ShareYourBoard features image management so the user can save processed whiteboards, add and edit whiteboard comments, share whiteboards, and delete previously saved whiteboards. Operations can be performed with a context menu for single items or in batches using a list selection and the application menu.

ShareYourBoard community website: ( ) allows users to share whiteboard images with comments, manage access permissions and delete uploaded images.

Author: Mikhail Ksenzov

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Rayfarla (Android Application)

Rayfarla provides music based entertainment. There are a range of games classified as art, arcade and training. In addition to playing games, you can use Rayfarla to make music with a range of virtual musical instruments.

Rayfarla is designed to fully use Android’s powerful audio facilities. Android’s audio facilities provide the basis for all virtual instruments and allow a rich interactive audio environment for games.

Rayfarla uses Android’s accelerometer feature to introduce interesting new possibilities for game and musical instrument interfaces.

Author: Stephen Oldmeadow
Additional Contributors: Darren Frisina, Matt Carter

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Pocket Journey (Android Application)

Pocket Journey is the mobile application for delivery of, and the marketplace for, high quality, location-specific multimedia. Whether you have 2 minutes or 2 hours, you can learn about the topics that interest you most; history and folklore, sports and comedy, politics and geology, film and art…. the locations and topics are virtually unlimited and delivered instantly. Explore your hometown, national parks, vacation hotspots, off-the-beaten track – anywhere you go. Click, listen, learn – a world of knowledge in your pocket.

Android’s high-level mapping interface enables Pocket Journey to overlay sophisticated layers and multimedia geoclips while maintaining a high level of performance and usability.

Android’s multimedia infrastructure is the cornerstone of Pocket Journey’s ability to rapidly stream and display multimedia content to users in the compressed format best suited to the user’s mobile experience.

Pocket Journey uses Android’s high-level drawing framework to create an application with effective visual guides that anyone can just “pick up and use”.

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Piggyback (Android Application)

Piggyback improves and brings simplicity to carpooling by providing several benefits over traditional systems such as real-time or planned trip management with automated and secure transactions between drivers and passengers after accurate ride-matching. As a driver, simply input your destination and number of available seats and you’ll be notified when passengers have been found, along with information such as total time, detour length, and savings amount. You are then free to accept or reject those users. On the other hand, passengers will visualize up to ten drivers to choose from, according to their current location and destination, trip price and ratings.

Passengers waiting for pickup can identify their driver simply by visualizing the car’s position, which is updated regularly, and the map zooms in as the car gets closer to the passenger. To further improve identification, the photo and license plate number are also displayed. After Piggyback has calculated routes, drivers will be able to rely on their GPS and Maps API for guidance to pickup locations.

Passengers and Drivers don’t have to argue over the price of each ride since everything is automatically calculated thanks to our algorithm, while financial transactions are processed monthly through the secure platform Paypal.

A system of ratings has also been implemented which ensures that unreliable individuals are evicted from the pool of users. Drivers and passengers rate each other on various criteria such as punctuality, car cleanliness, driving abilities, and “empathy factor”.

Authors: Christophe Petit Sebastien Petit
Additional Contributors: Jean-Micher Theriault, Francois Gibold, Raphael Arzberger

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PhoneBook v2.0 (Android Application)

Phonebook 2.0 is a secure, contextual and social mobile address book. Inspired by instant messaging, social networking and live streaming applications, it combines all three into an easy to use, all-in one mobile application. With Phonebook 2.0, contacts are never lost in case of the phone being broken or stolen because they are automatically saved on a remote server. Phonebook 2.0 also creates a social experience helping users to share their mood, location and pictures with their friends.

Thanks to both Android’s location APIs and Maps API, PhoneBook 2.0 can help users share their locations with friends and display contacts’ locations on a Map.

PhoneBook 2.0 shows buddies presence straight from the contact list. It is using the GTalk API to display presence and create instant messaging sessions.

Thanks to Android’s low-level access, PhoneBook 2.0 can access the phone to make calls and display a threaded view of the call logs.

Author: Voxmobili
Additional Contributors: Florent Stroppa, Alain Chebassier, Christelle Chauveau

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PebbleBox (Android Application)

Pebblebox allows the user to publish and discover local events, theater schedules, housing, restaurants, tourism guide, etc. It is also a social platform in neighborhoods. Users can read and write geo-blogs, share experiences, and make new friends. Furthermore, it supports transactions on mobile phones. Users can sell and buy products, purchase tickets, make reservations, etc.

Using Android Map API to overlay a variety of selectable items on the map to maximize the space usage gives users a straightforward view of the current location, and a sense of distances and directions.

PebbleBox uses the always-on data network connection provided by the Android platform to fetch user-interested content, make new posts, and complete transactions. It also uses a background service to improve the energy efficiency by finding the best network conditions for communication.

Authors: Yin Wang, Tao Jin
Additional Contributors: Guevara Noubir

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Maverick (Android Application)

Maverick empowers users to instantly exchange text, location and multimedia content in the form of audio clips, photos and scribbles (drawings created on the mobile phone) with other Maverick clients and with desktop applications such as Google Talk or iChat. Maverick also employs a one-to-many way of communicating by enabling users to publish multimedia content to Google Blogger blogs. Posting multimedia content, the user’s location or just text is just as easy as sending an IM to a contact. Maverick enables users to receive notifications when new mail is received in their Gmail account. Gmail notifications emulate push e-mail functionality.

The Android Platform enables access to multimedia features of the phone. Maverick uses the audio recording and playback capabilities of the Android Platform to enable users to exchange audio clips in an instant fashion.

The touch screen support of Android opened the door for the creation of scribbles which are drawings that the user can create and share with their contacts. Scribbles can be created from scratch or by starting with an existing photo or another scribble.

Exchanging location information with contacts is possible due to the built-in geo location functionality in Android. The user can send its location to other contacts or post it to a blog.

Author: Virgil Dobjanschi

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Cooking Capsules (Android Application)

Cooking Capsules streamlines the process of recipe planning and cooking with the “encapsulation” of a mini cooking show, tools for shopping, and a checklist containing each recipe step. Simply “Watch, Shop, and Make” using your phone as your fancy little cooking sidekick. You may also wish to “encapsulate” your own recipes into “Caplets” so you’ll never forget that magic ingredient or recipe step again. Share your favorite Cooking Capsules goods with your friends. See where they are now and what they’re craving. Feeling inspired? Post an impromptu dinner invitation. Cooking is social! Have fun.

Cooking Capsules utilizes Android for streaming and downloading of video content. The server makes extensive use of Google App Engine.

Android’s Location awareness is used to find your nearest markets and friends.

Alerting Android user of timely Cooking Capsules information using notifications.

Authors: Mary Ann Cotter, Muthu Ramadoss
Additional Contributors: Ivan Angelov, Tu Chengyuan, Travis Choma, Tom Gibara

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BreadCrumbz (Android Application)

BreadCrumbz shows you real pictures of your route as you navigate, in addition to a map. Picture-based routes are easier to understand than map-based routes and are also more detailed, allowing you to do fun things like navigate indoors. You can easily create your own routes by “recording” them with your phone’s camera and GPS. When you’re done, simply email your route to friends or upload it to the web for the world to see with a single click.

BreadCrumbz uses the phone’s camera and GPS to take geo-tagged pictures of your route.

BreadCrumbz incorporates Android’s location APIs and Compass sensor to track your progress as you navigate.

Android’s Maps API is used to overlay route information on top of a map.

Author: Amos Yoffe

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