Atari 2600 News
atari2600land is working on another new game. Aquarium is going to be a Tamagotchi style game, but you’ve to take care of your fish.
Release notes:
Added FEED option. Another idea for an option is GAME, and I use the term “game” loosely. If you select this, a cursor on the screen appears and as you move it, Fred will follow it. This hasn’t been programmed in yet.
jrok is working on a new Atari 2600 game called “Charge”. It’s currently in “work in progress” state and has no binary release.
Follow the link and find out more! 🙂
Here’s the binary of the “Mega Man” demo from the iam8bit 2007 show. It was done on a tight deadline and uses modified batari basic, there’s quite a bit of straight assembly code and it runs on a Super Chip.
You find a treasure map in the attic of your house. Think Goonies movie. You and some friends go in search of this buried treasure on Skull Island. One problem, you don’t exactly know where Skull Island is. You each get out your raft and head out into the river. Your friends are represented on the grid as colors. The red color is you. The other colors are your friends. The pink square in the middle is an island. You’re object is to get to the island.
Release notes by yuppicide:
I have uploaded a new test version 2. Things in the new version:
– Title screen with “Skull Island” logo that moves. Every so often lightning appears, but no sound yet. I had trouble getting it working.
– You can press SELECT at the title screen, which will let you select your starting level. You will be able to start on Beginner (This is level 1. Screen will say “Level Beg”), Intermediate (This is level 11. Screen will say “Level Int”), Advanced (This is level 21. Screen will say “Level Adv”), or Expert (This is level 31. Screen will say “Level Adv”). This doesn’t actually work yet. Besides I only gave you 3 levels to sample.
– When you complete a level there are now five different ways it clears the screen, there used to be only one.
New changes coming:
– Blue background to represent water. It was originally black due to a space theme.
Wickeycolumbus updated his simple Frog Pond type game.
Release notes:
I think this might be the final version. The score is now displayed in binary on the right edge of the screen. After 30-40 seconds, the screen goes blank, displays the score, and waits until you press the button to continue. If anyone has suggestions, let me know! 1 byte free.
Wickeycolumbus has started the work of a simple Frog Pond type game. It currently has collision detection issues.
atari2600land picked up the work on his bBasic Tetris game for A2600.
Release notes from atari2600land:
What’s new pussycat? Whoaoaoaoooa? I’ll tell you.
+ There was a bug where the top row wasn’t moving down like it should. I fixed it.
+ Added a game over screen.
+ Changed a few notes in the title screen music.
atari2600land picked up the work on his bBasic Tetris game for A2600.
Release notes from atari2600land:
I don’t know why I quit working on this, but I did, and now I’m back to this again. I’d really like this to see a release, seeing as how Edtris is no longer available, and the Tetris clones seem to not be working on any more (Chetiry, NIRB). So what do I need to do next in order to make this releasable? By the way, I’m not going to have the blocks drop faster over time since there’s only 10 rows.
You are a lowercase i and you use your dot to slay the other vowels coming your way.